BCC: We have not completed the stage [warstage_arena].
BCC: Starting SideQuest 'arena'
BCC: doSideQuest(Arena)
BCC: We have completed the stage [warstage_orchard].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [warstage_nuns].
BCC: Starting SideQuest 'nuns'
BCC: doSideQuest(Nuns)
Cleared mood.
BCC: Maximizing 'nuns'
No outfit found matching: bumcheekascend
Conditions list cleared.
Mood swing complete.
You have no libram skills
Visit to IsleWar: Themthar Hills in progress...
[1605] Themthar Hills
Nothing more to do here.
BCC: Nunmeat retrieved: 0 Estimated adventures remaining: 30
It loops the last part over and over. I brought up the browser and tried to go to the nuns and not enough hippies had been cleared out of the way. Not really sure why it is doing this, shouldn't there be a check on the number of hippies/frat boys left to open an area?