Weapon of the Pastalord ... It does not correctly handle elemental tuning.
Also, the Saucegeyser formula doesn't not handle monster groups
I finally tested Weapon of the Pastalord. With Spirit of Peppermint, I cast it against a Ninja Snowman. The damage predicted by WHAM was the full damage. In KoL only half damage +1 cold was done. So in my testing, Weapon of the Pastalord is correct now with the wiki formula, except for the elemental tuning part.
That's very helpful advice. I only ever spaded spells before and those were the nutty Jarlsberg ones.Easy way to test thrust-smack is to eliminate weapon variation from the equation, by fighting barehanded or having a net negative weapon damage modifier (e.g. costume sword). But in principle, the only randomness in weapon damage should come from the base weapon damage.
Strange. With Stream of Sauce, I got no spread at all (I stopped counting after 9 casts were all 52 damage), but I was running lots of +%Spell Damage (120%), since I had on a Navel Ring for free run aways. HOA zombie eyes have All Attributes -100%, which is great for this stuff. I also had +10 from spicyness. I wonder if there's a post %Spell Damage cap. . . I'll check that out.1. Jung jar
2. +spell damage, +scaling*myst should be the two factors taken into account for determining caps. Is that not the case? With +100% spell damage, 10 spell damage from intrinsic, and 1 buffed myst (7k unbuffed), I'm doing 38/40/42 damage. That would suggest base damage is 9-11. IIRC, scaling was 20% with a cap of 24, but I'll have to recheck that, since the formula I saw was totally wrong.
edit: 15 buffed myst (same other parameters) -> 44/46/48 damage, which suggests that's +3 damage. Indeed looks like stream of sauce is 9-11 + 20% myst, capped at 24 (I confirmed this separately).
spell damage percent: 20
spell damage: 10
buffedmys: 1
ACTUAL: 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28
spell damage percent: 20
spell damage: 10
buffedmys: 171
ACTUAL: 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 57 (critical)