Active member
I added this to topmenu:
I inserted it at the end of my copy, but I thought it might be handy. The dropdown is activate on select, like the relay dropdown. Thought you might find it useful or might retool it for a better fit. I've had to change clans a bit because of Dreadsylvania and DrEvi1's changer was hidden by CHIT.
//Based bUMRATS and mafia code, reworked, kerjiggered, and it LIVES!
string clanlist = visit_url("clan_signup.php");
if (index_of(clanlist, "<select name=whichclan>") >= 0 && index_of(clanlist, "<input type=submit class=button value='Go to Clan'>") >= 0)
string whitelist = substring(clanlist, index_of(clanlist, "<select name=whichclan>")+23, index_of(clanlist, "<input type=submit class=button value='Go to Clan'>"));
string change="\"showclan.php?pwd="+my_hash()+"&action=joinclan&confirm=on&whichclan=\"";
string droplist="<div style='position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px;'><font size=-1>";
droplist+="<select onchange='if (this.selectedIndex>0) { top.mainpane.document.location.href="+change+" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; this.options[0].selected=true;}'><option>-change clan-</option>"+whitelist;