Well-known member
FYIW: Jick posted in G-D that Entangling Noodles don't work any longer for Seal Clubbers.
FYIW: Jick posted in G-D that Entangling Noodles don't work any longer for Seal Clubbers.
Uh, no. Blubber Up is +5 moxie. Tongue of the Otter is removing beaten up. You can do so, but you WILL end up with the script giving you bad advice if you now have blubber up. Especially if you don't also have Tongue of the Walrus to actually get rid of beaten up for you.
//Set information for the procedurally generated skeletons
void set_skeleton_info() {
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "acurate")) {
vprint("WHAM: Accurate skeletons don't miss.", "green", 5);
nomiss = true;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "blazing")) {
vprint("WHAM: Blazing skeletons deal hot AoE damage.", "green", 5);
//Blazing ones deal Hot Damage every round by area effect.
//The heat coming off of this thing is nearly unbearable. You should probably get out of its kitchen. Or, y'know, kill it. (hot damage)
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "charred")) {
vprint("WHAM: Charred skeletons are resistant to hot damage.", "green", 5);
mres = get_resistance($element[hot]);
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "dancing")) {
vprint("WHAM: Dancing skeletons are ignores items.", "green", 5);
noitems = 100;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "deadly")) {
vprint("WHAM: Deadly skeletons have higher attack than normal (handled by Manuel if you have one).", "green", 5);
//Handled by Manuel, impossible to do atm in any other way
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "disorienting")) {
vprint("WHAM: Disorienting skeletons blocks skills some times (assuming 50%).", "green", 5);
noskills = 50;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "foul-smelling")) {
vprint("WHAM: Foul-smelling skeletons are resistant to stench damage.", "green", 5);
mres = get_resistance($element[stench]);
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "frigid")) {
vprint("WHAM: Frigid skeletons deal cold AoE damage.", "green", 5);
//Blazing ones deal Cold Damage every round by area effect.
//Just being near this thing chills you to the bone. In the cold way, not the scary way. (cold damage)
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "frozen")) {
vprint("WHAM: Frozen skeletons are resistant to cold damage.", "green", 5);
mres = get_resistance($element[cold]);
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "ghostly")) {
vprint("WHAM: Ghostly skeletons are resistant to physical damage.", "green", 5);
mres[$element[none]] = 1;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "giant")) {
vprint("WHAM: Giant skeletons have higher attack and defense (handled by Manuel if you have one).", "green", 5);
//Handled by Manuel, impossible to do atm in any other way
//Giant ones have 40% more Monster Attack and Defense.
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "greasy")) {
vprint("WHAM: Greasy skeletons are resistant to sleaze damage.", "green", 5);
mres = get_resistance($element[sleaze]);
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "lascivious")) {
vprint("WHAM: Lascivious skeletons deal sleaze AoE damage.", "green", 5);
//Blazing ones deal Sleaze Damage every round by area effect.
//You really don't like the way this skeleton is looking at you. (sleaze damage)
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "nimble")) {
vprint("WHAM: Nimble skeletons have higher defense (handled by Manuel if you have one).", "green", 5);
//Handled by Manuel, impossible to do atm in any other way
//Giant ones have 40% more Monster Defense.
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "scary")) {
vprint("WHAM: Scary skeletons are resistant to spooky damage.", "green", 5);
mres = get_resistance($element[spooky]);
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "shifty")) {
vprint("WHAM: Shifty skeletons sometimes block attacks.", "green", 5);
//Shifty ones sometimes avoid regular attacks.
//The skeleton is too shifty, and your attack misses. Dangit!
//Can we handle that?
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "shimmering")) {
vprint("WHAM: Shimmering skeletons are resistant to elemental damage.", "green", 5);
foreach el in $elements[]
mres[el] = 1;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "shiny")) {
vprint("WHAM: Shiny skeletons reduce spell damage to 1.", "green", 5);
//Shiny ones reduce spell damage to 1.
//Handled in ok()
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "terrifying")) {
vprint("WHAM: Terrifying skeletons deal spooky AoE damage.", "green", 5);
//Terrifying ones deal Spooky Damage every round by area effect.
