My personal Meat farming script


Staff member
Illiterate character failed to fight a non-embezzler, as expected.

Illiterate character is sad because some of the new Crimbo content is delivered via a chat channel :) That's what multis are for.


Staff member
Would you consider an option to not consume government per-diem?

I have VMF.SellBreakfastLoot set to false. I run Oliver manually and before I run VMF. There may be one in inventory but I could argue that since it didn't drop while VMF was running VMF should leave it alone. Allowing VMF to consume it immediately (and only) after it drops would also be acceptable although that implementation would require me to continue completing Oliver's before starting VMF.

Thank you.


New member
I apologize if something like this was posted before, but I'm getting the error:
VMF.SourceTerminalEnhancement: 'meat.enh' is not installed in your Source Terminal.
It had been working fine up until about a week ago when all of my settings for all my scripts seemed to have reset. I do have the Source Terminal and it should have everything unlocked. I appreciate any help! Thank you!


Well-known member
From your description it appears that your <KoLmafia directory>\settings\<character name>_prefs.txt file may be corrupt. The script above will help with some things.