bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

mad dudy

i run into a problem. the script wants to go do the Haunted Bedroom but mafia says im too weak to hit anything. what should i do?


Active member
I've got a lot coming up in RL at the moment, so it might be a moment before Boriscore, although I think SCBoris might not be that bad.

I'm going to run SCBoris runs myself after an initial HCBoris, and I think it might not be that bad.


Active member
i run into a problem. the script wants to go do the Haunted Bedroom but mafia says im too weak to hit anything. what should i do?

Well, if Mafia says you are too weak to hit anything you can get around this by setting your combat action to "custom combat script" and set something up that'll allow you to hit (a spell or other skill). At least I think that Mafia only gives that warning if your battleAction is "Attack".
You could also use a couple of potions if you have anything that'll manually buff you up a bit.

BCC, I offer the use of my testing multi should you spin off a Boriscore release.

The SVN-version (0.42) is at least somewhat Boris-proof and should handle most things apart from the level 8 quest, to which I have not yet come myself so not sure how it works. I'll get to it tomorrow, hopefully.


Level 8 works as follows:
1) Adventure in mine killing a new mob (Mountain Man) that drops the ores. Mining Outfit isn't needed.
2) Opening the Goatlet has a third option to open it in Avatar of Boris
3) The new passive skill Legendary Girth gives cold resist

This should be close (but haven't tested it since I'm past the level 8 quest):

boolean bcascTrapper() {
	if (checkStage("trapper")) return true;

	while (index_of(visit_url("trapper.php"), "reckon 3 chunks of") > 0) {
		//avatar of Boris doesn't need the mining outfit he just adventures until he has the ore he needs
		if (my_path() == "Avatar of Boris") {
			bumAdv($location[Itznotyerzitz Mine], "", "", "", "Killing mountain men for ore", "", "");
		else if ((my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist") && ((i_a("miner's helmet") == 0 || i_a("7-Foot Dwarven mattock") == 0 || i_a("miner's pants") == 0))) {
			bumAdv($location[Itznotyerzitz Mine], "", "hebo", "1 miner's helmet, 1 7-Foot Dwarven mattock, 1 miner's pants", "Getting the Mining Outfit", "", "consultHeBo");
		if (my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist" && my_path() != "Avatar of Boris")  cli_execute("outfit mining gear");
		if (my_path() != "Avatar of Boris" && !bcascMining()) {
			print("BCC: The script has stopped mining for ore, probably because you ran out of unaccomapnied miner adventures. We'll try again tomorrow.", "purple");
			return false;
	while (contains_text(visit_url("trapper.php"), "6 chunks of goat cheese")) {
		if (can_interact()) {
			cli_execute("acquire 6 goat cheese");
		} else {
			if(my_path() == "Avatar of Boris")	//set choice to Boris hated rocks
			cli_execute("friars food");
			bumAdv($location[Goatlet], "", "items", "6 goat cheese", "Getting Goat Cheese", "i");
	if (index_of(visit_url("trapper.php"), "you'll need some kind of protection from the cold") > 0) {
		if (have_skill($skill[Legendary Girth])) {
			print("BCC: Visiting the trapper with your passive skill Legendary Girth to get the quest done.", "purple");
		else if (have_skill($skill[Northern Exposure])) {
			print("BCC: Visiting the trapper with your passive skill Northern Exposure to get the quest done.", "purple");
		} else if (have_path_familiar($familiar[Exotic Parrot]) && have_skill($skill[Amphibian Sympathy])) {
			print("BCC: Visiting the trapper with a parrot to get the quest done.", "purple");
			cli_execute("familiar parrot");
			//We do this just in case there's a 100% familiar here, so we set it back immediately. 
		} else {
			//Try to use the maximizer on this. Don't care about bees here because we won't adventure. 
			cli_execute("maximize cold res");
			if (contains_text(visit_url("trapper.php"), "you'll need some kind of protection from the cold")) {
				print("BCC: You need some cold resistance for the trapper but you don't have it yet.", "purple");
	if (index_of(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"), "learned how to hunt Yetis") > 0) {
		checkStage("trapper", true);
		return true;


Active member
Hmmm... I think that would be problematic at the first part because it'll use all your turns adventuring in the Mine without knowing what ore to get and how many of it. You would need to do 1 turn at a time for that to work. I've currently set mine to adventure for 3 goal-ore in the place where the "normal" run mines for them which seems to work.
Ran out of turns though so will have to check the next part tomorrow.
It does that all the time because it has a "use 3 sonar", it won't actually try and get you three more sonars.

