New Content August 2021 IotM - Our Daily Candles order form

Apologies if I've pasted these in wrong. I'm guessing that there's a separate pool of items we can get for each of the four slots, so here's the IotM and the four items (and their effects) I received today.

10773    Our Daily Candles™ order form    158496480    canclecform.gif    usable    t    0
Item    Our Daily Candles™ order form    Free Pull

use 1 Our Daily Candles™ order form
10783    extra-wide head candle    610762802    candlechelmet.gif    hat    q    0
extra-wide head candle    100    none
Item    extra-wide head candle    Weapon Damage Percent: +100, HP Regen Min: 10, HP Regen Max: 20, Maximum HP Percent: +100, Lasts Until Rollover
10778    Napalm In The Morning™ candle    843519018    candlecnapalm.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    Napalm In The Morning™ candle    Effect: "Scorched Earth", Effect Duration: 40
2651    Scorched Earth    candlecnapalm.gif    5c30f6397482274d3122b79f75f1fe2e    neutral    none    use 1 Napalm In The Morning™ candle
Effect    Scorched Earth    Experience: +10
10784    natural magick candle    514857943    candlecincense.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    natural magick candle    Effect: "The Odour of Magick", Effect Duration: 80
2652    The Odour of Magick    candlecincense.gif    be009c297c068eec5b7af5a7879f0d17    neutral    none    use 1 natural magick candle
Effect    The Odour of Magick    Mana Cost: -3
10788    votive of confidence    573165116    candlecvotive.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    votive of confidence    Effect: "Confidence of the Votive", Effect Duration: 80
2656    Confidence of the Votive    candlecvotive.gif    f52d3796283d5783af6be18126cade6b    neutral    none    use 1 votive of confidence
Effect    Confidence of the Votive    Muscle Percent: +50, Mysticality Percent: +50, Moxie Percent: +50

> version

KoLmafia v20.7 r20800
10773    Our Daily Candles™ order form    158496480    canclecform.gif    usable    t    0
Item    Our Daily Candles™ order form    Free Pull
use 1 Our Daily Candles™ order form
10780    runed taper candle    938927013    candlectaper.gif    weapon    q    0
runed taper candle    100    Mus: 0    1-handed wand
Item    runed taper candle    Item Drop: +25, Hot Spell Damage: +50, Lasts Until Rollover
10776    Salsa Caliente™ candle    439691096    candlecsalsa.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    Salsa Caliente™ candle    Effect: "El Aroma de Salsa", Effect Duration: 40
2649    El Aroma de Salsa    candlecsalsa.gif    225ee467a104d7807d192e8f8631abf6    neutral    none    use 1 Salsa Caliente™ candle
Effect    El Aroma de Salsa    Item Drop: +30
10785    rainbow glitter candle    281896112    candlecglitter.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    rainbow glitter candle    Effect: "Covered in the Rainbow", Effect Duration: 80
2653    Covered in the Rainbow    candlecglitter.gif    05fc5510004c8a8c3c089d303c20e856    neutral    none    use 1 rainbow glitter candle
Effect    Covered in the Rainbow    Hot Resistance: +2, Cold Resistance: +2, Spooky Resistance: +2, Stench Resistance: +2, Sleaze Resistance: +2
10787    ear candle    159239343    candlecear.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    ear candle    Effect: "Clear Ears, Can't Lose", Effect Duration: 80
2655    Clear Ears, Can't Lose    candlecear.gif    70122d4ab099253066bfcc852dec61a4    neutral    none    use 1 ear candle
Effect    Clear Ears, Can't Lose    Initiative: +100
10782    Abracandalabra    945645633    candlecabra.gif    offhand    q    0
Abracandalabra    0    none
Item    Abracandalabra    Spell Damage Percent: +100, MP Regen Min: 5, MP Regen Max: 10, Maximum MP Percent: +100, Lasts Until Rollover
10775    The Beast Within™ candle    467095194    candlecbeast.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    The Beast Within™ candle    Effect: "A Beastly Odor", Effect Duration: 40
2648    A Beastly Odor    candlecbeast.gif    e049838a0fd139161a874f6630ad44d5    neutral    none    use 1 The Beast Within™ candle
# Effect A Beastly Odor: Encounter beasts more frequently
10786    banana candle    822250066    candlecbanana.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    banana candle    Effect: "Everything Is Bananas", Effect Duration: 80
2654    Everything Is Bananas    candlecbanana.gif    8a37500c1bc979aad0f1323a09ee08a2    neutral    none    use 1 banana candle
# Effect Everything Is Bananas: Monsters will often fail to hit you because of all the banana oil everywhere
10777    Smoldering Clover™ candle    249699646    candlecclover.gif    potion, usable    t,d    5
Item    Smoldering Clover™ candle    Effect: "Good Things Are Coming, You Can Smell It", Effect Duration: 40
2650    Good Things Are Coming, You Can Smell It    candlecclover.gif    1c59b451423c6f6cc9a4562b422983a7    neutral    none    use 1 Smoldering Clover™ candle
Effect    Good Things Are Coming, You Can Smell It    Meat Drop: +60
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I'm back from my holiday tomorrow so I can add this support then if someone else hasn't already
So for items like this that are (presumably, in this case) seeded by class, moon sign, day etc. what sort of spading data is requested, if any? Today is Day 4, Accordion Thief, Vole sign. I received novelty sparkling candle, Salsa Caliente™ candle, rainbow glitter candle, ear candle.

