Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

[(none) (4,318), toy accordion (4,318), antique accordion (4,318)]

What that line is telling me, I think, is that it does not matter whether no weapon is equipped, a toy accordion is equipped or an antique accordion is equipped. I'd bet that, since the choice does not effect the score the maximizer just picks the first one, hence no weapon. I need to check that.
Ah! Actually, I was wrong. It went back to adventuring unarmed until I got the antique machete to clear the Hidden City dense lianas and after that it kept the machete equipped.
OK. There are times when the maximizer string is built to favor keeping existing equipment if swapping it out doesn't increase the score. That might be what is going on in this case.
Not wanting to gum this thread up with up with the thoughts of, let me stress this again, a very ignorant person - but in my first post, there were better options in the ACCESSORY2 and STICKER3 slots, but they didn't seem to have been considered. I wonder what output the maximiser is looking at. Just the WEAPON slot?
Hi! Passing ignoramus here, who's interested in and (mildly) affected by this issue.

First of all, thank you for taking time out of your day to think about this. I really appreciate that you are.

I'm in a standard HC Sauceror run. Here's what I see (with boldface added by me). As an ignoramus, I don't understand what the relevance of STICKER3 slot vs the WEAPON slot is, but in an ideal world I'd like Maximiser to equip one of the spell damage weapons, and the numbers for them are higher than being unarmed. Heck, I'd even be happy with it equipping one of the melee weapons so I could stab things more effectively if I had to, and I'm not clear why they're rated equal to being unarmed. Deciding to wield the turtle totem of all things, then straight away taking off seems (again, to me - an ignoramus) to be an odd choice.
Not wanting to gum this thread up with up with the thoughts of, let me stress this again, a very ignorant person - but in my first post, there were better options in the ACCESSORY2 and STICKER3 slots, but they didn't seem to have been considered. I wonder what output the maximiser is looking at. Just the WEAPON slot?
Consider adding dump or 2 dump to the maximizer string that is not selecting what you think it should. The road to understanding begins there.

Most of the time someone says the maximizer can do "better" they are thinking of a factor that is not better or considered with the maximizer string that they are using and the string needs to be modified so the user and the maximizer have better agreement about what "better" actually means.
Howdy fine mafia folks! I ran into this issue today (after multiple months of not experiencing it), and I wanted to share some logs, thoughts, and debugging.

* KoLMafia-28048
* Beginning of a normal seal clubber run in the Quantum Terrarium path
* I have (at least) the standard IOTMs, and most skills permed
* I ran into this while running the autoscend script, and was able to stop the script when I saw the relevant error message, and tweak my modifier maximizer settings some

> [INFO] Generating Floundry Locations for the session...
> [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus tiny stillsuit" to current maximizer statement
> [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus spring shoes" to current maximizer statement
> [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus carnivorous potted plant" to current maximizer statement
> [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus June cleaver" to current maximizer statement
> [DEBUG] Adding "+200bonus designer sweatpants" to current maximizer statement
> [DEBUG] Adding "effective" to current maximizer statement
Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,1.5weapon damage,0.75weapon damage percent,1.5elemental damage,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Muscle experience percent,+200bonus tiny stillsuit,+200bonus spring shoes,+200bonus carnivorous potted plant,+200bonus June cleaver,+200bonus designer sweatpants,effective

equip back Rain-Doh red wings
> [ERROR] It looks like the maximizer didn't equip any weapons for you. Lets dump some debugging info to help the KolMafia devs look into this.
> [DEBUG] Adding "2 dump" to current maximizer statement
Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,1.5weapon damage,0.75weapon damage percent,1.5elemental damage,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Muscle experience percent,+200bonus tiny stillsuit,+200bonus spring shoes,+200bonus carnivorous potted plant,+200bonus June cleaver,+200bonus designer sweatpants,effective,2 dump
> [DEBUG] Removing "2 dump" from current maximizer statement

