Ascend.ash: hands-off ascension script


By the way...

The version of eatdrink.ash in the public thread doesn't use mafia's built-in pricing, making it much friendlier to the KOL servers, but much slower and less accurate. The version bundled with ascend.ash uses live pricing data from KOL, which is faster and more accurate. I'm not so worried about the server load since there are many fewer users as compared to a normal script.

Just a heads up in case anyone was using both.


You may remember that I posted I was having a problem where the script was trying to adventure in degrassi Knoll when under a muscle zodiac sign . I thought this was because was not in a muscle class but today I got the same problem with a character that was a muscle class.

To fix this I changed the function Skip_Loc in LevelUp.ash as follows-

boolean skip_loc(location loc)
  if (loc == $location[Pirate Cove])
    if (gotyourpirateon())
      print("Can't adventure in the cove while in getup.");
      return true;
  if (loc == $location[Degrassi Knoll])
    if (in_muscle_sign())
      print("Can't adventure in the Degrassi Knoll when muscle sign.");
      return true;
  if (loc == $location[Tavern])
    return true;
  if (loc == $location[Fantasy Airship])
    if (!contains_text(visit_url("plains.php"), "beanstalk"))
      return true;	
  return false;


Good call teebee. I'll make that change in my version and it'll be included the next time I post an update.

Levelup.ash is, by the way, the weakest part of the whole suite. It's a wreck. I don't have time to rewrite it, but if anyone's bored, it'd be a great project - it's my most popular free script and it's utter crap. :)
I have just now gotten around to configuring the whole script, I fire it up and...

> call scripts\Ascend\Ascend.ash

Expected ), found = (hiddencity.ash, line 170)



I have just now gotten around to configuring the whole script, I fire it up and...

> call scripts\Ascend\Ascend.ash

Expected ), found = (hiddencity.ash, line 170)


Either replace the "=" with "==" on the lines specified, or just get the updated macguffin script from the new thread.
Forgot to mention... I've tried both solution, none works for me. I ran into a similar problem while trying out equipt.ash and I fixed it like you suggested, but no luck here. The "=" is already a "==" and I've tried updating the script. Again, no luck.

Edit: Fixed it. I think I found a bug in how Mafia treats script calls, but I found a workaround.

I keep all my Ascend.ash scripts in a directory called "Ascend", where the present scripts are especially tailored for handsfree-as-cheap-as-possible ascension. In my main scripts directory, however, there is ANOTHER instance of the Macguffin scripts and they probably conflicted. Downloading the latest Mafia build, putting it in another directory and using ascend.ash out of the box worked in this case. I have a char who's doing the Macguffin around now and it's going well, except I need to figure out which outfit it's trying to equip constantly (and it's not "current").
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Forgot to mention... I've tried both solution, none works for me. I ran into a similar problem while trying out equipt.ash and I fixed it like you suggested, but no luck here. The "=" is already a "==" and I've tried updating the script. Again, no luck.

Check to make certain you don't have a duplicate copy of the hiddencity.ash file around, perhaps in your main scripts directory.


yes ash has the slightly annoying habit of loading scripts from the main script directory in preference to one in your current directory, it does find one there if there is not one in the main scripts directory though. I would prefer if it did this the other way around.


Almost forgot what I came here to do ........

I was testing Ascend.ash with a Pastamasta and kept running out of MP doing the castle.

I've modified the script do restore MP/HP while adventuring, using the settings from mafia HP/MP usage. This is basically the same code, from autobhh.ash, that I posted on this thread a couple of pages ago.

As I've modified the file in a couple of places I've attached it to this post as a zip , same password as original zip.


    11.4 KB · Views: 54


Ok, this looks really good, but there is a problem. :( Please read your message from me and I explain... I can give you up to 1 million meat for it though...


New version! Includes tebee and kain's improvements, plus many assorted bugfixes. Note that it now uses equipt.ash instead of an outfit called "pajamas". Also note that the included version of equipt.ash may not be the most recent, so that's a good one to check for updates (I forgot to do so before packaging). Enjoy!


In ascend.ash ... there's a line towards the beginning:
boolean break_on_boss = true;

I can't find a reference for that in any of the included files. Is it something that was "in the works" but didn't make the cut this time?


Lines 157 and 166 should be changed to:
boolean temp = cli_execute("call equipt.ash Adventures");
as well :)


IMPORTANT UPDATE: For some reason, item_amount is returning 0 for the spookyraven keys, even when you have them. As such, the script breaks, continuously trying to finish those quests. I'm traveling so I don't have time to log a bug, let alone fix it, right now - I will try to get to it by this weekend.


IMPORTANT UPDATE: For some reason, item_amount is returning 0 for the spookyraven keys, even when you have them. As such, the script breaks, continuously trying to finish those quests. I'm traveling so I don't have time to log a bug, let alone fix it, right now - I will try to get to it by this weekend.

Something TPTB changed with the quest items area with the new IotM broke Mafia's quest item detection, it doesn't know about any quest items right now.


I see. In that case, let me amend that to:

I repeat, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

Someone else will fix it soon. I hope.
