bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!


looks like r10570 fixes the maximizer problems :)

don't think if the complication that would be needed to the code to drop requiements to get all the smurf bits would be worth the mantainace hassle.

best regards


Active member
The "issue" with +equip and +outfit is actually a feature instead. It's to allow for alternate equipment, so you can do outfit swashbuckling, equip fledges, and have whichever best meets your goals be used...


Active member
The "issue" with +equip and +outfit is actually a feature instead. It's to allow for alternate equipment, so you can do outfit swashbuckling, equip fledges, and have whichever best meets your goals be used...

So, it's impossible to specify an outfit and an equipment requirement for the Maximizer in one go and have it fulfill both unless you do it in two calls?


Active member
Yes/no. You can foreach it in outfit_pieces and use that to create your maximization string as a series of explicit "equip" calls instead, adding that to your other requested equip. That does allow you to combine outfit + equip, but you're doing it manually.

Realistically, though, it's not easy. Also, if you do it as two calls, without explicitly de-selecting the slots you wanted set by the first call, it'll overwrite the first maximization, since even with a -tie you don't know if it's overwriting the best accessory for your desires.

Better is just skipping the slot you know needs to stay safe... more like "maximize mainstat, outfit swashbuckling, -weapon" which just means, my weapon is fine, don't touch it. Anything else? That's up for debate.
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I keep getting a repeating message when I run the script. First time its ever happened any ideas?

[59] Guano Junction
BCC: We've already got Clovers Today
BCC: We're going to end up with one and exactly one ten leaf clover
Using 1 ten-leaf clover...
You acquire an item: disassembled clover
Finished using 1 ten-leaf clover.
Using 1 disassembled clover...
You acquire an item: ten-leaf clover
Finished using 1 disassembled clover.


Active member
It's a knwon issue without clear cause. 0.42, which should hopefully be out really soon, contains a debug-print for that error so after that comes out it'd be really great if the people having that issue could report back in...
I am getting this today when I try to run the script

> Level 12 Starting
> BCC: levelMe(148, true) called.
> Level 13 Starting
> BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0].
> BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair1].
> BCC: We see Locked Gate
> BCC: We have the effect/item, for that gate.
> BCC: We see Gate of Torment
> BCC: We have the effect/item, for that gate.
> BCC: We see Gate of That Which is Hidden
> BCC: We do not have the item for that gate. (We need a dod for that.)
> BCC: The effect we need for the gate is Object Detection
> BCC: We could not yet determine which potion gives us the necessary effect.
> Checking for familiar 'jumpsuited hound dog' where x=1
> Checking for familiar 'Pair of Stomping Boots' where x=2
> Checking for familiar 'slimeling' where x=3
> Checking for familiar 'Coffee Pixie' where x=4
> BCC: Need moar combat! WAAARGH!
> BCC: Need items!

I have the most recent script and nightly build of mafia. Do I need to do the DOD myself to fine more potions?


Active member
It's a knwon issue without clear cause. 0.42, which should hopefully be out really soon, contains a debug-print for that error so after that comes out it'd be really great if the people having that issue could report back in...

Sorry (to all), I'd meant to release 0.42 days ago, but stuff keeps getting in the way. It will be released when I get back home.


Active member
I am getting this today when I try to run the script

> Level 12 Starting
> BCC: levelMe(148, true) called.
> Level 13 Starting
> BCC: We have completed the stage [lair0].
> BCC: We have not completed the stage [lair1].
> BCC: We see Locked Gate
> BCC: We have the effect/item, for that gate.
> BCC: We see Gate of Torment
> BCC: We have the effect/item, for that gate.
> BCC: We see Gate of That Which is Hidden
> BCC: We do not have the item for that gate. (We need a dod for that.)
> BCC: The effect we need for the gate is Object Detection
> BCC: We could not yet determine which potion gives us the necessary effect.
> Checking for familiar 'jumpsuited hound dog' where x=1
> Checking for familiar 'Pair of Stomping Boots' where x=2
> Checking for familiar 'slimeling' where x=3
> Checking for familiar 'Coffee Pixie' where x=4
> BCC: Need moar combat! WAAARGH!
> BCC: Need items!

I have the most recent script and nightly build of mafia. Do I need to do the DOD myself to fine more potions?

That's not an abort, is it? What happens after that?
That's not an abort, is it? What happens after that?

Mood swing complete.
Restoring MP! Currently at 157 of 157 HP, 13 of 148 MP, current meat: 22767 ... Target MP = 45.
Casting Disco Aerobics 13 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco State of Mind (duration: 65 Adventures)
Disco Aerobics was successfully cast.
Get thee to a nunnery!
Using 1 natural fennel soda...
You gain 83 Mojo Points
Finished using 1 natural fennel soda.

You can't hit anything there.

BCC: You aborted, so so am I. This abort may have been caused by a rogue condition not being met. If this is unexpected, please paste the CLI output, as well as the results of typing 'condition check' without the quotes, into the mafia CLI window now.


Active member
See, that's much better. Now we know it aborted because you can't hit anything. This is caused by having mafia set to just attack and being in over your head, which admittedly shouldn't happen at level 13 but still.

Try setting your attack-action to "custom combat script" and make that into something that'll always be able to hit is a good way around it (or just attack with weapon if you believe Mafia is wrong).


Active member
No, but I think that the script is trying to go and identify the dod-potions at that point which it does in the HitS. But it may very well be that it's failing to hit the golems even though I still find that unlikely as a moxie class.

In fact, what class are you?
No, but I think that the script is trying to go and identify the dod-potions at that point which it does in the HitS. But it may very well be that it's failing to hit the golems even though I still find that unlikely as a moxie class.

In fact, what class are you?

Disco Bandit and it couldn't get through the gate. When I changed the auto attack setting it worked fine