Bug - Waiting for Info The maximizer prefers items with a negative effect over an empty slot


As you can see, it wants to put the bathysphere on the burglar, even though that would decrease the modifier I am optimizing for. I assume it is because the slot is empty and it wants to fill it with something, but I'd really rather not myself, when it makes my item drop worse.
Yeah, there is currently a bug somewhere which is preventing empty slots being preferred. I've spent a few hours over a few days trying to find and quash it after some other bug reports.
r18842 should fix this specific issue.

What it doesn't yet do is suggest removing a negative item if there is no better item, and if the negative effect is indirect (eg -familiar weight when using item familiar and maximizing for item).
This seems to still be happening.

maximize ml -tie, equip unstable fulminate

210 combinations checked, best score 55.00
Holding unstable fulminate...
Equipment changed.
Putting on tinsel tights...
Equipment changed.
Putting on Crimbolex watch...
Equipment changed.
Putting on little bitty bathysphere...
Equipment changed.

This character has no other familiar items.

Unrelated to this particular report, but I'm curious: why is the Crimbolex watch equipped here as well?
I will add a P.S. I don't normally visit the Old Man or The Sea in run so if the bathysphere is available it was either an unnoticed SC pull or, more likely, in run but out of Ronin. (However being out of Ronin suggests there may have been other familiar equipment available).
After you reach level 11, CanAdv will unlock the Sea when told to check a Sea location, since it costs nothing. So if you're using some sort of, say, master relay quest script that checks a lot of location availability using CanAdv, you'll get a bathysphere after reaching level 11.
Try ticking "always consider current equipment outside Hardcore/Ronin", or add +current, assuming both these happen outside Ronin.
This is happening for me while in Ronin, softcore Standard run. Just used one of my pulls to grab a lead necklace from storage and it still went with the bathysphere!

> maximize -tie

156 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Putting on Crimbolex watch...
Equipment changed.
Putting on little bitty bathysphere...
Equipment changed.

> ash pulls_remaining()

Returned: 10

> pull lead necklace

Pulling items from storage...
9 pulls remaining, 0 budgeted for automatic use.

> inv lead neck

lead necklace

> unequip bathysphere

Taking off little bitty bathysphere...
Equipment changed.

> maximize -tie

90 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Putting on little bitty bathysphere...
Equipment changed.

Tried again with +current:

> maximize -tie +current

90 combinations checked, best score 0.00
Putting on little bitty bathysphere...
Equipment changed.

Using KoLmafia r19094.
Why use -tie? It prevents maximiser caring about the difference between two items that do not help? You are explicitly telling it you are happy with any item that doesn’t help with maximising nothing!

Ie with -tie it is NOT an item that is negative.
Well, I believe we've found the issue then. I nearly always use -tie because I don't want maximize to change gear that is not an improvement I've explicitly specified. I don't normally use it by itself (as the above example) -- it's usually accompanied by an outfit or modifier(s). But that still gets me a bathysphere equipped. Do you have a suggestion for a better maximize string I could use to prevent overreach without accepting negatives?
But others who use this particular script (like frono) will continue to get bathyspheres equipped. I guess I will just -equip bathyspheres in all my maximizer strings.
Yeah, I really wouldn't use -tie, ever.

I am not going to change the handling of a user wanting to not use tiebreakers to implement a second level of tiebreaker.

Though I would be open to letting a preference overrule the standard tiebreaker, as it looks like that doesn't actually exist.
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