Maximize question


I've seen people post some pretty elaborate Maximize statements, and I've been trying to figure out what they really mean, and to be able to better utilize them.

My understanding of what some people have said is that:
Maximize 700 muscle, 10000 min, 10000 max, -item, -tie

Should maximize to 700 muscle, then focus on item, but when I do that, it maximizes muscle well beyond the 700, and doesn't do anything for item.

Also, what exactly does the -tie do?
Nope... giving the number means you want to weigh it that much more. 700 muscle, 10000 min, 10000 max means you want 10000/700 muscle, no more, no less. That equals 15, by the way... significantly lower than your goal of 700. As well, the - means to skip or reduce that as much as possible... that means it will take stuff that's as low in terms of boosting your item drop as possible. The -tie means to not equip something if it doesn't meet your goals of 15 muscle or dropping your item rates.

If you're trying to get 700 muscle and then do item-drop for the rest, what you'd want is something more like:
Maximize muscle, 700 min, 700 max, item, -tie
Let's break this down.
700 muscle, 10000 min, 10000 max
This makes 1 muscle worth 700 "points". I thought it would increase muscle until you had 10000 "points" (calculated as 700*buffed muscle), but it's probably trying for 10000 muscle. what you want here is "muscle, 700 min, 700 max".

This make it try to minimize your +item. You want "item" here.

If a slot can't be used to affect the stat you care about, it will try to increase other stats instead, such as max MP. Using -tie prevents that.
Thank you!

I have found that in order to get my desired result (of around 700 muscle, but not over, and then focus on item) is currently:
Maximize muscle, 600 min, 625 max, familiar weight, item -tie

if I go higher than 625 max, it gets me to 761, 625 gets me to 683...

understanding the -tie is quite useful too!
Yeah... the way min and max work is, min is the minimum amount for your maximize session not to 'fail' and max is the maximum amount that will be counted as generating positive towards your goal. So with the one you gave, if you have less than 600 muscle, the whole attempt is a failure. If you have more than 625, only 625 is counted... the rest is ignored. The familiar weight and item with -tie means that if an item provides for either of those, switch it in... else, leave your current gear.

Regarding weighting, what's more important to you, +item or +familiar weight? If you have a preference, weigh that one higher... For example, my 'standard' maximize alias is this:
mymax => ashq string maxstring = "0 beeosity, 4 item, 3 meat, " + (my_primestat() == $stat[Moxie] ? "2 moxie, ranged damage, weapon damage, .1 initiative, -melee, " : my_primestat() == $stat[Muscle] ? "2 muscle, weapon damage, .1 moxie, melee, " : "2 mysticality, spell damage, .1 initiative, ") + "%%"; maximize(maxstring, false);
Broken down, unless I specify otherwise, aim for 0 beeosity. Most important to me is item drop, then meat. Prioritize my main stat, then its damage type. Since ranged weapons use both ranged and weapon damage, each of those is valuable. If I'm a moxie class, use a ranged weapon; if a muscle class, use a melee weapon. Currently for muscle classes, I give the slightest bit of weighting to moxie, the others want initiative... I'll probably change muscle classes to prefer initiative as well once I've permed halfshell on all my characters. What this does is gives me a moderate amount of +item whenever, but if I end up getting fun hero drops during the war, it will use those. I also have a %% section in there so I can add in whatever I want, and since it's at the end, it will overwrite anything prior... so if I am doing clownosity and need to allow for some beeosity, I can overwrite the 0 beeosity from the beginning with a 1 beeosity there.

Anyways, probably more scattered stuff on maximize and how to use it than you REALLY care for, but something to consider... can always make an alias like that to provide for the standard flags you want, and add in what you specifically need now when you run your alias later. :)
Mmm... I like the ternary operators.
sprintf (buf, " and %s has %s%s%s talons extending from %s fingers.  ", HE_SHE (ch), IS_MORE(ch,MORE_HAND_FLAME) ? "flaming " : "", (IS_BSD(ch) && get_tribe(ch,TRIBE_BSD) > 0) || get_tribe(ch, TRIBE_BLACK_FURIES) > 1 ? "venom dripping" : IS_POLYAFF(ch, POLY_ZULO) ? "long black" : IS_POLYAFF(ch, POLY_BAT) ? "tiny, razor sharp" : "razor sharp", IS_WEREWOLF(ch) && get_auspice(ch, AUSPICE_AHROUN) > 2 ? " silver" : "", HIS_HER (ch));
A short description line from a C game I code on. I have better, but that's one that got work in the past month or so, so it's clearer in my mind where to find it in the mass of files. :)
So, I'm trying to redefine the definition for the Gauntlet to incorporate more DA. Assuming I want at least 800 DA but no more than 1000 before considering HP modifiers, is this the right maximize string?

maximize DA, 800 min, 1000 max, HP
That will work, but the "1000 max" for DA is redundant as that limit is built in.

Oh, i thought it wasnt because when i went into the maximizer to play around I noticed it gave me different results if I did maximize DA, 1000 max vs maximize DA 1200 max. perhaps what I'm seeing is that it's built in with nothing else specified, however maybe it can be overridden?