As of r12076 today, KoLmafia has initiative values for every single monster. Thanks to KoL's recent Manuel upgrade which made that information transparent to the player.
In case anyone is curious, that does mean I'm going to add it to AdventureAdvisor. Honestly I only barely understand how initiative works. Once I work that out I am going to have to figure out the best way to add it to the script's display in a clear and helpful manner. It'll be a while so please don't get impatient. Unfortunately it will be a bit late to help people with their Jarlsberg runs, but maybe it will matter again in the future.
In case anyone is curious, that does mean I'm going to add it to AdventureAdvisor. Honestly I only barely understand how initiative works. Once I work that out I am going to have to figure out the best way to add it to the script's display in a clear and helpful manner. It'll be a while so please don't get impatient. Unfortunately it will be a bit late to help people with their Jarlsberg runs, but maybe it will matter again in the future.