//The aura of terror surrounding this skeleton is palpable. You'd palp it, but you're too scared. (spooky damage)
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "thick")) {
vprint("WHAM: Thick skeletons have more HP than normal (handled by Manuel if you have one).", "green", 5);
//Handled by Manuel, impossible to do atm in any other way
//Giant ones have 50% more HP.
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "thorny")) {
vprint("WHAM: Thorny skeletons deal physical damage when hit with a melee attack.", "green", 5);
//Thorny ones deal physical damage when you hit them with a melee attack.
//Handled in ok()
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "unstoppable")) {
vprint("WHAM: Unstoppable skeletons cannot be staggered nor stunned.", "green", 5);
nostun = true; nomultistun = true;
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "unwashed")) {
vprint("WHAM: Unwashed skeletons deal stench AoE damage.", "green", 5);
//Unwashed ones deal Stench Damage every round by area effect.
//Man. This skeleton hasn't had a bath in centuries! (stench damage)
if(contains_text(to_string(last_monster()), "vicious")) {
vprint("WHAM: Vicious skeletons deal bonus damage. Currently not handled.", "green", 5);
//Vicious ones deal bonus damage (500 at 1100 monster attack, compared to a deadly doing ~90 damage at 1600 monster attack).
case "Muscle":
case "Mysticality":
case "Moxie": return numeric_modifier("_spec","Buffed "+which);
WHAM is having trouble when I have a plastic pumpkin bucket equipped. If I modify the line for ppb to replace 'perfect' with an element it works fine. May also be an issue for the moveable feast.
Code:[18979] The Haunted Library Encounter: bookbat Strategy: /Users/Rinn/Library/Application Support/KoLmafia/ccs/[COLOR=#2cae33]epicgamer[/COLOR]-farming.ccs [default] Round 0: [COLOR=#2cae33]Epicgamer[/COLOR] wins initiative! [COLOR=black]Updating batfactors.txt to '2013-09-20T12:32:37-05:00'...[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]...batfactors.txt updated.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()': Expected end, found perfect (zlib.ash, line 176)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]You're on your own, partner.[/COLOR] [URL=""]Click here to continue in the relay browser.[/URL] [COLOR=olive]> zlib verbosity = 10[/COLOR] Previous value of verbosity: 3 Changed to 10. [COLOR=olive]> ash run_combat()[/COLOR] [COLOR=#880000]1 HP costs 0.044μ. ( 891 / 1270 )[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000088]1 MP costs 1.653μ. ( 508 / 1829 )[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]WHAM: We currently think that the round number is: 0 and that the turn number is 18978.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]WHAM: Checking to see if WHAM sould adjust the unknown_ml for bookbat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]WHAM: No need to do anything with bookbat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=purple]WHAM: Setting up variables via BatBrain[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Setting monster to bookbat...[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Loading batfactors...[/COLOR] [COLOR=black]Evaluating '0.35*40.0*0.75 perfect'...[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()': Expected end, found perfect (zlib.ash, line 176)[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]You're on your own, partner.[/COLOR] [URL=""]Click here to continue in the relay browser.[/URL] [COLOR=olive]> zlib verbosity = 3[/COLOR] Previous value of verbosity: 10 Changed to 3.
Yes I know and it's a BatBrain error. If you have the confidence to edit ash-scripts yourself you can open up BatBrain and move the line with "parse_factors()" up until it is above the line with "fxngear()" which seems to solve the issue.
Winterbay posted the same thing up in post 1180.
Steve is immune to multi-round stuns.You're fighting All-Hallow's Steve
HP: 198, Atk: 180, Def: 265, Type: dude
Drops: All-Hallow's Steve's fright wig (100 cond) 180
CRITICAL NOODLE! You conjure up a mass of sticky noodles to entangle your opponent.
Trofflesby does a pelvic thrust at your opponent. A piece of toast ricochets off his head, momentarily stunning him (and/or driving him insa-a-a-a-ane.)
toast You acquire an item: toast
Unfazed, your opponent attacks you anyway!
He gets really close to your face and screams at you. His breath is almost as bad as that of an actual clown.
Eek! Ugh! Argh! Ouch! Ow! Ooh!
You lose 30 hit points. (stench damage)