New Content IOTM 2019 February - Lil' Doctor™ bag


New IOTM for 2019 february - Lil' Doctor™ bag

10165    mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag    209412266    dbag_mint.gif    usable    t    0
# Item mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag
use 1 mint condition Lil' Doctor™ bag
10166    Lil' Doctor™ bag    325464874    dbag.gif    accessory        0
Lil' Doctor™ bag    0    none
# Item Lil' Doctor™ bag: Regenerate 4-7 HP per Adventure</font>
# Item Lil' Doctor™ bag: Lets you perform various medical procedures on enemies
Item    Lil' Doctor™ bag    Maximum HP: +15, Single Equip
You acquire an item: Lil' Doctor™ bag
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So, stuff.
Looks like bag starts at +15 HP, +4-7 HP per adventure, and each time five quests are completed, will upgrade by +5 HP and +1 HP per adventure (So first is to +20 HP, +5-8 HP per adventure). So, we'll want to read/support that.
We will want to support the quests, which are get item, take item to patient, quest vanishes. We'll want preferences for item, location and number of times completed today.
Once the possible text is spaded we can get item and location from text, but until then it'll be safer to get them from quest log.
The number of turns til non-combats appear gets longer with each quest completed, but not sure we need to track it.
Choice 1340 has three options - accept case, decline case and turn off phone for the day.
Choice 1341 has just one - treat patient
After equipping it and starting a combat I'm seeing the following in the CLI

Round 0: Malibu Stacey wins initiative!
7305	Otoscope	otoscope.gif	5	0	0
7306	Reflex Hammer	reflexhammer.gif	5	0	0
7307	Chest X-Ray	chestxray.gif	5	0	0

> version

KoLmafia v18.11 r19089

Chest X-Ray is 3 uses/day Free Kill (not yellow ray just a free insta kill).
Reflex Hammer is 3 uses/day Turn free Banish (no idea what duration yet, needs spading).
Otoscope is 3 uses/day which increases item drop and delevels (amounts also being spaded). It doesn't appear to use a buff to do this (unlike Meteor Shower).
I expect these will need properties to track their usage.
not sure if this deserves its own thread, so i'll put it here / i'm on build r19090:

I think mafia doesn't subtract items (you use for the quests) from your inventory. Right now the item manager tells me i have two bottles of antique cough syrup, alas i have none. Similar discrepancies with phonics down.
r19091 adds quest tracking, item removal, bag upgrade handling (to correct current count, look at item description).
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One of the last few builds had made it so that instead of stopping when you get the target of your doctor quest, it just accepts the meat for you and keeps on going. It was really better when it stopped when reaching the target of the doctor quest. Since if you encountered it you were probably specifically looking for it and have nothing else to do in that zone anymore.
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Hi, would it be possible to add an autostop for completing the quest, that also outputs the upgrade process to CLI? Either that, or a way to force it to go back to the unknown choice adventure or whatever it was at before 19091 so that we can see the upgrade status by doing the adventure in relay. Thank you!
Having a goal set also messes up tons of other automation, so if that's the only way, I would object. (For example: having any goal set makes mafia full on abort after any adv1() call in my afterAdventure script)
Though I am tempted to make this an autostop, any objections ?

I would prefer it not. Its easier to script things that do not autostop, and functionality of making it autostop with "set choiceAdventure1341 = 0" already exists. I would be ok with making 0 the default for this tho.
I would prefer it not. Its easier to script things that do not autostop, and functionality of making it autostop with "set choiceAdventure1341 = 0" already exists. I would be ok with making 0 the default for this tho.
that sounds like the best implementation. Also, in retrospect what changed was probably the addition of this choice adventure as a recognized adventure, with the default being set to 1 instead of 0.
Both autostops and choiceadvs can be set as goals, so I'm happy either way, though for that reason the autostop seems unnecessary.

It's also another good case for properties as conditions.
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r19094 changes this handling.
Has a dropdown for cure choiceadventure, on item tab of Choice Adventures pane.
Defaults to 0 (show in browser) - but this will not affect people who have played in r19091 and later.
Should only upgrade if upgrade message is seen.
When used against a monster that can't be instakilled, Chest X-Ray instead does some amount of damage. This still uses up one of the 3 uses per day, but currently, mafia doesn't count it. Unfortunately, I didn't catch the combat message when this happens, and I'm out of uses for the day.