Bug - Fixed NPE when using the "modifies" CLI command

Huh. I never even noticed that command before. I didn't really need it since I can just use the maximizer, but still... it seems useful.
Can't really find how the El Vibrato punchcards were managing to have a null modifier inserted, but have a patch to fix this.
Hmm, yes, no NPE any more, but somewhat broken table output on some modifiers (e.g. item or meat). For some things (e.g. moxie), it doesn't even display anything in the CLI panel. It's a command I mostly used for a reference to the rarer modifiers that the maximizer didn't used to be able to optimize for. Testing that now, it seems to have been reworked, so I guess I won't really be needing it that much after all ...
I think that's probably the Java displaying tables badly issue. I found sometimes moxie worked, sometimes it didn't, sometimes the display was messed up. But I'm on an unfixed java version at the moment. There was certainly html (95k characters of it) going into the printline command from modifies moxie!
PeKaJe, if you are on Java 1.7 or 1.8 and it isn't the very latest version, update it. Or downgrade it. Either way.
I'm on the latest Java 8u40, which fixes the display issue. Actually, I've run with a workaround patch for it, all the time until it was officially fixed. The brokenness I mention is about the columns not lining up and rows further down having fewer columns. Smaller outputs look fine, but I think the huge table overflows the CLI panel. If, as you say, it's dumping 95k, then yeah, it's probably overflowing and that's what's causing some or all of the brokenness.
PeKaJe, if you are on Java 1.7 or 1.8 and it isn't the very latest version, update it. Or downgrade it. Either way.

They haven't yet released Java 7u80 so upgrading Java 1.7 isn't an option yet.

Fortunately Java 8u40 works like a charm.
I still find some table display issues - with Java 8u40 - with the "servants" command, sometimes. Not quite the same as the previous bug, with multiplying tables, but with wanting to insert multiple rows into a single cell.

Sometimes. Sometimes it works perfectly, sometimes it screws up.
I just tried the servants command to see if it happened. The following is on a machine running Java 7u55 where I haven't upgraded the Java yet:


Since I'm still using Java 7u55, that might be a KoLmafia bug.
That's exactly what I see. Usually. Except when I don't.
I'll get a screen shot next time.

(P.S. I had this issue with 7u55, sometimes, too. I switched to 8u40 to see if it would make a difference. Nope.)
P.P.S. When I first saw this bad table rendering, I turned on some debugging and captured exactly the HTML that was being passed to Java's HTML renderer. I then opened that HTML in a browser - and it displayed exactly as I expected. In the gCLI? Nope.

KoLmafia does not sometimes generate the correct HTML and sometimes not. It is a Java bug.

I just ascended into another Ed run. I'll post a screenshot, by and by.

(FWIW, I like Priest, Scribe, and Belly Dancer, rather than Maid. Maybe I'll try Maid this time and actually try the Nunnery, although I am dubious about that. Absent that, I am never short of Meat in-run, so, Maid? Meh.)
I've so far been unable to provoke that exact rendering error. Next time it happens, could you go to Preferences->Chat Options, and click the font size selection you're using? If that correctly redraws the table, the workaround patch posted in the old table bug thread should still work to solve the problem.
Here's a screenshot of the Java bug:

Well, never mind. The current forum software is refusing to let me upload it.

For the record, in case fewyn wants to look at it, I am getting the following error when I try to ulpoad a .png file:

The following errors occurred:

ss1.png: Imageinfo Failed: <pre>sh: 1: /usr/bin/identify: not found</pre>
I cannot begin to guess what the problem is. This used to work.
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ss1.png: Imageinfo Failed: <pre>sh: 1: /usr/bin/identify: not found</pre>[/code]
I cannot begin to guess what the problem is. This used to work.

Changed hosting, new hosting doesn't have imagemagick installed?
(does that even count as a begin of a guess?)
Oh yeah, definitely. The discussion of Java is off-topic, or at least irrelevant to the actual mafia bug.