I have a number of relay override scripts that I use. Some have been released informally, others I have never previously shared. Since KoLmafia's new SVN integration makes it so darn easy to share scripts I have decided to release the whole collection here. I know that bumcheekcity is releasing his massive relay script as individual scripts as well, so you will be able to choose the best of his collection and the best of my collection to fit your preferences. A few of these contain work by other scripters. I've tried to appreciate those scripts in a comment at the top of that script.
Installation: Next to the name of each script you'll see a command. Copy/paste that into KoLmafia's CLI to install the script.
Uninstallation: If you want to delete any of these scripts, uninstallation is simple. svn list will list the names of all projects installed through svn. Simply svn delete project-name replacing project-name with the name of the script as listed by the previous command. The project-name you use may be any distinct substring of the actual name.
topmenu does this:
woods does this:
manor does this:
Installation: Next to the name of each script you'll see a command. Copy/paste that into KoLmafia's CLI to install the script.
- woods: svn checkout
- Automatically complete two tedious tasks so that you never need to think about them again:
- Gets the continuum transfuctioner
- If you have access to the knoll it will also complete the untinker quest.
- Automatically complete two tedious tasks so that you never need to think about them again:
- topmenu: svn checkout
- This is my top menu skin! This works best for the link style topmenu.
- Adds an image of the Florist Friar's Cottage. Seeing the image helps me remember to use him.
- Adds an image of a Hobo Fort to link directly to the clan raid logs.
- It adds a few helpful links like "bean" for over the beanstalk and "manor" for Spookyraven Manor.
- Tries to be intelligent about only adding links when they become relevant
- manor: svn checkout
- Adds information to the manor detailing exactly which rooms you have already unlocked.
- Shows status of Lady Spoookyraven's quests on floors 1 and 2.
- Displays progress at finding Elizabeth and Stephen in their Lights Outs encounters.
- campground: svn checkout
- Telescope: When you "Look Low" it adds detail, telling you exactly what items you should expect to find at the NS Tower.
- Workshed: Provides a drop-down to quickly change workshed appliances.
- Bookshelf: Tells you how many tome and libram summons you have done today.
- desc wikiLinks: svn checkout
- Modifies descriptions for effect, familiar, item, outfit and skill.
- Changes title into a link to the appropriate wiki page.
- My Mall Store: svn checkout
- If you click on the "mall" link in the top menu it modifies that page. Not everyone uses that page, but for those who do...
- Adds several links as shortcuts to managing your item prices and viewing recent store activity
- museum: svn checkout
- Want to see which commendations for the current path are silver and which are bronze?
- This playful override colors the player's names so that you can tell at a glance who just missed getting a silver star.
- It also highlights your name if you are on the list so you can find yourself more easily.
- NS Tower Scroller: svn checkout
- Automatically scrolls down the Naughty Sorceress' Tower to the currently active position.
- Spelunky Reference: svn checkout
- The most confusing thing about playing the Spelunkin' minigame is keeping track of the non-combats. This adds helpful information about all the Spelunkin' non-combat information to the Spelunky map as well as information about which non-combat to expect next.
- Dinseylandfill: svn checkout
- Tracks your progress towards gaining each of the four keycards and killing Wart Dinsey.
- Displays maintenance tunnel status for each area.
- Snojo: svn checkout
- Provides information about Snojo training modes
- Clicking item names pops-up description boxes
- LT&T Office: svn checkout
- Display quest information for all quests under LT&T Office choices (table has highlights for current or currently available quests).
- In quest information, bosses names are clickable to see their entry on the KoL Wiki for help defeating them.
- Adds a link for: Adventure (Investigating a Plaintive Telegram)
Uninstallation: If you want to delete any of these scripts, uninstallation is simple. svn list will list the names of all projects installed through svn. Simply svn delete project-name replacing project-name with the name of the script as listed by the previous command. The project-name you use may be any distinct substring of the actual name.
topmenu does this:
woods does this:
manor does this:
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