Seeing as we only call handleOven (the range using function) at D2 initialization, L11 wine bomb making, or trying to get Milk of Magnesium, chances are it was at the very start of D2 or when you tried to make a Milk.
I do see where there might be a problem though. We try to buy a range if you have 1000 meat more than the cost with whatever NPC discount you might have but only when it is called so at one of the 3 points above. The only path where we try to actively buy a range basically all of the time is WereProf because of the limited availability of the Professor's cottage. We don't account for someone pulling it from their storage. SO, maybe we should fallback to that if there is actually one in storage?
I get that we are somewhat at cross-purposes here because I prize automation over speed.
The script stops because I can't cook fancy food without a range. In my automation centric world, that is the wrong thing to do. The script should get a range, stop trying to cook fancy food or use hybrid strategy depending on run conditions. If it stops in SC then I am going to sacrifice one pull to get the range - indeed I might actually start pulling it on D1 just so I don't have to deal with the issue

Autoscend has a few sub-optimal strategic choices hidden behind preference gates. "Enough people want to do this so we will accommodate them but that doesn't mean it will be the default". I could see this behind one.
I also find it somewhat illogical for the script to tell me I can't cook when there is an unused range in inventory but there may be a reason not to use a range if it got there manually that I can't figure put.
Thank you.