1.3 Updates!
I have some wicked cool updates for you today!
Here's a nice one: this script is now fully functional in IE 8, quick menu included. I realized that KoL doesn't add any doctype information to their pages, so IE loads those pages in "quirks" mode, and evidently one of those quirks is that it treats position:fixed as position:static (same as not having position specified). However, adding a doctype to the top of the page will wake IE up and make it enter the modern world of web standards. So I did that, setting it to strict, and in the process found a few places where my own CSS was cutting some corners. After fixing those, I relaxed the doctype a bit since KoL doesn't generally supply pages that look like they were written by a web standards guy. Regardless, not only does this fix the IE problem, but everything should be much more consistent between browsers now that there is a doctype at the top.
Now for some hotkeys! (Unless you have CAB enabled, in which case they will not be enabled.) So far, I have only implemented two hotkeys, but they are the awesomest hotkeys in the world.
As I said in my previous post, the tilde key now submits the first action in the quick menu. This allows you to blast through zones semi-intelligently (certainly more intelligently than doing the same with the CAB).
The second hotkey is '0', which opens the CLI Typer, or in shorthand, CL-- wait no let's just call it the CLI box. (Not much better! *snicker snicker*) This is, quite simply, a modal dialog box for conveniently entering CLI commands from the relay browser. Simple for you, I mean. It was not simple to write -- I'm using jQuery commands attached to HTML elements which were written to the document by ASH and then served by KoLmafia to use AJAX to talk to another ASH script which executes those CLI commands from within ASH and then returns a message which the jQuery then displays to you in the document by teaming up with a bunch of CSS. There are so many disparate languages and systems working together to make this happen, I feel like simply using the CLI box will bring about world peace. If HTML and ASH and jQuery and CSS and CLI commands and AJAX can all get along, why couldn't humans?
Why have a CLI Ty-- I mean, CLI box?
I'm glad I asked! Because one of my design goals for this script is to enhance relay adventuring so hard that people don't need to click back to the CLI at all while adventuring. We're certainly not there yet, and may never be, but it's a big step in that direction.
Another step is that I have added more zone-specific info to the Adventure Again menu. Pirate insults, bang potions, and Evilness were added for Barrrney's Barrr, the Dungeons of Doom, and Defiled zones, respectively. If you can think of more info you might need to check which takes you away from the relay browser while adventuring, please suggest it so I can add it.
Enjoy this significant pile of enhancement!