10781    novelty sparkling candle    798264941    candlecsparks.gif    weapon    q    0
novelty sparkling candle    100    Mox: 0    1-handed sparkcandle
Item    novelty sparkling candle    Item Drop: +25, Moxie: +10, Lasts Until Rollover
So for items like this that are (presumably, in this case) seeded by class, moon sign, day etc. what sort of spading data is requested, if any? Today is Day 4, Accordion Thief, Vole sign. I received novelty sparkling candle, Salsa Caliente™ candle, rainbow glitter candle, ear candle.

10781    novelty sparkling candle    798264941    candlecsparks.gif    weapon    q    0
novelty sparkling candle    100    Mox: 0    1-handed sparkcandle
Item    novelty sparkling candle    Item Drop: +25, Moxie: +10, Lasts Until Rollover
@Aenimus said in Discord that it's not currently seeded but will likely be when CDMoyer gets back from his holidays.
So for now spading is moot. Also the easiest way to spade most things these days is to install Excavator -> then you don't even have to do anything yourself.
r20708. There seems to be an issue with setting your eudora to be daily candles after the fact, so heads up that that's a KoL bug.
A note on the candles, in case the wiki hasn't caught up with it yet. If you manage to skip logging in for a while, you will get all the candles you missed the next time you logged in. This will allow for one to get multiple equipable candles at once. I received the candle wand and the candelabra offhand item from 2 separate correspondence messages after I had forgotten to log until after rollover of the next night. So, if you wind up doing this, or notice that someone has multiple equipable candles equipped, this is how that can happen. They will disappear at rollover, but aren't added to inventory until the next time you log in. So, a heads-up for anyone who may be working on script stuff dealing with them.
A note for anyone attempting to use the "What A Wick-ed Game To Play (Candle IOTM Spading)" as a source of information... It's possible to get candle combinations deemed to not "make sense", which will then be removed from that table's spading. As such, that table's spading is biased and not wholly accurate.
The other corespondents worked like that (activate on login). You could only get three days worth. If they are out of standard and you complete a standard run, you have to log out and back in to get your up to three days worth of messages.
The other corespondents worked like that (activate on login). You could only get three days worth. If they are out of standard and you complete a standard run, you have to log out and back in to get your up to three days worth of messages.
Good to know. This is the only correspondence thing I have experience with.