Bug - Fixed CCS fails to use proper section for monsters with capital letters


I have a farming script with a CCS that is set to trigger on, amongst other things, [ quantum mechanic ] and [ red fox ]. For these I now get the [ default ] strategy section (maybe this should be logged in the session log as well as the CLI output?). It was working with a mafia build from a few days ago.
I bet I broke it with my changes to check null pointers earlier. getLastMonsterName() probably isn't the same as getLastMonster().getName(). I think case insensitive matching for the CCS would be worthwhile, as it's a user interface.
That is kind of a difficult question to answer, as mafia automatically turns them lowercase when you save the CCS. I could try editing them outside mafia, but I'm currently overdrunk and I'm not sure how I would go about testing it then. Maybe a BRICKO monster with the wineglass equipped, or something.