Search results

  1. P

    Feature ash function to list favorite familiars

    So, wait, is the favorite list shorter in a restricted path, and they're all returning true? Because if so, then they must not be picked up correctly as favorites in Not that I can immediately spot why that would be the case.
  2. P

    Feature ash function to list favorite familiars

    I've been meaning to look into how that bit of mafia was structured anyway, so I took a stab at implementing it. I'm not in a restricted path at the moment, though, so can't test if it properly marks those you can't use. Can't see why it wouldn't work, though.
  3. P

    Feature - Rejected Make Adventure Again icon work in the Crowd of Adventurers section

    I also can't use the ~ key, because like backtick and a number of other keys, they're dead keys in my layout (and I really wish US-centric programmers would consider that from time to time). But yeah, good guess on 'Q' being the one. That is, if you guessed and didn't by chance know the...
  4. P

    Feature - Rejected Make Adventure Again icon work in the Crowd of Adventurers section

    I long ago patched my local build of mafia to add an access key to that button, because the alternative is more mouse movement/clicking than I want. So I certainly think it's a good idea, based on my own usage pattern.
  5. P

    Bug - Fixed Purchasing with forced sort may buy more items than requested

    In the example I was given, the search was for "lasagna", which at this time has the lowest price for all 3 types in 1/day limited stores. The next cheapest after those were fishy lasagna in another store. The top 4 rows were selected and purchase was clicked, when prompted for amount to buy, 5...
  6. P

    Bug - Fixed Cunctatitis has wrong ID in

    It is listed as 298, where it should have been 301 (and incidentally, is misspelled as CUNCTATISIS), causing mafia to waste a SGEEA on curing it when I had Disco Nap and Adventurer of Leisure available.
  7. P

    New Content - Implemented Summer 2015 Path: One Crazy Random Summer

    Reported it, and it should be making its way to CDM's inbox now.
  8. P

    New Content - Implemented Summer 2015 Path: One Crazy Random Summer

    Actually, I've not seen "lazy" work either, though there may be something else at play. useLastUserAgent is a good bet to why it worked for you, since it appears the game sends different HTML depending on browser. This makes me a bit worried that they had a reason for doing that, in that maybe...
  9. P

    New Content - Implemented Summer 2015 Path: One Crazy Random Summer

    A number of the modifiers change the image in a way that leaves them blank in the relay browser (Firefox 38), while they worked fine if I logged into native KoL. After a bit of testing things, I noticed that the servers were sending slightly different HTML to native and mafia. Specifically...
  10. P

    Bug - Fixed edPoints never increments

    I just ascended and the attached debug log is from visiting the book of undying and the servant's quarters immediately after ascending. I had 22 extra starting points, and including the first free skill point, I should have enough for 21 pages and 2 wisdom impartments. This is indeed reflected...
  11. P

    Bug - Fixed edPoints never increments

    This is the first path that doesn't end with freeing the king, to the best of my knowledge. The Ed path ends when you return the MacGuffin, or at least that's where I would reasonably guess points are awarded. As such, could the kingLiberated function not be called on encountering choice 1055...
  12. P

    Bug - Fixed Shopping at Big Brother doesn't deduct sand dollars from inventory

    I've noticed that as well. I believe it'll update your coin count when you revisit the store, as well as on inventory refresh.
  13. P

    Bug - Fixed CCS fails to use proper section for monsters with capital letters

    Appears to be working as of r15650 for me.
  14. P

    Bug - Fixed CCS fails to use proper section for monsters with capital letters

    That is kind of a difficult question to answer, as mafia automatically turns them lowercase when you save the CCS. I could try editing them outside mafia, but I'm currently overdrunk and I'm not sure how I would go about testing it then. Maybe a BRICKO monster with the wineglass equipped, or...
  15. P

    Bug - Fixed CCS fails to use proper section for monsters with capital letters

    I have a farming script with a CCS that is set to trigger on, amongst other things, [ quantum mechanic ] and [ red fox ]. For these I now get the [ default ] strategy section (maybe this should be logged in the session log as well as the CLI output?). It was working with a mafia build from a...
  16. P

    Bug - Fixed NPE when using the "modifies" CLI command

    I've so far been unable to provoke that exact rendering error. Next time it happens, could you go to Preferences->Chat Options, and click the font size selection you're using? If that correctly redraws the table, the workaround patch posted in the old table bug thread should still work to...
  17. P

    Bug - Fixed NPE when using the "modifies" CLI command

    I'm on the latest Java 8u40, which fixes the display issue. Actually, I've run with a workaround patch for it, all the time until it was officially fixed. The brokenness I mention is about the columns not lining up and rows further down having fewer columns. Smaller outputs look fine, but I...
  18. P

    Bug - Fixed NPE when using the "modifies" CLI command

    Hmm, yes, no NPE any more, but somewhat broken table output on some modifiers (e.g. item or meat). For some things (e.g. moxie), it doesn't even display anything in the CLI panel. It's a command I mostly used for a reference to the rarer modifiers that the maximizer didn't used to be able to...
  19. P

    Bug - Fixed NPE when using the "modifies" CLI command

    > modifies moxie Unexpected error, debug log printed.
  20. P

    New Content - Implemented Strange Cartouche

    Forum seems to indicate that it was recently implemented, and that the location changes each day and differs from person to person. Nothing obvious from what cartouches people have gotten so far.