zarqon, for "reasons" I am currently using your BBB at the moment instead of my own variant. This has led me into a situation where I found a problem with BBB's fortune cookie eating.
I knew something was eating fortune cookies I didn't really care about but did not know what was doing that.
case $location[the hidden bowling alley]:
if (item_amount($item[bowling ball]) > 0 && get_property("hiddenBowlingAlleyProgress").to_int() < 7) friendlyset(788,"1","Bowl!");
if (item_amount($item[bowl of scorpions]) == 0 && item_amount($item[bowling ball]) + get_property("hiddenBowlingAlleyProgress").to_int() < 5 &&
my_meat() > 1000 && my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist") retrieve_item(1,$item[bowl of scorpions]);
case $location[the hidden park]:
if (have_item($item[antique machete]) == 0 || includes_goal($items[bowling ball,half-size scalpel,head mirror,surgical mask,surgical apron,bloodied surgical dungarees]))
friendlyset(789,"1","Dumpster dive!");
else if (get_property("relocatePygmyJanitor").to_int() < my_ascensions()) friendlyset(789,"2","Knock over the dumpster (move pygmy janitors here).");
else friendlyset(789,"6","Skip the dumpster.");
BBB: Fight Raver Giants for goals.
choiceAdventure676 => 3
Script parsing error (BestBetweenBattle.ash, line 23)