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  1. Phillammon

    Bug Gelatinous Noob absorbed enchantments persist through logout

    To reproduce: With two accounts in Gelatinous Noob, A and B. Log in to A. Absorb 15 x Light that Never goes Out. Log in to B. Absorb 15x meat paste. Modtrace Smithsness. Expected behaviour: B reports 0 Smithsness Actual behaviour: B reports 75 Smithsness from absorbed equipment.
  2. Phillammon

    Bug user_prompt does not wait for input in headless mode

    When launched with --CLI, scripts containing a user_prompt invocation will print to the cli, but not actually wait for input.
  3. Phillammon

    Bug _mimeArmyShotglassUsed failing to update

    Several reports coming from Garbo users on this one- drinking splendid martinis is failing to update _mimeArmyShotglassUsed, leading to automatic overdrinking.
  4. Phillammon

    Bug EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION crash on running with --CLI on windows 10.

    Afraid I don't know enough to help diagnose this one besides the below error log- when run with the --CLI flag, there is no output and the below error appears in the directory KoLmafia.jar is stored in. Reproduces reliably when launching KoLmafia.jar on r20783 with the --CLI flag, regardless of...
  5. Phillammon

    Bug - Fixed "Underwater Familiar" boolean modifier does not respect Bloody Nora

    A Robortender that has been fed a Bloody Nora should correctly be considered an underwater familiar for the purposes of the Underwater Familiar boolean modifier, but appears not to be in r20767- easily demonstrated by maximizing sea.
  6. Phillammon

    PhillaSausage-O-Matic (One-click multi-sausage creation!)

    Hi there! I've been meaning to learn relay scripting for a while, and January's IotM seemed like as good an excuse as any! PhillaSausage-O-Matic will craft and grind meat paste for you, craft as many sausages as you require in a single button press, and does some of the arithmetic for you to...