Minor platform-specific issue
Let me first say that I am so appreciative of the hard work that you and all of the other script-maintainers have put into this script and its associated scripts. Quite the bang-up job to be able to automate the process from beginning to end!
The only issue I've run across that hasn't already been addressed is a matter of the platform that KoLmafia, and thus, your scripts, is run on. I use KoLmafia in Linux, where the bash shell happens to be case-sensitive. As I understand it, the win32 shell is not. So where, in the Windows world, a program running in a win32 shell would have no problem finding levelup.ash while importing LevelUp.ash, Linux... yeah, not so much. The first time I noticed this (which I believe was with LevelUp.ash, although don't quote me on that) it was an easy fix.
Although the next time, the real head-scratcher, was when it was calling wossname.ash. I kept getting errors when it would get to the wossname section of the script, ASH errors, not just script errors. Looking at the wossname.ash file included with Ascend.ash, I was unable to find any problems. Took a few hours of scouring over the scripts to realize that Wossname.ash was actually being called. And I do, in fact, have Wossname.ash in scripts/Levels/Level 12/, and that's what KoLmafia found when searching for the capitalized Wossname.ash. Switching Ascend.ash's call to wossname.ash allowed it to use its own version and proceeded normally.