Get ready everyone, because
r24 is a big one. Let's start with some updates to the existing script:
- Fix the scroll issue camperdave mentioned with mafia buttons enabled.
- Thanks to image information for phyla and elements being added to mafia, we can now fairly easily show all of Manuel's information now rather than cutting off the right column.
- Also, we'll go even further and show the number of factoids known for this particular monster under the Manuel table.
"Factoids? What?" you say. (Hypothetically. I mean, maybe you say that.) Don't worry, all this shall be explained in due time! But now, some more tweaks to the Adventure Again box!
- A-Boo Peak: Using an A-Boo clue uses the clue and then dumps you directly at the adventure page.
- Smut Orc Logging Camp: Fixed link to use building materials at the chasm. Show fastener info in addition to planks.
- Show the number of factoids known beneath the queue image of each monster.
"What?" you ask again (possibly). "Are you hitting Manuel all the time for factoid information? That's irresponsible!" Calm down, hypothetical you. Of course I'm not doing that. I'll explain in due time.
It's Due Time!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to introduce:
Factroid! The ultimate factoid tracker/checker. The focus of this script design was on ease of information, with particular attention to a quick loading time. It's a relay script (you load it from your relay script menu) with images because visual groupings and monster images make the information very easy to take in at a glance. It also tracks your factoids known in an external datafile, meaning that if nothing has changed it doesn't need to rescrape Manuel for data and can load almost instantly! Tracking for factoids was also integrated with BatBrain, so when you gain a factoid in combat, BatBrain saves that information to Factroid's data file and Manuel
still doesn't need to be rescraped! Of course, if you want to, there's a button at the bottom to refresh the data directly from Manuel to ensure that your data is correct. Also, since KoL names sometimes differ from mafia names, Manuel needs to be rescraped whenever you get your first factoid for a given monster, but don't worry; BatBrain will set that flag for you so that Factroid knows when it needs to refresh and when it can just load the cached data.
So, you can see which factoids you still need to collect. Awesome. But wait! There's more!
- If you click a given monster, Manuel's information table loads underneath that monster, and also provides a set of handy links to wiki, fax, or Rain Man said monster (Rain Man is still not complete; all it does at the moment is cast Rain Man, dumping you at the monster selection page).
- Faxing monsters is easy with this script -- it only provides fax links if you can still fax for the day and if can_faxbot() is true for that monster. Note that faxing will fail if your clan hasn't whitelisted the relevant faxbots. I believe it may also fail due to timeout if you're not logged into chat.
- If you have CanAdv installed, Factroid provides a link to adventure at available parent locations! In keeping with the emphasis on fast loading, this information is AJAX'd in after the page loads, and only for visible elements (more load if you scroll).
I'd like to give a big shoutout to
turing's missingManuel script, which I referenced a lot in figuring out how to handle the differences between mafia's monster list and KoL's.
I'm ALSO proud to introduce another integrated/standalone addition to the BatMan RE/Factroid relay stable: Sera, the semirare helper! Sera is a handy informational script that includes all the semirare info you could hope for!
- All semirares are listed, sorted into handy categories: buffs, combat items, edible items, elemental items, fights, and a miscellaneous category for the handful of oddballs.
- Your fortune cookie counter information is displayed on the top right, with a link to eat a cookie if relevant.
- For profit-driven adventurers, mall price information for each semirare is listed.
- For ascending adventurers, Sera suggests ascension-relevant semirares you might want by presenting the links in boldface.
- If you have CanAdv installed (highly recommended for this script), it will also filter out all the locations you are unable to adventure in, narrowing down your list quite handily. If you still wish to see the impossible locations, click "Show unavailable" at the top to restore the full list.
Enjoy these crazy awesome additions to the BatMan family!
"I will!" you affirm. (Probably? I mean, maybe you might affirm that.)