One-Click Wossname -- automatic level 12 quest completion


Well-known member
Whenever the next OCW is released (which should be soon since now there is a compatibility issue with ZLib that needs fixing), that line should be

zlib is_100_run = familiar

Where "familiar" is "mosquito" or "angry goat" or what have you. I'll try to fix this within the next 48 hours.


Well-known member
That would be... all of them?

Actually, Bale's suggested command is correct until I fix OCW. Then, use mine. More detail in the ZLib thread.


Well-known member
Okay, OCW is fixed to reflect the change to ZLib -- the is_100_run setting is now a familiar, rather than a boolean, and OCW now understands that.

Bale's command is no longer correct, bwahaha. Now, mine is correct. :)

@noxious: That makes sense. I didn't see an easy way to allow that when I fixed that other issue just now, but I'll put it on my list of things to consider adding. For now, just use this line in the CLI:

zlib ocw_f_default = angry goat

or whatever familiar you want to use at the moment. Note that this is also scriptable with cli_execute().

@Bale: I just meant that since the change was a recent ZLib change, it indicated that the script you didn't use was ZLib, therefore all of them. It was kind of a joke, but now that I've explained it, of course it's not funny.


New member
First off, I love your scripts and use several of them. Thank you for making them. I think I did notice an error in the frat-6-alpha warplan. It tries to do the farm before the nuns. When trying to run it I was able to kill all the ducks but when I tried to turn in the quest it said I could not get through the hippies to get there. Seems like something kinda fishy going on there. Anyway, minor issue and thanks again for the scripts.


New member
This is strange... it seems like ever since I installed OCW and the scripts it's reliant on, I can't use Mafia to adventure in the Castle. I can still use relay browser to, but I can't use the main window. Could this just be a coincidence? Or is there a known issue like this?


This is strange... it seems like ever since I installed OCW and the scripts it's reliant on, I can't use Mafia to adventure in the Castle. I can still use relay browser to, but I can't use the main window. Could this just be a coincidence? Or is there a known issue like this?

Grab a recent daily build or at least make sure you have version 13.6 of the official builds. Personally I'd grab the daily builds as many things have already changed since the release of 13.6.


This is strange... it seems like ever since I installed OCW and the scripts it's reliant on, I can't use Mafia to adventure in the Castle. I can still use relay browser to, but I can't use the main window. Could this just be a coincidence? Or is there a known issue like this?

Are you using a current revision?


New member
Will getting a recent version affect my counter for the Wossname? How about switching from the .exe to the .jar version? If not, yeah, I'll probably get a daily build right away. If it does, I guess I'll have to wait until I'm done with IsleWar.


Well-known member
As long as you run it from the same location as your previous version. I usually download the most current daily (replacing the previous one) before playing for the day, and I've never had problems doing it that way.

@Jazzmin: Thanks for the report, that will be fixed (sidequests swapped) in the next release.


The latest version keeps wanting to swap the familiar from what I have set as my default for a 100% familiar run.

I have both is_100_run true and ocw_f_default Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot set in my vars_ file, but it keeps wanting to equip my coffee pixie because it is the best choice for item drops.

If I type zlib ocw_f_default = Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot in the gCLI, it tells me that the previous setting was Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot. I've even tried deleting my vars_ file and starting fresh in case some settings from the previous version were possibly messing something up. So I'm not sure what is going on.

I see this when I run the script.
Internal checkpoint created.
"fastest.txt" loaded (14 steps).
Verifying Wossname progress...
Current step: 1
Completing step 1 of 14...
First match for type "items": Baby Gravy Fairy
Coffee Pixie is better than Baby Gravy Fairy...
Mood swing complete.
Putting Pet Onion Jim To Barbarize the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot back into terrarium...
Taking Epic Effie Ox the Coffee Pixie out of terrarium...
little box of fireworks is better than (none). Switching items...
Stealing little box of fireworks from Pet Onion Jim To Barbarize the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot...
Putting on little box of fireworks...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Big Time...
Equipment changed.
Putting on War Hippy Fatigues...
Equipment changed.
Countdown: 5 seconds...
Countdown: 4 seconds...
Countdown: 3 seconds...
KoLmafia declares world peace.

