Feature - Implemented Remember where Teachings Of The Fist drop per ascension

Not being a programmer or sometimes even just smart, I can't really tell where this was left. I think the initial request was for some type of report command in CLI that will tell you where you have at least found scrolls, and maybe even if you used them. It could look something like TELESCOPE or the BANG potions command '!'. This thread indicates that it was implemented, but I cannot figure out how to use it. If I were to ask for this feature to look like I just discussed, would I have to create a new thread for it? TIA
If you want a CLI command to reveal the information you can create it with an alias by copy-pasting the following into the CLI.

alias fisting => ashq int fistSkillsKnown = get_property("fistSkillsKnown").to_int();if(my_path() != "Way of the Surprising Fist"){print("You are not a follower of the Way of the Surprising Fist. These skills are beyond you.");}else if(fistSkillsKnown > 10){print_html("<b>All Fist Skills have been discovered!</b>");} else {if(fistSkillsKnown > 0) {print_html("<b>You have learned "+fistSkillsKnown+" Fist Skills</b>");skill [int] fists;foreach s in $skills[Flying Fire Fist,Salamander Kata,Drunken Baby Style,Stinkpalm,Worldpunch,Knuckle Sandwich,Seven-Finger Strike,Miyagi Massage,Chilled Monkey Brain Technique,Zendo Kobushi Kancho] fists[count(fists) + 1] = s;for i from 1 to fistSkillsKnown print_html("   "+(i==5? "<span style='color:#ff4500;font-weight:bold'>":"")+fists[i]+(i==5? "</span>":""));} else print_html("<b>You have learned no Fist Skills yet.</b>");print("");print_html("<b>Places left to learn Fist Skills</b>");location [string] places;places ["FratHouse"] = $location[frat house];places ["Menagerie"] = $location[menagerie 2];places ["Road"] = $location[White Citadel];foreach key in $strings[BarroomBrawl, BatHole, Conservatory, FunHouse, HaikuDungeon, NinjaSnowmen, PokerRoom, Slums] places[key] = to_location(key); foreach key in places if(!get_property("fistTeachings"+key).to_boolean()) print_html("   "+places[key]);}

Then you can use the new "fisting" command:

[COLOR="Olive"]> fisting[/COLOR]

[B]You have learned 5 Fist Skills[/B]
   Flying Fire Fist
   Salamander Kata
   Drunken Baby Style

[B]Places left to learn Fist Skills[/B]
   Haunted Conservatory
   Frat House
   Fun House
   Menagerie 2
   Ninja Snowmen
   Poker Room
It worked beautifully, although cutting and pasting doesn't have the pretty rainbow. :`( Now, is this a permanent command for this instance of Mafia, or will it have to be run each time?
Permanent for this installation. That's the way aliases work... they go into the GLOBAL_aliases preference file.
It worked beautifully, although cutting and pasting doesn't have the pretty rainbow. :`( Now, is this a permanent command for this instance of Mafia, or will it have to be run each time?

This is permanent for ALL characters. Aliases can be nearly the same as adding a new command to mafia. There are some great ones here.