Huh...I've never had it happen before...maybe I have enough passive item + phat loot that it was never an issue. Does it work properly then if it gets 2 sonars and a screambat?

It just seemed like something new cropping up with a problem, so I thought I'd see if anyone else was having it.

Otherwise the script seems to be working great for me, and I'm solidly getting 5 dayers with it as long as I get a chance to log in every day. :D


Active member
Every time you start the script and it goes into bats1 it does a "if (use(3, $item[sonar-in-a-biscuit])) {}" which will report "you need 3 more sonar-in-a-biscuit to continue" and the move on.


New member
I'm doing a HC run on the frat side atm. It keeps attempting to equip a heart of the volcano.
BCC: Maximizing '+outfit frat warrior fatigues'
460 combinations checked, best score 236.125
Pulling items from storage...
You need 1 more heart of the volcano to continue.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.

Checking the Modifier Maximizer, it keeps trying to pull a heart of the volcano which it obviously can't do. (http://grab.by/c26A)
How do I get it to stop attempting it and just move on?


Active member
I'm doing a HC run on the frat side atm. It keeps attempting to equip a heart of the volcano.

Checking the Modifier Maximizer, it keeps trying to pull a heart of the volcano which it obviously can't do. (http://grab.by/c26A)
How do I get it to stop attempting it and just move on?

Could you post the full maximizer command (should be visible in the maximizer window when you open it up after you open it up)?

Also, could you do a "ash is_hardcore()" and "ash can_interact()" and post the results?

As for quickly moving on, logging out and restarting Mafia should hopefully help...


Hmmm... I think that would be problematic at the first part because it'll use all your turns adventuring in the Mine without knowing what ore to get and how many of it. You would need to do 1 turn at a time for that to work. I've currently set mine to adventure for 3 goal-ore in the place where the "normal" run mines for them which seems to work.
Ran out of turns though so will have to check the next part tomorrow.

Yep, that's right. I didn't catch that bumAdv looped until you were out of adventures.


New member
Could you post the full maximizer command (should be visible in the maximizer window when you open it up after you open it up)?

Also, could you do a "ash is_hardcore()" and "ash can_interact()" and post the results?

As for quickly moving on, logging out and restarting Mafia should hopefully help...

http://grab.by/c2gs - Full Maximizer window with maximizer command
http://grab.by/c2hc - running of bumcheekcend.ash and the functions

Restarting Mafia didn't help. Running the script again lead to the same thing.


Active member
Well, there's your problem. can_interact() returns true, which will mean that Mafia thinks it can pull things. I've got no idea how that could've happened nor why it didn't fix when you restarted.
You could try "refresh all" but if that doesn't help then I suggest opening a bug report.
How can I convince the script that it doesn't need to go get the KGE outfit for BorisCore? I tried poking around in the script, but I couldn't get anything to work. Thanks in advance!



Active member
0.42 fixes that problem (available from the SVN at sourceforge). The easiest is to add
&& my_path() == "Avatar of Boris"
to all places in the knob-king code where it also says something about the way of the surprising fist.


Active member
It seems like you've got AoB pretty much sorted, Winterbay - a massive thanks on behalf of everyone.

How much support does the script give? I've actually been reluctant to script my first few ascensions because they're so damn fun. I imagine no getting skills at the Legend Gate, but otherwise it'll ascend using a CSS?

Also, would you be happy with getting 0.42 out or are there areas you're not happy with or you suspect might not work perfectly and want more testing on?


Active member
There is one thing left. The trapper-quest is not finished (well in my copy I have here it is) but not in the commited one as I fixed it today.

So, it should now work questing-wise I believe. You still need to get the skills youself and set up a CCS to handle the fights (my local copy of WHAM + a modified batfactors.txt seems to handle it mostly).

I had a problem today though with "maximize +outfit swashbuckling getup, +equip Trusty" totally failing to equip the outfit. I needed to remove Trusty from that to make it equip the outfit but then it tried to equip something else. This is most probably a Mafia-issue but I'm not sure.

I've currently changed all calls to buMax in Boris-core with an "equip pirate outfit + equip trusty" which should solve the symptom at least.
So, I guess after I commit my change this evening it'll be as ready for release as it'll ever be at the moment :)

Edit: Changes have been committed. I think 0.42 is now ready for release when it comes to Boris-support.

Edit, edit: That said. I'm still only level 9 on my way to 10 and doing most things manually to see how it plays out this first time around so I can't guarantee that it'll work, but the code is at least sound enough :)
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