Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script


@blah35: it depends on what you've got permed and what you have in Hagnks, but generally, about 6 days.


What's your in-game user name? dj_d? I just want to make sure I'm sending the mr. a to the right person. :)



Successfully created meat paste (1)
Verifying ingredients for full meat tank (1)...
Creating full meat tank (1)...
You acquire an item: full meat tank
Successfully created full meat tank (1)
Verifying ingredients for cog and sprocket assembly (1)...
You need 1 more cog to continue.

Script stopped, and had to be restarted. At which point, it continued on smoothly. Has anyone else run into this?



Mafia should have auto-purchased the cog for you - do you have auto-purchase disabled? Other possible explanations would be that you were in Ronin or hardcore, or intermittent KOL server problems. You aborted in the middle of a Mafia internal function so I'm pretty sure it's not ascend.ash regardless (unless you expected ascend.ash to farm stuff for you, which it doesn't).


locs_by_meat.txt, locs_by_xp.txt

These files should be included with the file. I had to locate them when the ascension.ash script kept saying there was no place I could safely adventure.



just out of curiosity, when does ascension.ash start to do the daily dungeon? Or does it not farm the keys? I've been running it for a few days, and havn't seen the script adventure there yet.



Whoops - bundling error. Will fix that in the next build posted.

You also missed out a couple of the warplans for the OCW - I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but you also changed the default warplan in this.


One of the challenges of a script that includes many subscripts is versioning. :) tebee, do you know which warplans were missing?

Also, you're going to get whatever my most recent warplan setting is since that's part of wossname.ash. In the future, I'll try to use character-specific settings if I need to modify them so that it doesn't change from release to release.


Script Question...

I've noticed that for the last few days the script does this for me:

Starts, runs turns available untill 0 turns remain.
Eats to 15 fullness, then runs turns untill 0 remain.
Drinks to 23 fullness, and stops.

Shouldn't the script eat, and drink at the same time? Or drink to 19 fullness, then run turns?

Or was this my mistake when I ran the EatDrink.ash and told it Yes to overdrink?

Also, still curious about the daily dungeon.


Edit: I've been looking around the script, and havn't seen anything about the DD yet. Is this somthing I should be running on my own?


One of the challenges of a script that includes many subscripts is versioning. :) tebee, do you know which warplans were missing?

I'm a former professional programmer, though I've semi-retired now, so I do appreciate the problems of versioning. Just imagine trying to do it with punched cards - yep I'm really that old, my first job was assembler programing on IBM 360 mainframes with punchcards - you'd make amendments to programs by swapping out cards, carefully stashing the originals in case you had to revert.

Anyway missing were slowest and optimal warplans.


@Pazely: When you don't have the liver of steel, it puts off drinking as long as possible so that you can maximize your chances of getting it, and so that you do more consuming when you're higher level. For example, you can probably get to level 4 before drinking on the first day, which means you consume better food.

Sorry I missed your DD question. ascend.ash doesn't do the DD, assuming instead that you'll pull the keys. To facilitate this, crap.ash should include the key pies, and the eatdrink.ash piepriority flag should be set to true. Then you'll pull the pies early in your run and eat them, ensuring you have the keys when you need them. And this'll all happen automatically without wasting adventures in the dungeon.


@Pazely: When you don't have the liver of steel, it puts off drinking as long as possible so that you can maximize your chances of getting it, and so that you do more consuming when you're higher level.

I've had liver for 3 days though, and once the script starts to drink, it automatically over drinks.



Once you get liver, it does eating in the morning and drinking plus overdrinking at night. That allows you to bank some extra turns in case the next day is a stat day etc.

I'm not clear if you're running eatdrink.ash standalone, though, or via ascend.ash. If the latter, look for the eatdrink.ash calls, specifically the "overdrink" parameter. If you set it to false, then that consumption session won't overdrink.


Something I noticed today...

I completed the level 12 quest today, still had over 270 turns remaining. The script started the NS Tower quest, and the first thing it did was buy all BANG! potions, and use each of them. It made me over drink as a result of one of the potions. Now I still have over 270 adventures, and I'm over drunk. :mad:

Is there a way you can make the script use the potions in a fight to see what they do, and check the doors to see what potions are needed before it uses them all?

I think next ascension, I will manually run the start of the NS quest to avoid this problem.



The only reason it used ! potions instead of ID'ing them in a fight is because your CCS doesn't provide for that. I'm using FTF+SS along with another combat script and if I have unidentified potions, mine get ID'd in battle.

I think ... I'll have to pay attention this time