@Winterbay: I took a look at that as well. The most likely reason is that KoL uses "chefstaff" rather than "jiggle" on the page showing the results of the jiggle. Can you look at the HTML after submitting a jiggle macro and tell me what the HTML comment says? It'll say something like "<!-- macroaction: chefstaff/jiggle -->". How are you jiggling the staff? From a relay script, or from WHAM? The word "chefstaff" doesn't appear in BatBrain other than as an item_type() check, so it either comes from KoL itself or another source, such as a non-BatBrain-generated macro being submitted prior to BatBrain parsing the page. It sounds like the former, but the latter is a possibility.
Recently downloaded the newest version, getting some odd little errors here:
Bad monster value: "x-dimensional horror" (BatBrain.ash, line 817)
When I edit the script at that line to be n-dimensional horror, the error goes away...but then I get:
Bad monster value: "naughty sorceress" (BatBrain.ash, line 845)
I'm not sure what to re-name this one too, and whether there are any others after that...
I'm pretty sure I also recall when fighting Groar that mafia wasn't aware his defense and/or attack element is cold. Can anyone confirm this?
You gingerly pick up the shard of double-ice with tongs and toss it at your opponent. He freezes in place and takes [COLOR=blue][B]1[/B][/COLOR] damage.
// regular attack (also other attack skills with related damage formulae)
spread regular(int ts) { // 0) moxman, 1) norm, 2) thrust-smack / axing, 3) lts, 5) bashing slam smash / cleave, -1) Kodiak Moment
spread res;
if (ts != 0 && m == $monster[a x-dimensional horror]) return res;
float ltsadj = (ts == 3) ? 1.25 + 0.05*to_int(my_class() == $class[seal clubber]) : (ts == 5) ? 1.4 : 1.0;
boolean ranged = (weapon_type(equipped_item($slot[weapon])) == $stat[moxie] && ts > 0);
float radj = (ranged) ? 0.75 : 1.0;
if (equipped_item($slot[weapon]) == $item[none]) radj = 0.25 + 0.75*to_int(ts == 0);
res[$element[none]] = max(0,max(0,floor((ts != 0 ? my_stat("Muscle") : my_stat("Moxie"))*ltsadj*radj) - monster_stat("def")) +
max(1,numeric_modifier("Weapon Damage") + 0.5) * ((ts == -1 && (have_equipped($item[left bear arm]) && have_equipped($item[right bear arm])) ? 1.0 : critchance()) + 1.0) * max(1.0,ts) +
to_int(ranged)*numeric_modifier("Ranged Damage")) * (100 + numeric_modifier("Weapon Damage Percent") +
to_int(ranged)*numeric_modifier("Ranged Damage Percent"))/100;
if (have_skill($skill[double-fisted]) && to_slot(equipped_item($slot[offhand])) == $slot[weapon])
res[$element[none]] += 0.15*get_power(equipped_item($slot[offhand])) + 0.5;
if (unarmed() && have_skill($skill[master of the surprising fist])) res[$element[none]] += 10;
if (ts != 0) foreach el in $elements[] if (numeric_modifier(el+" Damage") > 0) res[el] = numeric_modifier(el+" Damage");
if ((ts == -1) && (my_path() == "Zombie Slayer")) { res[$element[stench]]+=res[$element[none]]/2;res[$element[spooky]]+=res[$element[none]]/2;res[$element[none]]=0; }
return (have_equipped($item[skeletal scabbard]) && item_type(equipped_item($slot[weapon])) == "sword") ? factor(res,2) : res;
Apparently this guard does actually have stats of 0. That means BatBrain believes him to be unknown, and WHAM aborts because he can't safely be killed.> monster_defense sleeping knob goblin guard
Returned: 0
> monster_attack sleeping knob goblin guard
Returned: 0
I made a FReq to set unknown monster values to -1 instead
Which monsters are those? I was under the impression that we've updated all of the monsters with what Manuel tells us. If I'm wrong about that, please identify the ones which still need to be updated.there are some monsters where only one or two of the stats are unknown.