Feature Dad Sea Monkee "Optimisation"


I think it's a native mafia thing that when Fighting Dad Sea Monkee, the skill selection in the dropdown browser changes to the appropriate hobopolis spell required, apologies if it is not.

I've recently permed Toynado and whereas prior to that it would suggest Shrap as the physical damage spell, it now suggests Toynado. It will also suggest Awesome Balls of Fire over Volcanometeor Showeruption. Both Shrap and Volcanometeor Showeruption are better in terms of doing 3 casts immediately rather than building up like the hobopolis spells do, therefore making it more likely you can kill Dad before he kills you. Would suggest shifting the autofilled suggestion to those two spells above the hobopolis spells if someone has them?

was using r20875 when I noticed this.
So, it's been a really long time since I last fought Dad Sea Monkee, so I don't remember how big the margin for error on the fight is (although my recollection is that it's much easier if you have spell doublers like the raindoh lantern or something to stack more damage sources).

I think that the rationale for using Awesomeballs / Toynado over Volcanometeor / Shrap is that they don't consume items, at the cost of setting you back a round in combat.

It is an easy fix, as you point out, but I don't play the game actively enough to decide whether this is broadly desirable, since it's dependent on the state of markets around those two items.
Dad can always be killed in the 10 rounds needed with just hobo spells at +13 ML or less (301 * 6 + 602 * 4 = 4214). Green lantern won't contribute a meaningful amount of extra damage because it wouldn't count as a separate damage source during a stench phase, either.
Since your effects are purged and your equipment slots are almost all taken by Cloathing, you'd kind of have to go out of your way to make it not work.
Dad can always be killed in the 10 rounds needed with just hobo spells at +13 ML or less (301 * 6 + 602 * 4 = 4214). Green lantern won't contribute a meaningful amount of extra damage because it wouldn't count as a separate damage source during a stench phase, either.
Since your effects are purged and your equipment slots are almost all taken by Cloathing, you'd kind of have to go out of your way to make it not work.
I've certainly lost doing only 120 MP hobo skills. It is rare, but happens. The wiki mentions this too. I'm not sure what I'm doing different from your math.

EDIT: I should add, that happens when I forget to stock up on volcanic ash and warbear whosit.