Bug - Confirmed Maximizer didn't equip a weapon

Specifically, I mention the passive skill cache because recalculateAdjustments(true, ...) creates a new DebugModifiers which in turn, among other things, forcibly refreshes the passive skill cache.
Have done a couple of autoscend runs this year (when cleaver's dropped out of standard, generally it's been fine while i've had it) and it's having all sort of issues getting a weapon (for SC and TT) are logs useful to here or to autoscend? and if so assuming just the bit where it fails and adds extra debugging?
IIRC, Autoscend detects this and does some useful stuff like turning on debugging and redoing the search with Dump and 2 dump parameters.

What would help the most is a reduced test case that Frono and others could hit with a hammer until it confesses to the nature of the issue.

I, too have seen this while running autoscend, but it's usually a victim of the scroll back buffer being not very big and I have to remember that I had a problem and then go look. It was usually on day 1 or 2, usually between levels 5 and 8.
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Every time I have seen autoscend's logging, to the best of my ability, not equipping a weapon was the correct answer. This makes me sad and gives me nothing to try and debug.
I set the flag to stop autoscend when it can't equip a weapon. Simplifying their highly tuned maximizer statements is daunting.
OK, so it stopped for me. I'm in HCAT Standard. Just starting this run, so I started from nekkid.
attached debug and session logs.
Here's the console from Autoscend with 2 Dump info.
[ERROR] It looks like the maximizer didn't equip any weapons for you. Lets dump some debugging info to help the KolMafia devs look into this.
Maximizer: 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,1.5weapon damage,0.75weapon damage percent,1.5elemental damage,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,15Moxie experience,5Moxie experience percent,+200bonus spring shoes,+200bonus bat wings,effective,2 dump
Loading character status...
Outfits [Bounty-Hunting Rig, Tapered Threads, Cursed Zombie Pirate Costume, Hyperborean Hobo Habiliments, Grimy Reaper's Vestments, Slimesuit, Legendary Regalia of the Master Squeezeboxer, Transparent Trappings, Blasphemous Bedizenment, Thousandth Birthday Suit, Bits o' Honey, Seafaring Suit, Violent Vestments, Dreadful Zombie Suit, Cool Irons, Wrought Wrappings, Toxic Togs, The Jokester's Costume, Eldritch Equipage, FantasyRealm Warrior's Outfit, Mutant Parts Apparel, Whittled Wearables, Lathed Livery]
[ravioli hat (1,870), helmet turtle (1,871), disco mask (1,872), mariachi hat (1,872), fake arrow-through-the-head (1,876), astronaut helmet (1,877), Apriling band helmet (1,945)]
[Apriling band helmet]
[(none) (1,571), stolen accordion (1,574)]
[stolen accordion]
[hobo code binder (1,571), (none) (1,571), McHugeLarge left pole (1,586), Roman Candelabra (1,679), oversized monocle on a stick (1,696), august scepter (1,741)]
[august scepter, McHugeLarge left pole]
[McHugeLarge duffel bag (1,779), bat wings (1,945)]
[bat wings, McHugeLarge duffel bag]
[astral shirt (1,945)]
[astral shirt]
[old sweatpants (1,859), tearaway pants (1,945)]
[tearaway pants]
[McHugeLarge left ski (1,699), McHugeLarge right ski (1,708), Everfull Dart Holster (1,718), spring shoes (1,945)]
[spring shoes, Everfull Dart Holster, McHugeLarge right ski, McHugeLarge left ski]
[(none) (1,571), seal-clubbing club (1,574), seal-clubbing club (1,574), turtle totem (1,574), turtle totem (1,574), pasta spoon (1,574), pasta spoon (1,574), saucepan (1,574), saucepan (1,574), boot knife (1,583), McHugeLarge right pole (1,678), McHugeLarge right pole (1,678), candy cane sword cane (1,735), candy cane sword cane (1,735)]
[candy cane sword cane, McHugeLarge right pole]
[(none) (1,571), disco ball (1,574)]
[disco ball]
[(none) (1,571), disco ball (1,574), boot knife (1,583)]
[boot knife, disco ball]
160 combinations checked, best score 1,945.50

My complete inv.

2002 Mr. Store Catalog
astral six-pack
astronaut helmet
august scepter
big rock
Black and White Apron Meal Kit
boot knife
candy cane sword cane
Clan VIP Lounge key
disco ball
disco mask
Everfull Dart Holster
fake arrow-through-the-head
helmet turtle
Letter for Melvign the Gnome
mariachi hat
Mayam Calendar
McHugeLarge duffel bag
McHugeLarge left pole
McHugeLarge right pole
Newbiesport™ tent
old sweatpants
oversized monocle on a stick
pasta spoon
ravioli hat
Roman Candelabra
seal-clubbing club
server room key
stolen accordion
TakerSpace letter of Marque
toy Cupid bow
turtle totem
worthless knick-knack
worthless trinket
> skills

