Search results

  1. Crowther

    Pork to the Future - Cyrus, Hyboria, Future, and Wumpus!

    It seems guyy hasn't logged in here in four years. Same thing in KoL too.
  2. Crowther

    Veracity's Gingerbread City.ash

    Does KoLmafia know you have the city available? Try "get gingerbreadCityAvailable".
  3. Crowther

    New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM

    Results for Vampire Vintner after 10 trials using 120 turns...
  4. Crowther

    New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM

    Reading on the KoL forums, there seems to be only one bottle of wine and how its description and effect depends on the damage you do to end the combat that drops the wine.
  5. Crowther

    New Content bottled Vampire Vintner the October 2021 IotM

    Some kind of mosquito/potato that drops booze. Once I got one booze (14 combats) the familiar seemed to expect me to do something. I think I need to consume the booze to get more, but I'm drastically over drunk. Attached (to preserve tabs) is everything I was able to get to.
  6. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Okay, finally got things right to test that line and no, it did not work. Damage calculations are still off. I still see damage from Soot and Ashes at 75% of what I'd expect (50% of my buff myst in physical and hot damage). Buffed Myst: 1188 You conjure up an entire hearth's worth of hot...
  7. Crowther

    Bug Outfits and foldable items lead to broken state

    That's the rub. For a while I had similar issues around outfit changes in between (pre or post?) adventure scripts. I could never force it and running the same code on different days would have different results. Someone finally found that bug and I haven't seen it since, but it took over a...
  8. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Drat. I lost all my spading information I typed here. The unenhanced gingerbread alligator has 50% physical and elemental resistance and the enhanced one has 75% to both. I'm going to add this and see if things work better. monster 1989 Gingerbread Alligator 0.75|7.5 prismatic 0
  9. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Drat. That did not go as planned, but I did get a few data points. I was going to run a combat manually, but switched to the wrong CCS and automation ran all my gator fights. At least I had verbosity high. Buffed mus 1222, buffed myst 720, buffed moxie 943. I see percent reductions all over...
  10. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    I can try. I'm going to be farming sprinkles about three weeks to get my tattoo. I'm level 19 right now. I see mafia tracks the upgrade as "_gingerBiggerAlligators".
  11. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    Pulling the lever in Noon at the Train Station makes the Gingerbread alligator drop more sprinkles and increases attack and defense by 200. However, it also adds some kind of damage reduction or damage cap which causes calculations to be drastically wrong. Which, for me, results WHAM not...
  12. Crowther

    Bug First Nemesis Assassin window not being set properly

    I saw this the other day as a seal clubber. I normally don't watch that counter, so I have no idea if this is new or class specific.
  13. Crowther

    BatBrain -- a central nervous system for consult scripts

    My memory says it never worked and the wiki page from shortly after they came out has the message fronobulax quoted.
  14. Crowther

    New Content Wildfire - Fall 2021 challenge path

    Not that it matters for Mafia, but she also doesn't debuff you, which I really prefer.
  15. Crowther

    ZLib -- Zarqon's useful function library

    WHAM calls BatBrain which does have an equals() call. if (count(m.random_modifiers) == 0 && !equals(to_string(m), get_property("lastEncounter")) &&
  16. Crowther

    Feature Dad Sea Monkee "Optimisation"

    I've certainly lost doing only 120 MP hobo skills. It is rare, but happens. The wiki mentions this too. I'm not sure what I'm doing different from your math. EDIT: I should add, that happens when I forget to stock up on volcanic ash and warbear whosit.
  17. Crowther

    New Content August 2021 IotM - Our Daily Candles order form

    The other corespondents worked like that (activate on login). You could only get three days worth. If they are out of standard and you complete a standard run, you have to log out and back in to get your up to three days worth of messages.
  18. Crowther

    New Content Wildfire - Fall 2021 challenge path

    Oh, awesome! I was going to try and do the council text this weekend. Thanks!
  19. Crowther

    New Content Wildfire - Fall 2021 challenge path

    Some of the text is on the wiki, but last time I checked it was incomplete.
  20. Crowther

    New Content Wildfire - Fall 2021 challenge path

    How does questscouncil.txt get updated? That looks like a lot of work.