if(!hidden_temple_unlocked() && my_level() >=2)
kingdom["Spooky Forest"].useful = true;
> ashq if(!hidden_temple_unlocked() && my_level() >=2) print("useful"); else print("unuseful");
Exactly!Could be that it's currently a bounty location?
if(my_level() > 13) kingdom["Anemone Mine"].useful = true;
# must be test(<something>, string)
void test( int something, string toprint )
print( "test( string, string ) called" );
print( "toprint = " + toprint );
# must have the same name as the function above
# (it must be an override)
void test( int whatever, int [int] m )
print( "test( int, int [int] ) called" );
test( whatever, m contains whatever? "yes": "no" );
int [int] any_map;
test( 2, any_map );
> call test.ash
test( string, string ) called
toprint = aggregate int [int]