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  1. N

    Bug - Fixed Black Pudding feedings not counting up propely

    It works beautifully, thanks! Can you explain what the issue was, or is it too much for my little brain to comprehend? :)
  2. N

    Bug - Fixed Black Pudding feedings not counting up propely

    Hey, gang. I have tried this over several days to make sure it works (or doesn't work), and have been able to replicate it each day. I drink a Milk of Magnesium, then start the eating/fighting process. When I get to the fifth meal, it completes, and any attempts to eat after that get the...
  3. N

    Bug - Not A Bug Hotkeys no longer seem to work

    You are correct, as I can do it in IE. Sorry for the post. If anyone ends up finding a solution for this, I would greatly appreciate it (and no, switching browsers or to an Apple product are not solutions...).
  4. N

    Bug - Not A Bug Hotkeys no longer seem to work

    Neither, actually. I just tried various states of each setting to no avail. And when I press a button, all it seems to do is activate the search feature. I tried to disable search when I type, but that didn't help. Honestly, though, I just remembered that on the weekend I updated from Pale...
  5. N

    Bug - Not A Bug Hotkeys no longer seem to work

    As of 10246 for sure, I am unable to press a number assigned to a hotkey after a combat and have it activate. I have not changed browsers or anything, so this new behaviour has just occurred for me. The buttons are still assigned. Any thoughts?
  6. N

    Automatic Porko!

    Thank you. That is EXACTLY what I wanted. :D
  7. N

    Automatic Porko!

    First off, since I am in the right area now, I want to say thanks for the work. I asked elsewhere (improperly...) how I would go about modifying the script so that at the end of the report it would tell me my total number of lunar isotopes in inventory, and maybe even how many I earned that...
  8. N

    PullYourPorko - A script to automatically farm lunar isotopes.

    Again, sorry. I saw both posted in this thread and thought it would be safe to ask. I guess really I was looking for programming advice on how I would modify it (if that does not tread on the toes of the author, to whom I am very thankful for their work). I will head there. Thanks for your...
  9. N

    PullYourPorko - A script to automatically farm lunar isotopes.

    Sorry, but I am not sure why this isn't the thread for questions about this. And what I meant was how would I have it tell me my total (not just earned) at the end of the turns I spent.
  10. N

    PullYourPorko - A script to automatically farm lunar isotopes.

    This seems odd to say, but the Bumpork is great! How would I modify it to tell me how many isotopes I have after the last turn? TIA
  11. N

    Bug - Fixed r9981 fails to launch main interface, quitting after refreshing session instead

    Just adding my stuff: the preferences workaround works for me. Version 9977 is the only version I can launch without an issue, and it worked fine for me last night. I am running Windows 7 x64 and Java 6b29, as I thought Java 7 didn't work yet.
  12. N

    Bug - Waiting for Info Items not being 'autocombined' as of 9891 (or earlier)

    The Intergalactic Rowboat was made, but the Bonerdagon Necklace and the Badass Belt did not for me. The IR was built under 9977, and the other would have failed under 9973+. Hope this helps and not hinders.
  13. N

    Bug - Not A Bug Won't use Toss on autoattack if I have zero MP as a TT

    I get zero (0) returned. As for autoattack, I mean the setting under Options/Combat in the KoL interface. Is there another autoattack location? Either way, it stops like the fight was a boss, instead of using the skill. Please let me know if you need any more clarification.
  14. N

    Bug - Not A Bug Won't use Toss on autoattack if I have zero MP as a TT

    I could not find anything obvious or even mildly obscure, but I hope this isn't a repeat post. I have Toss set as my autoattack, and I am a Turtle Tamer. I know you can use this skill as another class with a cot of 1 MP, but it is free as a TT. I am not sure how I should classify this. It...
  15. N

    Bug - Waiting for Info Items not being 'autocombined' as of 9891 (or earlier)

    I am sorry, but that sentence made no sense to me. Can you please try to explain again in a way a simple person like me can understand?
  16. N

    Bug - Waiting for Info Items not being 'autocombined' as of 9891 (or earlier)

    Hey, gang. I did check the preferences before I asked this. I have discovered that items that would autocombine, such as the Talisman o'Nam and the Intergalactic Rowboat are no longer being combined in the background by Mafia like it used to. It did it a few days ago with the badass belt and...
  17. N

    Feature - Implemented Remember where Teachings Of The Fist drop per ascension

    It worked beautifully, although cutting and pasting doesn't have the pretty rainbow. :`( Now, is this a permanent command for this instance of Mafia, or will it have to be run each time?
  18. N

    Feature - Implemented Remember where Teachings Of The Fist drop per ascension

    Not being a programmer or sometimes even just smart, I can't really tell where this was left. I think the initial request was for some type of report command in CLI that will tell you where you have at least found scrolls, and maybe even if you used them. It could look something like...
  19. N

    Bug - Fixed GUI stuck in gray mode

    Oddly enough, I just had the issue again last night. I will try the last posters idea to see if it fixes it, but so far, my only choice is to logout out and completely close down Mafia. It is strange that it was fixed, and then appears to be broken again for me.