[ERROR] No weapon was equipped by the maximizer. If you want to report this to the mafia devs at kolmafia.us include your session log. We have attempted a work around.
Checkpoints cleared.
[DEBUG] Going into High or Standard ML Zone with ML: 22
Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from to sleaze
[INFO] Target hp => 243 - Considering restore options at 162/243 HP with 14/286 MP
[INFO] Active Negative Effects => []
[DEBUG] Recalculating cached restore objective values.
[INFO] Using skill cannelloni cocoon as restore.
[INFO] Target mp => 20 - Considering restore options at 162/243 HP with 14/286 MP
[INFO] Active Negative Effects => []
[DEBUG] Recalculating cached restore objective values.
[INFO] Using item soda water as restore.
Using 1 soda water...
You gain 3 Mana Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 339 to 340
Finished using 1 soda water.
[DEBUG] Recalculating cached restore objective values.
[INFO] Using item soda water as restore.
Using 1 soda water...
You gain 5 Mana Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 340 to 341
Finished using 1 soda water.
Casting Cannelloni Cocoon 1 times...
You gain 81 hit points
Cannelloni Cocoon was successfully cast.
[INFO] Target mp => 32 - Considering restore options at 243/243 HP with 2/286 MP
[INFO] Active Negative Effects => []
[DEBUG] Recalculating cached restore objective values.
[INFO] Using item magical mystery juice as restore.
Purchasing magical mystery juice (1 @ 95)...
You spent 95 Meat
You acquire an item: magical mystery juice
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 341 to 342
Purchases complete.
Using 1 magical mystery juice...
You gain 22 Mana Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 342 to 343
Finished using 1 magical mystery juice.
[DEBUG] Recalculating cached restore objective values.
[INFO] Using item magical mystery juice as restore.
Purchasing magical mystery juice (1 @ 95)...
You spent 95 Meat
You acquire an item: magical mystery juice
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 343 to 344
Purchases complete.
Using 1 magical mystery juice...
You gain 22 Mana Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 344 to 345
Finished using 1 magical mystery juice.
Preference auto_priorLocation changed from The Copperhead Club to Noob Cave
[INFO] Pre Adventure at Noob Cave done, beep.
Preference _auto_inf_session_adv changed from 141 to 142
Resetting mind control device...
Mind control device reset.
[INFO] [Sauceror] @ path of [Standard]
[INFO] HP: 243/243, MP: 46/286, Meat: 8132, Soulsauce: 4
[INFO] mus: 68+10. mys: 121+10. mox: 54+6
[INFO] Familiar: Gelatinous Cubeling @ 6 + 25lbs.
[INFO] ML: 32 Encounter: 0.0 Init: 60.0
[INFO] Exp Bonus: 9.9685 Meat Drop: 110.0 Item Drop: 129.29164564412514
[INFO] Resists: 5.0/7.0/5.0/5.0/5.0
[INFO] equipment: hat=[chef's hat]. weapon=[none]. off-hand=[none]. back=[black cloak]. shirt=[Jurassic Parka]. pants=[Knob Goblin pants]. acc1=[Bram's choker]. acc2=[ghost of a necklace]. acc3=[bejeweled pledge pin]. familiar=[astral pet sweater].
[INFO] About to start a combat indirectly at Noob Cave... (3) accesses required.
Preference _genieFightsUsed changed from 2 to 3
Preference lastAdventure changed from The Copperhead Club to None
Preference nextAdventure changed from Noob Cave to None
[143] genie summoned monster
Preference lastAdventure changed from None to The Copperhead Club
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 345 to 346
Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to Baa'baa'bu'ran
Encounter: Baa'baa'bu'ran
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20240828174114 to 20240828174209
Round 0: Vulgarian wins initiative!
Round 1: Schluuuurt dissolves some of your opponent's more important bits, leaving him weaker.
Round 1: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 15 attack power.
Round 1: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 15 defense.
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Logging Mill. You hear the saw running and buzzing and a perfectly formed plank slides out.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 115 to 116
You acquire an item: weirdwood plank
Preference nextAdventure changed from None to The Copperhead Club
[INFO] autoAdvBypass has encountered a combat! (param: 'auto_combatHandler')
Preference _auto_combatTracker_MortarRound changed from 1 to -1
[INFO] auto_combat initialized fighting [Baa'baa'bu'ran]: atk = 87. def = 105. HP = 90. LA = 32
Preference auto_combatHP changed from 122 to 243
Preference _auto_combatState changed from to (sk4034)
Round 1: Vulgarian casts CURSE OF WEAKSAUCE!
Round 2: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 5 attack power.
Round 2: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 5 defense.
Preference auto_diag_round changed from 0 to 1
Preference _auto_combatTracker_MortarRound changed from -1 to 1
Preference _auto_combatState changed from (sk4034) to (sk4034)(sk3007)
Round 2: Vulgarian casts STUFFED MORTAR SHELL!
