Bug - Fixed latte lovers member's mug - enchantment listed as +wdmg rather than +wdmg%


(Checked in Community Service that it's not just an effect description typo, by using mug + 45 wdmg% from other sources)

Edit: wait, hang on, sorry, getting conflicting results now--one sec...
Edit 2: observation: ok, turns out that pantogram pants' enchantment description and mafia enchantment designation are also inconsistent. trying to figure out which of each is correct
Edit 3: ok, I'm maybe 80% certain that mafia is wrong about the latte and pantogram pants, but I can do more step-by-step checking tomorrow
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This makes me laugh. I have no idea what is "wrong" or might need to be changed. But you certainly are trying to nail things down and I look forward to a report :-)
Sorry for the confusion! The discrepancy I noticed was that mafia shows the latte lovers member's mug (with just the basic 3 flavors) as having a flat +5 Weapon Damage, rather than the Percentage buff that the (in-game) description claims. The pantogram pants (when so tuned) have the opposite issue: the item description is a flat +20 wdmg, but mafia sees it as +20%. I was checking whether mafia might actually be correct about one of them, but no.
Latte looks fixed, but pantogram pants' wdmg is still wrong (it should be flat, but mafia thinks it's percentile)
Got Pants in relay browser:
Preference _pantogramModifier changed from to Muscle: 10, Spooky Resistance: 2, Maximum HP: 40, Weapon Damage: 20, Combat Rate: -5, Lasts Until Rollover: true
Reset _pantogramModifier to null, logged out, logged in:
Preference _pantogramModifier changed from to Muscle: +10, Spooky Resistance: +2, Maximum HP: +40, Weapon Damage: +20, Combat Rate: -5, Lasts Until Rollover

Those are the two places it is set, so not seeing the issue.

What is your modifier, when was it set (if you made pants with old build, then loaded new build it won't fix it, it is a once a day update) ?
Oh, I'm sorry, I think I must have accidentally used an older build. I'll be sure to double check that next time!