New Content - Implemented Strange Cartouche


This seems to be a thing that is connected to the the Crown of Ed. Occasionally a strange cartouche is noticed at the end of combat. I don't think that anyone yet knows if this is important, but it seems to be a puzzle. If so it would be worth recording them in the log.

In case this is a feature worth adding to KoLmafia, here's the HTML so that someone could decide if they want this logged:

<p>You see a strange cartouche painted on a nearby wall.<div style='position: relative; display: inline-block; z-index 0;'><img src=/images/otherimages/cartouche.gif><div style='position: absolute; left: 15; top: 30; z-index 1;'><img src=/images/itemimages/hiero12.gif></div><div style='position: absolute; left: 15; top: 62; z-index 1;'><img src=/images/itemimages/hiero24.gif></div><div style='position: absolute; left: 15; top: 94; z-index 1;'><img src=/images/itemimages/hiero21.gif></div></div><p><a name="end"></a>


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I spent the whole day (mostly) wearing my Edpiece and saw no cartouches, so this is untested, but revision 15583 attempts to detect and log cartouches like this:

Cartouche: 12, 24, 21

The numbers come from the item image.
I predict that for me, the "right adventuring location" will be the Island Battlefield and I will, therefore, never see one. :)
It appears only when you have the Edpiece equipped, right?
Tell me how to get on to the Battlefield while wearing it. ;)
You win the fight!

You see a strange cartouche painted on a nearby tree.

(not sure how you uploaded the picture, it keeps telling me they are invalid)

Adventure Again (An Overgrown Shrine (Southwest))

The pictures were: 22, 15, 17

Edit: forgot to mention, I didn't see anything logged for the numbers
I predict that for me, the "right adventuring location" will be the Island Battlefield and I will, therefore, never see one. :)

Unless they just added this functionality, I would guess the location changes each ascension. This time I got mine in The Boss Bat's Lair, and I'm absolutely positive that I didn't get those the last time I was Ed and had the crown equipped. I guess I'll see next ascension if it's still there.
I still have yet to see a cartouche. I haven't been doing anything except visit all the ascension-relevant locations as needed. I have about a dozen more, not counting the battlefield, for this run. We'll see.
Forum seems to indicate that it was recently implemented, and that the location changes each day and differs from person to person. Nothing obvious from what cartouches people have gotten so far.
I still have yet to see a cartouche. I haven't been doing anything except visit all the ascension-relevant locations as needed. I have about a dozen more, not counting the battlefield, for this run. We'll see.
Same here. It's probably alternating between the two sides of the battlefield.
I saw my first cartouche today in aftercore, when I went hunting for it.
Cartouche: 12, 2, 17 (Black Forest)

I then ascended and found another one.
Cartouche: 4, 4, 15 (Haunted Kitchen)

From what I hear, they are per player (i.e. different people find different cartouches in the same location), and the location where you find one changes each day - and upon ascension.

I wonder if there is one big puzzle - and people pooling their data is meaningful - or if it's one puzzle which has to be solved separately for each player? My money is on the latter. I expect I'll gradually accumulate them and eventually will find one in a location I'd found one before. I will be very curious to see it is the same one I found the first time.
Same here. It's probably alternating between the two sides of the battlefield.

And Them There Hills. And Mer-kin City. And Knob Goblin Throne Room.
Are in-disguise frathouse/hippycamp their own locations?
Oh! And Drunken stupor! And all 6 Cindyrella rooms. And a bunch of other places with no combats.
I kind of hope it's a hand-picked list of locations, all of them with combats, and probably all adventure.php for code simplicity on their end. But I don't know any more than you guys about it.
I wonder if there is one big puzzle - and people pooling their data is meaningful - or if it's one puzzle which has to be solved separately for each player? My money is on the latter. I expect I'll gradually accumulate them and eventually will find one in a location I'd found one before. I will be very curious to see it is the same one I found the first time.

I also suspect the later. Though that means there is a puzzle which can only be solved by players who bind an IotM that cannot be traded... If the reward for solving this isn't discolvered until after it leaves the Mr. Store... I'm a little troubled by the concept of a mystery reward for an IotM you cannot resell.