Bale's Relay Overrides

You're importing my topmenu into a master override script? I'm curious... Why you don't just use all your overrides separately?
Because I like not having to have several identical files for all th different shops I want to have an override for. Also, you can have two different overrides run for the same page without editing sourcefiles too much. And since you can't combine masteroverride with separate files I import everything into it.
Because I like not having to have several identical files for all th different shops I want to have an override for.

I can certainly understand that. I've got 5 different overrides which are small variations on the same theme and would be simplified by using a master override, but I didn't want to have to fold all my overrides into it.
Hi, just got this and loving it!

Is there a way to put the -change clan- tab from the top right corner of the top menu screen to the bottom of the Florist and raid log picture? As I minimize my browser when I play, the -change clan- tab is blocking some options.
I really don't understand the reason for the request. How can you even see the browser if it is minimized? Maybe a screenshot would help.

Anyway, you could change it by editing the script. To ensure that your changes will be merged into any future update follow the instructions in the second post here. If I'm correct about what you want to do (I might be wrong), on line 67 change "top" to "bottom"
results.replace_string("</body>", "<div style='position: absolute; top: 0px; "
results.replace_string("</body>", "<div style='position: absolute; bottom: 0px; "

And then on line 188 change "right" to "left"
Yup thats perfect! And yes, I meant 'Not playing with fullscreen', sorry. Somehow the word minimized jumped into my mind when I was searching for a word to explain what I meant... (And I forgot what minimized Actually meant...)
I think it was the woods quest script, but something was generating multiple matches on DeGrassi Knoll. I was in the sign that lets me go into the Knoll so I don't know whether this is one of the "renamed locations" that has been missed or whether there is a logic error. It was tring to accept and complete the Untinker quest for me. Sorry for being so scatterbrained.
I think it was the woods quest script, but something was generating multiple matches on DeGrassi Knoll. I was in the sign that lets me go into the Knoll so I don't know whether this is one of the "renamed locations" that has been missed or whether there is a logic error. It was tring to accept and complete the Untinker quest for me. Sorry for being so scatterbrained.

Looks like the issue reported here, but I do need to remember to disable the woods script so I can actually see the page when it generates that error.
Looks like the issue reported here, but I do need to remember to disable the woods script so I can actually see the page when it generates that error.

Looks like the same message. I saw it in the relay browser so figured it was the script but maybe not. Move along. Nothing to see here. Sorry Bale :-)
I"m not ascending right now, so if someone can discover the new links for me, I would be happy to fix it.
When visiting the manor I'm getting this error:
[COLOR=red]Index 7 out of bounds (manor.ash, line 46)[/COLOR]
Any idea what could be causing it?
For the "manor" script I have 2 suggestions:

1) if you go up and down the stairs, when you go down, the manor information goes away. It would be nice to see it.

2) How many times you've said guy made of bees, or if GMOB is already dead, stating that fact would be a great piece of information to add.

Thanks! Great scripts!
1) Oh dear. The only way I can do that is if I change this from a manor.php override to a place.php override. (cue sarcasm) Thanks, Jick! (sarcasm end)

2) I suppose that is a reasonable idea. I haven't done that in so long that I forget other people might hunt him. It's not hard to add info from guyMadeOfBeesCount and guyMadeOfBeesDefeated so I will do it.
The woods override needs to visit
instead of

To accept the untinker quest,
needs to be replaced by

An interesting thing that happened is the message saying that I got the continuum transfunctioner even though it failed.