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  1. D

    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    I guess there is a bug here, though. Which is that ideally we'd always prefer current (even if nothing) when -tie is in use and no improvement. This looks from the code like it should be the case, but I guess it isn't working. Though it isn't as buggy as Eclipse for me, which is now refusing to...
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    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    Yeah, I really wouldn't use -tie, ever. I am not going to change the handling of a user wanting to not use tiebreakers to implement a second level of tiebreaker. Though I would be open to letting a preference overrule the standard tiebreaker, as it looks like that doesn't actually exist.
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    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    Well, you can change the maximizer tiebreaker, so it meets your requirements? It is a preference.
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    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    Why use -tie? It prevents maximiser caring about the difference between two items that do not help? You are explicitly telling it you are happy with any item that doesn’t help with maximising nothing! Ie with -tie it is NOT an item that is negative.
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    Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot

    Try ticking "always consider current equipment outside Hardcore/Ronin", or add +current, assuming both these happen outside Ronin.
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    Feature Chatbots and talkie

    There was talk that people could create bots using /talkie channels to effectively evade scrutiny and provide an MMG-like service, if MMG was removed.
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    Feature Chatbots and talkie

    To catch the zeitgeist, I guess that would let you build hidden MMG-like bots !
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    Bug Modifier Maximizer Pullable/Buyable issues

    The first is not a bug. I can certainly see it produces more server hits than ideal, though (if you don't have up to date price file, or if you are forcing it to always get latest price). It would involve a complete rewrite of Maximizer, which currently checks if item is available before...
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    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    r19094 changes this handling. Has a dropdown for cure choiceadventure, on item tab of Choice Adventures pane. Defaults to 0 (show in browser) - but this will not affect people who have played in r19091 and later. Should only upgrade if upgrade message is seen.
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    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    Though I am tempted to make this an autostop, any objections ?
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    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    set choiceAdventure1341 = 0
  12. D

    Bug Maximizer not working

    So looking at the code, lines 1024/1025 are: int creatable = CreateItemRequest.getInstance( ItemPool.EVIL_SCROLL ) .getQuantityPossible(); So for some reason CreateItemRequest.getInstance( ItemPool.EVIL_SCROLL ) returned null ? I can only think that somehow the ConcoctionDatabase was...
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    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    r19092 adds skill tracking - The banish stats are a guess, as they aren't yet spaded.
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    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    r19091 adds quest tracking, item removal, bag upgrade handling (to correct current count, look at item description).
  15. D

    Bug - Fixed latte lovers member's mug - enchantment listed as +wdmg rather than +wdmg%

    Got Pants in relay browser: Preference _pantogramModifier changed from to Muscle: 10, Spooky Resistance: 2, Maximum HP: 40, Weapon Damage: 20, Combat Rate: -5, Lasts Until Rollover: true Reset _pantogramModifier to null, logged out, logged in: Preference _pantogramModifier changed from to...
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    Well, I think because I added them, but experiment with “prefref volcano” etc to see which preferences are likely to be right, or switch on the option that shows preference changes in the gcli and then run through the actions in the relay browser.
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    My script does this : (Taking advantage of _volcanoItemX preferences which are set when you visit the quest hub) // W.L.F. Bunker if ( get_property( "_volcanoItemRedeemed" ) == "false" ) { if ( get_property( "_volcanoItem1" ) == "0" ) {...
  18. D

    Pantogram.ash -- add a "pantogram" command to your CLI

    Submitting in the same order as KOL so the detection works would be preferred, by me at least. If KOL was doing them in any order then we'd definitely update mafia.
  19. D

    New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag

    So, stuff. Looks like bag starts at +15 HP, +4-7 HP per adventure, and each time five quests are completed, will upgrade by +5 HP and +1 HP per adventure (So first is to +20 HP, +5-8 HP per adventure). So, we'll want to read/support that. We will want to support the quests, which are get item...