Bale's Relay Overrides

Hover text is also set at time of page load. I'm not even sure that it is possible to add hover text to a drop-down, but if it is possible, then I'd have to be doing some fancy javascript to make it change dynamically.

I suspect you were originally thinking that this would be an easy change. Alas, it is not trivial.
What about adding the clan name to the hover text of the raidlog image? It would take a refresh, but it might be better than nothing.

I'm relieved to hear that since your feedback was extensively referenced in the script's creation.

Oh, heh, thank you kindly. I actually sat down and started really fucking with it recently, and along with this post of yours from over 3 years ago (i was searching chatlaunch.php), I got my topmenu almost exactly the way I want it for my personal needs:

... having a topmenu and awesomemenu hybrid is just as sweet as I thought it would be. But I have to edit it in a new tab otherwise it breaks, and getting rid of the moons took some sweeping under the rug :p
I'm glad that you figured out how to make what you want.

What about adding the clan name to the hover text of the raidlog image? It would take a refresh, but it might be better than nothing.

I dislike the idea of adding information to the top menu that can become wrong without some way to update it. Clans can even be switched without doing it from the topmenu which really makes it hard to ensure correctness. Maybe the topmenu just isn't the best place for an information display.
Depends. Maybe. Where in your charpane should that be displayed, and what should it look like? Obviously if it was in ChIT, that would be adjustable to some extent, but it would help if I had a mental image of the implementation.
I don't have it up right now, but I'm thinking a nice default would be somewhere around the character name and class and all that bit. If you'd like more than that, I'll have the time to look at it properly tomorrow.
On the flip side, I always know what clan I'm in, and having it anywhere on the charpane means one less effect fits there, so I would remove it immediately.
Let's say that I added the following options:

zlib chit.clan.home = (home clan)
zlib chit.clan.type = (valid options are: text, dropdown)
zlib = (valid options are: always, never, traveling)
traveling only shows the clan when you are away from home.
If chit.clan.home is not existent, it will be set to get_clan_name(), but can be changed from that default in the usual way.

If I show the clan, I append either the clan's name as text or the following whitelist drop-down in an appropriate place. This causes exactly one extra server hit in a session. It won't refresh the whitelist unless the mafia session restarts.
static {
	buffer whitedrop;
	string clanlist = visit_url("clan_signup.php");
	if(index_of(clanlist, "<select name=whichclan>") >= 0 && index_of(clanlist, "<input type=submit class=button value='Go to Clan'>") >= 0) {
		whitedrop.append("<select style='max-width:90%;font-size:smaller;' onchange='if (this.selectedIndex>0) { top.mainpane.document.location.href=\"showclan.php?pwd=");
		whitedrop.append("&action=joinclan&confirm=on&whichclan=\" + this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; this.options[0].selected=true;}'><option>-change clan-</option>");
		whitedrop.append(substring(clanlist, index_of(clanlist, "<select name=whichclan>")+23, index_of(clanlist, "<input type=submit class=button value='Go to Clan'>")));  // This is the whitelist

What do folks think about that? Too complicated? Am I overthinking? Would something simpler be better? I could do without the clan drop down entirely if the extra option only complicates things. I could do without chit.clan.type if there was no drop-down option.

What should be the default value for
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Ah, I kinda ended up babbling about ChIT in the wrong thread.

Anyway, drop-down tested out as proof of concept, though if I implement this it in ChIT, it would be as a chit style picker since the drop-down is so ugly.
Presumably would default to 'never' for the benefit of lostcalpolydude and others. I'm thinking that the whitelist picker is probably fine remaining in the topmenu for space reasons?
Snojo relay. Because I sometimes have trouble deciding when to switch training modes:
svn checkout

Another new script. This is to annotate the latest IotM. Both this script and the last one are listed in KoLmafia's script manager or you can copy/paste the CLI command provided.

LT&T Office: svn checkout
  • Display full quest information for the LT&T Office
  • If you have trouble defeating the final boss, you can click the boss's name to see its entry on the KoL Wiki

Bonus for Pioneer daughter I got 2-3 tainted milk, 2-3 rotting beefsteak, 1-2 firemilk, I guess it is 1-3 of each, was total 6 the first time, 7 the second, so not a fixed total.
Bonus for Big Gambling Tourneyment is 5000 meat.
I was leaving out the Pioneer daughter because the reward is rather wordy and relatively unimportant. The other two I ignored because it was just a bunch of meat. Was I wrong to leave it so incomplete?
To me (hence my post) it looks like information is missing rather than unimportant. For me I'd prefer to see the meat, certainly, and probably just "some items" for the other, so I could decide they aren't worth doing!
You make a good point. I've updated the script with that information. It now says, "Bonus: food & booze" for Pioneer Daughter and lists the amount of meat for the other two.
I've made some minor changes to the LTT script in order to show which quests are currently available. It has the downside that the table is no longer static.

Attached is the .patch file.


You have to do a quest at a particular difficulty to change the available quest there, so there is an advantage to displaying the other quest info.