> zlib verbosity = 10
Previous value of verbosity: 6
Changed to 10.
[7354] Giant's Castle
Encounter: Possibility Giant
Round 0: fluxxdog wins initiative!
> finishhim
1 MP costs 8.0μ.
1 HP costs 6.6666665μ.
chaos butterfly (20.0 @ +77.0): 124μ * 35.4% = 43.896
plot hole (20.0 @ +77.0): 128μ * 35.4% = 45.312
probability potion (30.0 @ +77.0): 128μ * 53.1% = 67.967995
Value of stat gain: 319.45μ
Factoring in Scarysauce: (6) damage, retal
Profit per round: ActionProfitDamageOtherbase; Stocking Mimic; enthroned Adorable Seal Larva (144.24μ)144.35μ20.74 (-6.95 μ/dmg)Att: -6.86 (-0.02 DPR) Def: -6.86 HP: 21.59 MP: 21.59
Parsed round number: 1
Building options...
Evaluating '45*loc(chasm)'...
Evaluating 'max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))+25'...
Evaluating '-max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))'...
Evaluating 'floor(50+10*2.0^0.7)'...
Evaluating '192.5*zone(sea)'...
Evaluating '0.25*141.0*(zone(sea)-1)'...
Evaluating 'min(100,ceil(5*sqrt(min(369.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(50,ceil(5*sqrt(min(320.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(120.0+3,10)+floor(sqrt(max(120.0-7,0)))'...
Options built! (158 actions)
Building custom actions...
Custom actions built! (0 actions)
Stasis action chosen: skill 7014
Top of the stasis loop.
Executing macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if haseffect 264 || haseffect 284; abort "BatBrain abort: poisoned"; endif; endsub; sub batsub1; skill 7014; call batround; endsub; call batsub1; repeat hasskill 7014 && (!hpbelow 588.0 && !mpbelow 480.0 && !pastround 28); if hpbelow 3; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Round 1: fluxxdog executes a macro!
Round 1: fluxxdog casts FIRE BLACK BOTTLE-ROCKET!
Round 2: possibility giant drops 13 attack power.
Round 2: possibility giant drops 12 defense.
Round 2: Snuggle Buster tosses you a clump of nuggets. I don't know where they came from, and I'm not going to ask.
You acquire an item: cold nuggets
Round 2: Sweet Sock mimics a red-and-white striped ATM, and dispenses a little extra Meat.
You gain 599 Meat.
Parsed round number: 2
Look! You found 1 cold nuggets (230μ)!
Building options...
Evaluating '45*loc(chasm)'...
Evaluating 'max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))+25'...
Evaluating '-max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))'...
Evaluating 'floor(50+10*2.0^0.7)'...
Evaluating '192.5*zone(sea)'...
Evaluating '0.25*128.0*(zone(sea)-1)'...
Evaluating 'min(100,ceil(5*sqrt(min(369.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(50,ceil(5*sqrt(min(320.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(120.0+3,10)+floor(sqrt(max(120.0-7,0)))'...
Options built! (153 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 3114
Top of the stasis loop.
Executing macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if haseffect 264 || haseffect 284; abort "BatBrain abort: poisoned"; endif; endsub; sub batsub1; use 3114; call batround; endsub; call batsub1; repeat hascombatitem 3114 && (!hpbelow 588.0 && !mpbelow 475.0 && !pastround 28); if hpbelow 3; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Round 2: fluxxdog executes a macro!
Round 2: fluxxdog uses the Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot!
Round 3: possibility giant takes 26 damage.
Round 3: possibility giant drops 3 attack power.
Round 3: possibility giant drops 5 defense.
Round 3: Sweet Sock cranks up the throttle on his little helicopter. Vroom!
Round 3: Sweet Sock mimics a red-and-white striped ATM, and dispenses a little extra Meat.
You gain 538 Meat.
Round 3: fluxxdog uses the Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot!
Round 4: possibility giant takes 25 damage.
Round 4: possibility giant drops 3 attack power.
Round 4: possibility giant drops 4 defense.
Round 4: fluxxdog uses the Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot!
Round 5: possibility giant takes 23 damage.
Round 5: possibility giant drops 4 attack power.
Round 5: possibility giant drops 5 defense.
Round 5: fluxxdog uses the Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot!
Round 6: possibility giant takes 22 damage.
Round 6: possibility giant drops 5 attack power.
Round 6: possibility giant drops 5 defense.
Round 6: fluxxdog uses the Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot!
Round 7: possibility giant takes 24 damage.
Round 7: possibility giant drops 4 attack power.
Round 7: possibility giant drops 4 defense.
Round 7: Sweet Sock mimics a red-and-white striped candy cane, and canes him for 122 damage.
Round 7: possibility giant takes 122 damage.
Round 7: fluxxdog wins the fight!
After Battle: Snuggle Buster surveys the scene from atop the throne and sighs.
You gain 449 Meat
You acquire an item: chaos butterfly
You gain 21 Fortitude
You gain 8 Wizardliness
You gain 8 Sarcasm
Parsed round number: 3
Look! You found 1 chaos butterfly (124μ)!
Building options...
Evaluating '45*loc(chasm)'...
Evaluating 'max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))+25'...
Evaluating '-max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))'...
Evaluating 'floor(50+10*2.0^0.7)'...
Evaluating '192.5*zone(sea)'...
Evaluating '0.25*141.0*(zone(sea)-1)'...
Evaluating 'min(100,ceil(5*sqrt(min(369.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(50,ceil(5*sqrt(min(320.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(120.0+3,10)+floor(sqrt(max(120.0-7,0)))'...
Options built! (153 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 3114
Top of the stasis loop.
Executing macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; if haseffect 264 || haseffect 284; abort "BatBrain abort: poisoned"; endif; endsub; sub batsub1; use 3114; call batround; endsub; call batsub1; repeat hascombatitem 3114 && (!hpbelow 588.0 && !mpbelow 480.0 && !pastround 28); if hpbelow 4; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Parsed round number: 0
Building options...
Evaluating '45*loc(chasm)'...
Evaluating 'max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))+25'...
Evaluating '-max(5,floor(0.1*588.0))'...
Evaluating 'floor(50+10*2.0^0.7)'...
Evaluating '192.5*zone(sea)'...
Evaluating '0.25*141.0*(zone(sea)-1)'...
Evaluating 'min(100,ceil(5*sqrt(min(369.0,161.0))))'...
Evaluating 'min(50,ceil(5*sqrt(min(320.0,161.0))))'...
Options built! (147 actions)
Stasis action chosen: use 8
Stasis loop complete.
> ashtest current_gear()
Returned: aggregate item [slot]
acc1 => Uncle Hobo's belt
acc2 => stinky cheese eye
acc3 => stinky cheese eye
hat => Crown of Thrones
off-hand => Bag o' Tricks
pants => poodle skirt
shirt => origami pasties
weapon => bottle-rocket crossbow