Bug - Fixed Goal of 3 box changes to +1 Bash-Ōs boxtop

KoLmafia v14.7 r9664 (updated from r9643 because of this behavior). WinXP SP3.

I'm adventuring in The "FUN" House. If I type
3 box
into the Goals field, as soon as I click the Begin button, KoLmafia changes it to
+1 Bash-Ōs boxtop
which I think is really weird. Thinking perhaps I forgot how to spell "box", I used the drop-down for Goals to select
1 box
and then changed the 1 to a 3. Same thing: as soon as I clicked Begin, the Goals field changed to +1 Bash-Ōs boxtop.

Now that I have 2 boxes in inventory, it occurrs to me to try "2 box" as goal and see what happens.
All conditions already satisfied.
Well, that seems normal. So I tried "3 box" as goal again. Again it changed it to +1 Bash-Ōs boxtop.

Is this bizarre, or what? After it happened a few times in r9643 a few times, I got the latest daily build, r9664. No difference.

Here's my GCLI output, starting after I got r9664:
Validating login server (www3.kingdomofloathing.com)...
Redirected to www4.kingdomofloathing.com...
507 players online.
Sending login request...
Initializing session for storelladeville...
Refreshing session data...
Loading character status...
Synchronizing moon data...
Retrieving character data...
Refreshing closet...
Examining consumables in closet...
Examining equipment in closet...
Examining miscellaneous items in closet...
Updating inventory...
Retrieving familiar data...
Familiar data retrieved.
Retrieving campground data...
Refreshing storage...
Examining meat in storage...
Examining consumables in storage...
Examining equipment in storage...
Examining miscellaneous items in storage...
Session data refreshed.
5 days until Oyster Egg Day, Mysticism bonus today (not tomorrow).
389 prices updated from http://kolmafia.us/scripts/updateprices.php?action=getmap
Validating adventure sequence...
Condition added: Bash-Ōs boxtop
Bash-Ōs boxtop
Requests complete.

Request 1 of 37 (Plains: Fun House) in progress...

[197] Fun House
Encounter: disease-in-the-box
Strategy: C:\Frank\KoL\KoLmafia\Storella\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: storelladeville wins initiative!
Round 1: storelladeville executes a macro!
Round 1: storelladeville casts SHOOT WEB!
Round 2: storelladeville attacks!
Round 3: storelladeville wins the fight!
You gain 13 Muscularity Points
You gain 6 Fortitude
You gain 4 Enchantedness

Request 2 of 37 (Plains: Fun House) in progress...

[198] Fun House
Encounter: scary clown
Strategy: C:\Frank\KoL\KoLmafia\Storella\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: storelladeville wins initiative!
Round 1: storelladeville executes a macro!
Round 1: storelladeville casts SHOOT WEB!
Round 2: storelladeville attacks!
Round 3: storelladeville wins the fight!
You gain 37 Meat
You acquire an item: long skinny balloon
You acquire an item: big red clown nose
You gain 6 Strongness
You gain 2 Wizardliness
You gain 3 Roguishness

Manual stop requested.
Validating adventure sequence...
Condition already met: box (2)

All conditions already satisfied.
Validating adventure sequence...
Condition added: box (2)
box (2)
Requests complete.

Request 1 of 35 (Plains: Fun House) in progress...

[199] Fun House
Encounter: Adventurer, $1.99

Manual stop requested.
Validating adventure sequence...
Condition already met: box (2)

All conditions already satisfied.
The HTML entity for Ō is Ō and it appears the 3 in that is matched. The same thing happens with "33 box" or "332 box" but not "2 box" or "32 box". I don't know how you could have worked around that, except that after you had 1 (or 2) boxes you could have used "+2 box" (or "+1 box") as your goal.
Using "+3 box" works as well, it's just "3 box" that fails:
> condition set +3 box

Condition added: box (3)
box (3)

> condition clear

Conditions list cleared.

> condition set 3 box

Condition added: Bash-Ōs boxtop
Bash-Ōs boxtop
Oh, neat. Thanks for the information and workaround. I could also just watch session results until it shows I've obtained 3 boxes, or adventure in the relay browser until I get them.
But does this mean it's not possible to make it so that the digit 3 before the word "box" will work in the goals field? I'm just wondering if this can become a Bug - Fixed or not. :)
"03 box" would also work, so you won't need to count the number of boxen in your inventory.

[COLOR="olive"]> condition set 03 box[/COLOR]

Condition already met: box (3)
Not a perfect fix since it limits matching of items with a #, but much better than it was.

Thanks for annihilating a silly bug.