* As I'm writing this, I reailze that the "2 dump" output didn't actually get written to the log, just CLI output, sorry! Will save it next time (will try to repro tomorrow)
* I equipped june cleaver & carnivorous plant, and ran the modifier maximizer manually. With the script's "default" modmax string above, it wanted me to unequip my weapon and offhand. If I removed "0.5 initiative" from the string, it wanted to keep them equipped instead. It even wanted to keep them equipped as I crept up initiative, all the way up to "0.4 initiative". At "0.5 initiative" it wanted to unequip them again
* I modified the script's code to set "+400bonus June cleaver" instead (from the default "+200bonus June cleaver"), and that extra weighting unblocked it and let me automate the rest of my turns
* Edit: I've since went back and read the thread I'm responding to. Thanks frono & crew for the notes -- I have some ideas on what to test next time this comes up
* Edit: trying to understand how kung fu hustler effects get applied: https://github.com/kolmafia/kolmafia/commit/fadce38b607da9a3a6f7e18c9372153efb9192d7

Will try to grab more info and share here! Let me know if adding full logs would be helpful or if you have any questions. Thanks.
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Thanks. What will be most useful in motivating me to put serious time back into this (as opposed to thinking about it once in a while) would be data for a specific case. I want a maximizer string, a set of equipment, and a weapon that is clearly better than nothing according to our understanding of the string but the weapon is not suggested or equipped.

My hypothesis is that given what we have asked the maximizer to do "No weapon" is an acceptable answer. It may be acceptable because of tie breaking. It may be acceptable because of some of the choices I think the maximizer makes for criteria that are not exposed to the user. Or it may be acceptable because there are multiple solutions that have the same score and the selection is somewhat arbitrary.

If there is a bug then it should be identified and fixed. But if there is a feature request to always equip a weapon then there is probably some discussion about the best way to make that happen, especially if Surprising Fist or spell driven combats are expected.
Thanks. What will be most useful in motivating me to put serious time back into this (as opposed to thinking about it once in a while) would be data for a specific case. I want a maximizer string, a set of equipment, and a weapon that is clearly better than nothing according to our understanding of the string but the weapon is not suggested or equipped.

My hypothesis is that given what we have asked the maximizer to do "No weapon" is an acceptable answer. It may be acceptable because of tie breaking. It may be acceptable because of some of the choices I think the maximizer makes for criteria that are not exposed to the user. Or it may be acceptable because there are multiple solutions that have the same score and the selection is somewhat arbitrary.

If there is a bug then it should be identified and fixed. But if there is a feature request to always equip a weapon then there is probably some discussion about the best way to make that happen, especially if Surprising Fist or spell driven combats are expected.
As an autoscend dev, I'd be happy to put in some extra, optional logging to help nail down this issue. What type of info would be helpful? If a slot is empty, redo the call to maximizer with `2 dump` added? Or perhaps halt the script at that point to let the user (one of us) debug manually and stay in the "failure" state
As an autoscend dev, I'd be happy to put in some extra, optional logging to help nail down this issue. What type of info would be helpful? If a slot is empty, redo the call to maximizer with `2 dump` added? Or perhaps halt the script at that point to let the user (one of us) debug manually and stay in the "failure" state

My Holy Grail is a maximizer string that does not equip a weapon and the specific weapon that the user thinks should have been equipped. Add context and be able to explain why the weapon is a better pick than no weapon. A simplistic example - which is not real - is maximizing for myst and equipping nothing (hence myst +0) when something else that is myst +2 is available.

A stop followed by a rerun with dumping and user analysis might be the place to start.

I'm also interested in cases where a weapon is currently equipped and the Maximizer suggests unequipping it and the user can show why that is the wrong choice. Similarly no weapon equipped and the Maximizer suggests no weapon would be of interest.

I guess if you are willing and able to have autoscend assist in this then I need to honor that by ramping up my efforts to debug this. I'll start reacquainting myself with some of the code instead of reacquainting myself with Fallout 4 :-)
Fallout 4 is something fun to be acquainted with as well! Turns out Malibu had already put most the work in for this, where it can detect if the issue happens and prints a 2 dump. I've made a PR which adds a pref to instead of trying to work around, abort so we can debug in the "failure" state