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  1. gausie

    New Content - Implemented Standard Rewards in the Armory and Leggery

    This tracks the issue that we do not current facilitate purchase of standard rewards from the Armory and Leggery, but it really acts a place for me to upload this test html for @Veracity as promised. The attached html contains rows for every standard reward currently available.
  2. gausie

    libram: your book of magic for JavaScript

    Hi folks! libram is a JavaScript library that intends to provide comprehensive support for automating KoLmafia. It is installable via yarn add libram or npm install libram etc. It is fully and extensively typed for TypeScript users. It acts as a general toolbelt for dozens of things you might...
  3. gausie

    Attention script authors: GitHub is ending support for SVN in one year

    See When exactly will this happen? The 8th of Jaunary 2024. Who does this affect? Authors of scripts who host them on GitHub and advise they are installed using svn checkout Users of the above scripts What can I do? KoLmafia...
  4. gausie

    Bug - Fixed Inventory Panel Slow to Open

    Somewhere to discuss this bug that has already been acknowledged elsewhere
  5. gausie

    All paths lead to... $path

    We'll soon be merging code adding a new enumerated type to ASH (and JavaScript!). A few functions will become redundant (path_name_to_id, path_id_to_name and my_path_id) and you'll see warnings in your GCLI when running code that uses them. I'd like to merge this in around 11 hours (9pm in the...
  6. gausie

    Bug Sometimes script execution hangs until I visit a page using the Relay browser

    I can't work out why this would be and its hard to reproduce, but if I briefly lose connectivity my scripts will often hang in a fight (and are uninterruptable using the escape key). I realised recently that visiting any page using the relay browser kicks them off again as if nothing happened...
  7. gausie

    New Content Feb 2022 IotM: Combat lover's locket

    I can't work on it right now but we'll need Items A pref for the monsters you've fought via the locket today (you can only fight each monster once, and only three total). Probably comma separated monster ids. Do we have a second pref for number of fights done? Or do we just split by comma and...
  8. gausie

    Proposal: Remove "decorated" tabs

    Hi folks, We're discussing removing the "decoration" feature for tabs in the GUI. The dependency supporting them is large in size, outdated and unsupported (indeed, the code only exists in our repository as source, and Googling for the package shows KoLmafia's repositories as the first results)...
  9. gausie

    Since r25998: `crystalBallMonster` and `crystalBallLocation` retired, please use `crystalBallPredictions`

    The initial implementation of the crystal ball assumed you only got a single prediction per player at any given time. This new implementation reflects more accurately that you get a single prediction per zone. The new preference is formed of a | separated list of...
  10. gausie

    The official class name for Ed the Undying has changed from $class[Ed] to $class[Ed the Undying]

    To match with the data we actually get from KoL, the class has now been renamed. This shouldn't affect 99% of scripts beyond a warning to rename your class, but the unlikely situation that you are doing my_class().to_string() == "Ed" (instead of some_class_string.to_class() == $class[Ed]) you...
  11. gausie

    boolean pref _universalSeasoningUsed deprecated, int pref _universalSeasoningsUsed added!

    Since universal seasoning can be used more than once a day, the previous preference didn't make sense anymore. Note that the new one is plural!
  12. gausie

    r25720: You can no longer set a preferred browser for your relay browser - this is intentional

    This change allows us to remove an outdated and unmaintained external library for a feature that has been built into java since 1.9 (i.e. launching your system's default web browser) Make sure your desktop's default browser is set appropriately and you should be fine.
  13. gausie

    We're moving from SourceForge to GitHub!

    After over 15 years developing KoLmafia using SVN and hosting it on SourceForge, the developer team has decided to move the source code and development to git and host it on GitHub. You can already find us over at (with the main repository located at...
  14. gausie

    Bug - Fixed r20911 causes jar size regression

    This change seems to have brought the bundle size from 17MB to 46MB See:
  15. gausie

    Feature Upgrade Java version from 1.8 for building / running Mafia

    I was going to bring this up separately, but I think we could afford to upgrade the required Java version this month. The 17 (LTS) comes out this month. I really would like to move towards keeping us pinned to the latest LTS, but as a stop gap we could upgrade to the previous LTS, which would be 11.
  16. gausie

    "feelNostalgicMonster" pref renamed to "lastCopyableMonster"

    This change happened in r20752 For compatibility reasons we don't usually change prefs but this pref isn't in a point release yet. However, I thought that I should make an announcement so people who are using commit releases (which is probably most people) know to update their scripts.
  17. gausie

    Feature [ASH] "in" operator (and expanding "contains")

    I wrote quick support for an "in" operator, as well as some improvement to "contains". Thus this has two new features: "in" as the inverse of "contains" (i.e haystack contains needle is equivalent to needle in haystack) "contains" can now be applied to two strings for what is essentially a...
  18. gausie

    Feature - Implemented Rewriting KoL's seeded random functions in Java for mafia!

    Occasionally people spade the underlying code for seeded random things in KoL. I recently did it for Voting Booth initiatives and it's previously been done for TCRS equipment enchantments. I'd like to add support for forecasting these sorts of things to mafia and ash! I've written an equivalent...
  19. gausie

    Bug - Fixed I broke the unusual construct relay helper when I made the UnusualConstructManager

    Apparently I broke it (according to someone in the discord) I need to fix it but I'm on holiday now so I don't have access to programming stuff.
  20. gausie

    New Content - Implemented Translate from text-altering equipment/effects

    The italics on the rune spoon now (or did they always) have the real word as hovertext in combat. I saw a patch note about this in chat but didn't realise it was in combat as well. We could make a combat output cleaner for our text matchers.