Round 3: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 6 attack power.
Round 3: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 6 defense.
Round 3: You lose 7 hit points
Preference auto_combatHP changed from 243 to 236
Preference auto_diag_round changed from 1 to 2
Round 3: Vulgarian uses the seal tooth!
Round 4: Baa'baa'bu'ran takes 1 damage.
Round 4: Baa'baa'bu'ran takes 155 damage.
Round 4: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 5 attack power.
Round 4: Baa'baa'bu'ran drops 6 defense.
Round 4: Vulgarian wins the fight!
After Battle: You gain 46 Mana Points
After Battle: Nine out of ten cryptozoologists agree that the Baa'baa'bu'ran keeps itself hydrated by storing emergency water in its butt, like a camel.
You acquire an effect: Ultrahydrated (5)
After Battle: Schluuuurt slurps around, picking up discarded trash and bits.
You acquire an item: stone wool
You acquire an item: stone wool
After Battle: Schluuuurt shudders and disgorges an item with a wet squelch.
You acquire an item: soda water
After Battle: You gain 8 Strongness
After Battle: You gain 22 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 14 Roguishness
You gain 5 Soulsauce
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from black panther to Baa'baa'bu'ran
Preference cubelingProgress changed from 38 to 39
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 346 to 347
[DEBUG] Running auto_post_adv.ash
You gain 15 Mana Points
Soul Food was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 1 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (10)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Astral Shell 1 times...
You acquire an effect: Astral Shell (5)
Astral Shell was successfully cast.
[DEBUG] Can not get Inscrutable Gaze expression as we are already emoting.
[DEBUG] Can not get Wry Smile expression as we are already emoting.
[DEBUG] Can not get Inscrutable Gaze expression as we are already emoting.
[DEBUG] Can not get Wry Smile expression as we are already emoting.
[DEBUG] Can not get Patient Smile expression as we are already emoting.
[DEBUG] Can not get Knowing Smile expression as we are already emoting.
[INFO] Post Adventure done, beep.
Preference auto_copies changed from (1:War Frat 151st Infantryman:Calculate the Universe:0), (1:Recall Facts. Monster Habitats:modern zmobie:51) to (1:War Frat 151st Infantryman:Calculate the Universe:0), (1:Recall Facts. Monster Habitats:modern zmobie:51), (1:Baa'baa'bu'ran

ocket wish:143)
Preference auto_wishes changed from to (1

ocket wish:to fight a Baa'baa'bu'ran:143)
[DEBUG] Did summon Baa'baa'bu'ran via wishing
[INFO] Turn(143): Starting with 16 left at Level: 11
[INFO] Encounter: 0.0 Exp Bonus: 33.9485
[INFO] Meat Drop: 110.0 Item Drop: 129.29164564412514
[INFO] HP: 238/243, MP: 75/286, Meat: 8132
[INFO] Tummy: 15/15 Liver: 11/14 Spleen: 1/15
[INFO] ML: 32 control: 10
[INFO] Soulsauce: 4
[INFO] Ultrahydrated: 4
[INFO] Delay between adventures... beep boop...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
Preference _auto_thisLoopHandleFamiliar changed from true to false
Preference auto_familiarChoice changed from Gelatinous Cubeling to
Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from sleaze to
[DEBUG] Resetting auto_maximize_current to 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 0 LX_freeCombatsTask
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 1 woods_questStart
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 2 LX_unlockPirateRealm
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 3 catBurglarHeist
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 4 auto_breakfastCounterVisit
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 5 chateauPainting
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 6 LX_setWorkshed
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 7 LX_galaktikSubQuest
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 8 L9_leafletQuest
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 9 L5_findKnob
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 10 L12_sonofaPrefix
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 11 LX_burnDelay
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 12 LX_summonMonster
[DEBUG] Thinking about summoning ninja snowman assassin
[DEBUG] Checking if we can summon ninja snowman assassin
[DEBUG] Checking if we can summon smut orc pervert
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 13 LM_edTheUndying
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 14 LX_bugbearInvasion
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 15 LX_lowkeySummer
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 16 L11_aridDesert
Verifying ingredients for UV-resistant compass (1)...
Purchasing UV-resistant compass (1 @ 1 Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip)...
Visiting the The Shore, Inc. Gift Shop...
You acquire an item: UV-resistant compass
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 347 to 348
The Shore, Inc. Gift Shop successfully looted!
Successfully created UV-resistant compass (1)
[INFO] Turn(143): Starting with 16 left at Level: 11
[INFO] Encounter: 0.0 Exp Bonus: 33.9485
[INFO] Meat Drop: 110.0 Item Drop: 129.29164564412514
[INFO] HP: 238/243, MP: 75/286, Meat: 8132
[INFO] Tummy: 15/15 Liver: 11/14 Spleen: 1/15
[INFO] ML: 32 control: 10
[INFO] Soulsauce: 4
[INFO] Ultrahydrated: 4
[INFO] Delay between adventures... beep boop...
