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  1. jasonharper

    CCS won't pickpocket if consult script is included?

    A CCS section with a consult command in it cannot be turned into a combat macro, therefore all of the macro-only commands get ignored. A normal pickpocket command (without the double-quotes) would still work in this case.
  2. jasonharper

    Question on ash data structures

    Linked lists aren't even possible in ASH. No object can ever have a direct reference to another object of the same type; the lack of a null value means that such an object would require infinite memory to initialize. That could be worked around by making the links indirect - integer keys into...
  3. jasonharper

    Bug - Cannot Reproduce unexpected error -every- turn

    Both errors occurred during an update to the Location Details pane (in the Overview tab, or the Player Status window). Unfortunately, the actual error is occurring deep within Java itself, so doesn't give us any hint as to what exactly went wrong. Were you adventuring in the same location for...
  4. jasonharper

    Bug - Waiting for Info Strange result from the Modifier Maximizer

    No, it only displays FAILED in the specific case of your current equipment not meeting a minimum requirement. Clownosity/Raveosity are not additive properties.
  5. jasonharper

    Regular Expression trouble.

    Well, if it's always in exactly that format, then "D1= (\d+) , D2= (\d+) , D3= (\d+)" would work. You might want to replace all the spaces with "\s*" so they'll match any amount of whitespace (including none).
  6. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Louvre mapping

    So, do the predictions actually work? I never received ANY feedback on this at all.
  7. jasonharper

    Bug - Waiting for Info Strange result from the Modifier Maximizer

    I'm unable to exactly duplicate your setup, but by manually excluding various items that are genuinely better, the maximizer doesn't seem to have any difficulty in suggesting a teflon spatula for me. To debug this further, I'd need to see the CLI output from maximizing "spell dmg, dump" (which...
  8. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed NPE in batch_close()

    r9671 probably fixes the problem in relation to having a charpane relay override. There are still some narrow time windows where an incoming chatbotScript invocation could screw you over, but fixing that would be a rather more major undertaking.
  9. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed NPE in batch_close()

    Do any of you who are experiencing this problem have any relay overrides active, in particular on the charpane?
  10. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed NPE in batch_close()

    That wouldn't entirely fix the problem if the offending ASH invocation is coming from a different thread. If it's just a recursive invocation that's wiping out the interpreter variable, batch_close() could save it in a local variable.
  11. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed NPE in batch_close()

    Do you have something like a chatbotScript running, that could have been invoked while your batched autosells were being processed?
  12. jasonharper

    help using "aggregate"

    I've tried to modify 'foreach' so that it would treat an aggregate as if it were an aggregate[string] map, so you could iterate over it, recursively if needed. It turns out that this road leads only to madness; the compiler can't tell whether the foreach variables are supposed to receive keys...
  13. jasonharper

    help using "aggregate"

    The only use for 'aggregate' is for parameters that will be passed on to a built-in function that works on arbitrary maps - clear(), file_to_map(), and map_to_file() are the only ones I can think of. It's fundamentally impossible to retrieve any entries from an 'aggregate' in ASH because the...
  14. jasonharper

    Bug - Fixed creation of meatcar fails

    Wild guess without source code in front of me: meat paste acquisition isn't being applied to the new ACOMBINE creation type, just COMBINE.
  15. jasonharper

    Form of...HTML!

    You can already do attr("class='usable'") just before your write_check().
  16. jasonharper

    Maximize question

    Right, anything you enter for the maximum will override the default 1000.
  17. jasonharper

    Maximize question

    That will work, but the "1000 max" for DA is redundant as that limit is built in.
  18. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug Using Anti-anti-antidotes automaticly cause a debuglog

    One of your consult scripts is going into an infinite recursion and crashing, presumably due to some bug in its antidote handling; mafia's own automatic antidote use is not involved here in any way.
  19. jasonharper

    Feature Copy constructor for ASH records (and possibly arrays/maps as well?)

    Utterly impossible, the way ASH currently works: inside the iterator, you'd have a variable that potentially changes type on each iteration. The compiler wouldn't know what to do with such a thing, and couldn't determine which version of any overloaded functions to apply to it. The closest...