Hmm, part of the weirdness is the indent a lot of other people seem to get too. But I also get the entire output of the script displayed at random (?) intervals too, that is both the table and the text printed before that.
Example from today's execution of the script:
The script is called from my main adventuring script, and the "flowers" cli-command is then called:
Then, in the middle of the execution the output from pvpbestgear appears again:
As you can see the text preceeding the table is included as well, in fact I can scroll back to see the results of the last combat before pvpbestgear was called, but the results of my pvp-fights have disappeared.
After I have finished burning my pvp-fights, I run the maximizer from cli (by hand), maximizing for "mp, -tie, -current, switch hand", but before it is finished calculating, pvpbestgear's output is printed again. My maximize command still finishes though.
I dunno if this is the table multiplication bug in Java you linked to earlier, or something else, but it does seem very odd to me
I was using r14565 and Java 7u67 when running the script.