Countdown: 1 second...
Waiting completed.
[DEBUG] Resetting auto_maximize_current to 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 0 LX_freeCombatsTask
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 1 woods_questStart
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 2 LX_unlockPirateRealm
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 3 catBurglarHeist
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 4 auto_breakfastCounterVisit
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 5 chateauPainting
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 6 LX_setWorkshed
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 7 LX_galaktikSubQuest
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 8 L9_leafletQuest
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 9 L5_findKnob
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 10 L12_sonofaPrefix
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 11 LX_burnDelay
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 12 LX_summonMonster
[DEBUG] Thinking about summoning ninja snowman assassin
[DEBUG] Checking if we can summon ninja snowman assassin
[DEBUG] Checking if we can summon smut orc pervert
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 13 LM_edTheUndying
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 14 LX_bugbearInvasion
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 15 LX_lowkeySummer
[DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 16 L11_aridDesert
[INFO] Searching for the pyramid
Using 1 hair spray...
You acquire an effect: Butt-Rock Hair (3)
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 348 to 349
Finished using 1 hair spray.
[INFO] expectedOasis: 8
[INFO] equivProgress: 16
[INFO] need: 100
[INFO] Equipping UV-resistant compass to slot off-hand
Preference _auto_maximize_equip_off-hand changed from to UV-resistant compass
[INFO] Need for desert: 100
[INFO] Worm riding: 0
Preference auto_diag_round changed from 2 to 0
nextAdventure => The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
Preference nextAdventure changed from The Copperhead Club to The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
[INFO] Starting preadventure script...
[DEBUG] Adventuring at The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
[DEBUG] lookupFamiliarDatafile is checking for type [drop]
Preference auto_lastFamiliarLookupType changed from item to drop
[DEBUG] Could not find any "drop" type familiars!
[DEBUG] lookupFamiliarDatafile is checking for type [stat]
Preference auto_lastFamiliarLookupType changed from drop to stat
Preference auto_familiarChoice changed from to Miniature Sword & Martini Guy
Preference _auto_thisLoopHandleFamiliar changed from false to true
Putting Schluuuurt the Gelatinous Cubeling back into terrarium...
Taking Old Gavin the Miniature Sword & Martini Guy out of terrarium...
astral pet sweater is better than (none). Switching items...
Stealing astral pet sweater from Schluuuurt the Gelatinous Cubeling...
Unequipping Schluuuurt the Gelatinous Cubeling...
Familiar unequipped.
Putting on astral pet sweater...
Equipment changed.
Casting Pride of the Puffin 1 times...
You acquire an effect: Pride of the Puffin (10)
Pride of the Puffin was successfully cast.
[DEBUG] Removing "-equip UV-resistant compass" from current maximizer statement
[DEBUG] Adding "+equip UV-resistant compass" to current maximizer statement
Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,0.25spell damage,1.75spell damage percent,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Mysticality experience percent,+equip UV-resistant compass
24 combinations checked, best score 1,902.82
Wielding Knob Goblin tongs...
Equipment changed.
Holding UV-resistant compass...
Equipment changed.
Preference lastEncounter changed from Baa'baa'bu'ran to Adjust your Parka
Encounter: Adjust your Parka
Preference parkaMode changed from kachungasaur to spikolodon
Your parka is now set to spikolodon mode.
Checkpoints cleared.
[DEBUG] Going into High or Standard ML Zone with ML: 75
Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from to sleaze
Preference auto_priorLocation changed from Noob Cave to The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert
[INFO] Pre Adventure at The Arid, Extra-Dry Desert done, beep.
Preference _auto_inf_session_adv changed from 142 to 143
[INFO] [Sauceror] @ path of [Standard]
[INFO] HP: 162/162, MP: 45/286, Meat: 8132, Soulsauce: 4
[INFO] mus: 68+10. mys: 121+10. mox: 54+14
[INFO] Familiar: Miniature Sword & Martini Guy @ 7 + 25lbs.
[INFO] ML: 75 Encounter: 0.0 Init: 40.0
[INFO] Exp Bonus: 44.85500000000001 Meat Drop: 10.0 Item Drop: 20.0
[INFO] Resists: 3.0/3.0/3.0/3.0/5.0
[INFO] equipment: hat=[chef's hat].
weapon=[Knob Goblin tongs]. off-hand=[UV-resistant compass]. back=[black cloak]. shirt=[Jurassic Parka]. pants=[Knob Goblin pants]. acc1=[Bram's choker]. acc2=[ghost of a necklace]. acc3=[bejeweled pledge pin]. familiar=[astral pet sweater].