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  1. noxious

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    It should probably be noted that the exe update does not work with the updated zlib, use the first jar file instead.
  2. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Awesome, thanks for the quick support!
  3. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I usually only train the basic 5 familiars that might come up in the tower. So depending on what I've already raised to 20lbs, determines what I use on the battlefield. It's a little easier to break the script and change familiars manually on the relay, than it is to find the data file and edit...
  4. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Is there a way to not specify a familiar at all? Like a default option, where it accepts whatever familiar I already have equipped as the familiar I want to use on the battlefield? something like?: ocw_f_default = current or default
  5. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    I think there is something wrong with hippy-0-balloon warplan. It starts by dressing in frat warrior fatigues, and says I cant get to (hippy camp) that area yet. I think its because its trying to do hipppy things in frat clothes. Attempting to change into hippy before just has ocw change back...
  6. noxious

    MacGuffin 2.0 -- level 11 quest, automated

    Did you know that it does not break for cookie counters? Not sure, but I think the old script did. Would it be possible to put a cookie break back in? edit: Also, after buying the dusty bottles, it says 'You ran out of restores. Unable to complete the Spookyraven section of the Macguffin...
  7. noxious

    Display Collection Management script?

    Ah I was close. And makes alot more sense now, thanks. Cool that you gave an example instead of just an explanation, I got to see noparse work too. :)
  8. noxious

    Display Collection Management script?

    Thanks for all the help guys! One last question, how can I cange this to display only one of each item? I tried to change both i's after put_display, but they both say invalid parameter for function. I don't think I'm quite understanding keys right (that's what the i is, right?) Code: void...
  9. noxious

    recent relay slowdown?

    Has anyone else noticed a considerable slow-down using firefox for the relay? The past few days its been having trouble loading the main pane, left info pane, and most of the top links' pages. Its like loading with really slow dial-up, though other websites load with the usual quickness. The...
  10. noxious

    Display Collection Management script?

    sigh... of course it would be something complicated. What is the command to check the display amount? I found int display_amount( item it ) on the wiki somewhere. Don't think that's it though, but I have no better ideas. And how does the flow go? Simplified --foreach get_inventory(), if int...
  11. noxious

    Display Collection Management script?

    That would be like cross checking inventory against dc, without knowing or specifying items or item numbers, right? Can I make it to move anything with a zero amount? It would be an if loop i assume, but how do you specify an ambiguous inventory? All the examples I've seen call for a specific...
  12. noxious

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  13. noxious

    Curious preposition gliches?

    O...M....G...! Man, I feel dumb. I just never put it together, usually I only equip it for rollover and hardly ever for battle.
  14. noxious

    Curious preposition gliches?

    Does anyone read the text on the relay during battles? I do, sometimes... and I noticed that sometimes the prepositions interchange into nonsense sentences. Like.. You failed through hit the monster he gets the jump down you sucks some blood from your opponent and injects it beyond you ...and...
  15. noxious

    Mafia-Firefox: Crash

    I have only one add-on, greasemonkey. And sadly, disabling it fixed the problem. Probably a compatibility issue since gm was updated. Will it (or can it) be addressed in the near future?
  16. noxious

    Mafia-Firefox: Crash

    Yup. Just tried it again this morning with build 6993 and it locked up after 3 clicks. Same with 6989 earlier. Oh how I miss greasemonkey...
  17. noxious

    Mafia-Firefox: Crash

    Started happening to me yesterday also. No ideas, but at least you're not alone.
  18. noxious

    macguffin.ash (a script in progress)

    I just recieved this quest from the council, and immediately started this script after purchasing one of each dusty bottle. I couldn't even get it started. Here's what it said... >call scripts\macguffin.ash Bad location value: "haunted wine celler (random)" (macguffin.ash, line 162) Too bad...
  19. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Kewl, that works out great! I was wondering why the nunnery was left out of a selection of 5. In my opinion, the nuns are one of the more important sidequests, especially as a frat with the mp restore. Thanks for the tech support!
  20. noxious

    One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion

    Ach, the dooks are gone! Ok, I had to go 17 more advs killing hippies (16 at a time) to unlock the farm, but the good news is, once the farm was available, the first adventure there was the farmer's thank you. At least advs weren't wasted. At the time the farm finally unlocked manually, the...