Which is where I kill it out of fright.


Well-known member
You need to set is_100_run to the type of familiar you want to use, i.e.

zlib is_100_run = ninja pirate zombie robot

If that is set, it ought to ignore your familiar setting. Further, BBB now makes sure you have your is_100_run familiar equipped before adventuring anywhere.

This was a fairly recent change, which I did mention a couple posts ago. I hope it didn't screw up your run.


This was a fairly recent change, which I did mention a couple posts ago. I hope it didn't screw up your run.

Yes, you did mention it, but I misread it. :eek:

I was thinking the zlib ocw_f_default = whatever that you mentioned would be the new way to set the familiar. My mistake, lack of sleep...

No, it didn't mess up the run because I hit escape before any battles took place.

Thanks for the help and the great scripts! :D


You need to set is_100_run to the type of familiar you want to use, i.e.

zlib is_100_run = ninja pirate zombie robot

i searched the whole script for this, but couldn't find where to set it for my player.

i changed all the if (to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) == $familiar to this: if (to_familiar(vars["is_100_run"]) == $familiar[cheshire bat]

the script now won't use any familiar. I don't understand...

EDIT: I re downloaded, and installed the script again. I changed this:

setvar("ocw_f_default",$familiar[ninja pirate zombie robot]);

to this:

setvar("ocw_f_default",$familiar[cheshire bat]);

and the script still trys to use the NPZR...

Last edited:


Well-known member
You don't need to edit the script. Just type

zlib is_100_run = cheshire bat

in the CLI. All the examples given in recent posts have been CLI commands -- sorry if that wasn't clear. Or, if you only want to specify a different familiar for the battlefield, instead type

zlib ocw_f_default = cheshire bat

If you're not doing a 100% run, you should make sure is_100_run is not set to a familiar, by typing

zlib is_100_run = none

Hope that helps.
What exactly is the point of the can_interact check on lines 483 & 497. The start_war part of this is causing my character to burn turns in the frat house. I do not have the Frat Warrior Fatigues but I do have the Filthy Hippy Disguise. This part is where I'm having trouble:
   if (includes_frat && !have_outfit("Frat Warrior Fatigues")) {
      if (!can_interact()) {
         if (!have_outfit("Filthy Hippy Disguise")) {
            obtain(1, "filthy knitted dread sack", $location[hippy camp]);
            obtain(1, "filthy corduroys", $location[hippy camp]);
         if (!have_outfit("Filthy Hippy Disguise")) die("There was a problem acquiring the Filthy Hippy Disguise.");
         outfit("Filthy Hippy Disguise");
      obtain(1, "beer helmet", $location[frat house]);
      obtain(1, "distressed denim pants", $location[frat house]);
      obtain(1, "bejeweled pledge pin", $location[frat house]);

can_interact returns true for me which means the Filthy Hippy Disguise never gets equipped so when it then tries to obtain the pieces of the Frat Warrior Fatigues it never does because there are no adventures at the Frat House (Verge of War) undisguised that drop these items. I removed the can_interact part and so far all is well?


Well-known member
You evidently have instructed mafia not to buy items, a case which I had not anticipated. If you have mall access, it was assumed you would prefer to buy outfit pieces rather than adventure for them, which obtain() would do unless you have changed that setting. In that case, you don't need to have the hippy outfit, which means the getting and equipping of that outfit was only attempted if you were unable to buy parts. If there is a way to access the "auto-buy items" preference in ASH this is easily fixed. If not, then not-so-easily.


The Arena / GMoB bits seem to have been broken by the new Bathroom Grudge choiceadv (it hits 5 choiceadv but not all of them are Having a Medicine Ball, so no GMoB shows up).

Latest (svn) Mafia, etc, etc. I did the Guy manually; everything else is still working fine.

Did I miss an update somewhere in the middle of a discussion thread that hasn't made it to the main script yet, or is this just something as-yet unaddressed?

Cheers and bats, regardless. The gremlin handling is my favorite timesaver.