That doesn't change. Anapests affect only the text on fight pages.
maximize(".5 " + to_string(elem1) + " resistance, .5 " + to_string(elem2) + " resistance, 0.01 hp" + element_familiar, false);
Yet another change, this time with a somewhat important fix: If you cannot, for whatever reason, equip all of the outfit you have saved under a certain name when going through and caching outfits, continue anyway instead of just crashing to a halt.
Putting on outfit: Gauntlet
Equipment changed.
152 combinations checked, best score 5733.0
Putting on slime-covered necklace...
You don't have the item you're trying to equip.
Could someone better at the math of things look over the maximizer statement for the elemental tests. It appears that at higher levels the 0.01hp-factor makes the maximizer value HP a lot more than elemental resitance which doesn't work (well, I guess it could, but raising the resistance is more efficient...).
Current command is:
Code:maximize(".5 " + to_string(elem1) + " resistance, .5 " + to_string(elem2) + " resistance, 0.01 hp" + element_familiar, false);
Will putting a 0.001 instead work? (it works for me at level 550 or so, but will it screw someone over on lower levels?)
Unfortunately, it still does that - latest version of your autoBasement modification:
Code:Putting on outfit: Gauntlet Equipment changed. Maximizing... 152 combinations checked, best score 5733.0 Putting on slime-covered necklace... You don't have the item you're trying to equip.