Chronic Indigestion (5 mp)
Powers of Observatiogn (0 mp)
Gnefarious Pickpocketing (0 mp)
Torso Awareness (0 mp)
Gnomish Hardigness (0 mp)
Cosmic Ugnderstanding (0 mp)
CLEESH (10 mp)
Awesome Balls of Fire (120 mp)
Snowclone (120 mp)
Eggsplosion (120 mp)
Grease Lightning (120 mp)
Thrift and Grift (0 mp)
Abs of Tin (0 mp)
Marginally Insane (0 mp)
Raise Backup Dancer (120 mp)
Master of the Surprising Fist (0 mp)
Walberg's Dim Bulb (5 mp)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot (15 mp)
Drescher's Annoying Noise (40 mp)
Deep Dark Visions (100 mp)
Implode Universe (50 mp)
Drippy Eye-Stone (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: First Aid Technician (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Passenger Greeter (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Concierge (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Track Switcher (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Bartender (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Waiter (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Coal Taster (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Dessert Steward (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Night Watchman (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Sanitation Consultant (0 mp)
Crimbo Training: Graffiti Censor (0 mp)
Secret Door Awareness (0 mp)
Perpetrate Mild Evil (0 mp)
Chitinous Soul (0 mp)
Just the Facts (0 mp)
Elf Guard Cooking (0 mp)
Elf Guard Relaxation Techniques (0 mp)
Attract Snakes (50 mp)
Hide From Seekers (50 mp)
Reindeer Games (0 mp)
Master Egg Hunter (0 mp)
Holiday Multitasking (0 mp)
Seal Clubbing Frenzy (1 mp)
Thrust-Smack (3 mp)
Lunge Smack (1 mp)
Lunging Thrust-Smack (8 mp)
Super-Advanced Meatsmithing (0 mp)
Blubber Up (7 mp)
Fortitude of the Muskox (0 mp)
Audacity of the Otter (0 mp)
Tongue of the Walrus (10 mp)
Hide of the Walrus (0 mp)
Claws of the Walrus (0 mp)
Batter Up! (0 mp)
Rage of the Reindeer (10 mp)
Pulverize (0 mp)
Double-Fisted Skull Smashing (0 mp)
Northern Exposure (0 mp)
Musk of the Moose (10 mp)
Snarl of the Timberwolf (10 mp)
Clobber (1 mp)
Harpoon! (30 mp)
Hibernate (1 adv)
Cold Shoulder (0 mp)
Wrath of the Wolverine (0 mp)
Buoyancy of the Beluga (0 mp)
Scowl of the Auk (10 mp)
Furious Wallop (0 mp)
Club Foot (8 mp)
Seething of the Snow Leopard (0 mp)
Ire of the Orca (0 mp)
Thirst of the Weasel (0 mp)
Cavalcade of Fury (15 mp)
Northern Explosion (16 mp)
Precision of the Penguin (0 mp)
Pride of the Puffin (30 mp)
Patience of the Tortoise (1 mp)
Headbutt (3 mp)
Skin of the Leatherback (0 mp)
Shieldbutt (10 mp)
Armorcraftiness (0 mp)
Ghostly Shell (6 mp)
Reptilian Fortitude (10 mp)
Empathy of the Newt (15 mp)
Tenacity of the Snapper (8 mp)
Wisdom of the Elder Tortoises (0 mp)
Astral Shell (10 mp)
Amphibian Sympathy (0 mp)
Kneebutt (4 mp)
Cold-Blooded Fearlessness (0 mp)
Hero of the Half-Shell (0 mp)
Tao of the Terrapin (0 mp)
Spectral Snapper (20 mp)
Toss (1 mp)
Summon Leviatuga (40 mp)
Spirit Vacation (1 adv)
Shell Up (6 mp)
Stiff Upper Lip (10 mp)
Blessing of the War Snapper (15 mp)
Spiky Shell (8 mp)
Spirit Snap (10 mp)
Blessing of She-Who-Was (30 mp)
Butts of Steel (0 mp)
Testudinal Teachings (0 mp)
Pizza Lover (0 mp)
Blessing of the Storm Tortoise (50 mp)
The Long View (0 mp)
Spirit Boon (30 mp)
Patient Smile (10 mp)
Turtle Power (100 mp)
Manicotti Meditation (1 mp)
Ravioli Shurikens (4 mp)
Entangling Noodles (3 mp)
Cannelloni Cannon (8 mp)
Pastamastery (10 mp)
Stuffed Mortar Shell (8 mp)
Weapon of the Pastalord (32 mp)
Lasagna Bandages (6 mp)
Leash of Linguini (12 mp)
Spirit of Rigatoni (0 mp)
Cannelloni Cocoon (20 mp)
Spirit of Ravioli (0 mp)
Springy Fusilli (10 mp)
Tolerance of the Kitchen (0 mp)
Flavour of Magic (0 mp)
Spirit of Cayenne (0 mp)
Spirit of Peppermint (0 mp)
Spirit of Garlic (0 mp)
Spirit of Wormwood (0 mp)
Spirit of Bacon Grease (0 mp)
Spirit of Nothing (0 mp)
Transcendental Noodlecraft (0 mp)
Fearful Fettucini (32 mp)
Spaghetti Spear (1 mp)
Tempuramancy (0 mp)
Utensil Twist (1 mp)
Transcendent Al Dente (1 adv)
Bind Vampieroghi (12 mp)
Arched Eyebrow of the Archmage (10 mp)
Bind Vermincelli (30 mp)
Bringing Up the Rear (0 mp)
Bind Angel Hair Wisp (60 mp)
Shield of the Pastalord (20 mp)
Bind Undead Elbow Macaroni (100 mp)
Thrall Unit Tactics (0 mp)
Bind Penne Dreadful (150 mp)
Subtle and Quick to Anger (0 mp)
Bind Lasagmbie (200 mp)
Wizard Squint (10 mp)
Bind Spice Ghost (250 mp)
Bind Spaghetti Elemental (150 mp)
Sauce Contemplation (1 mp)
Stream of Sauce (2 mp)
Expert Panhandling (0 mp)
Saucestorm (6 mp)
Advanced Saucecrafting (10 mp)
Elemental Saucesphere (10 mp)
Jalapeño Saucesphere (5 mp)
Wave of Sauce (10 mp)
Intrinsic Spiciness (0 mp)
Master Saucier (0 mp)
Saucegeyser (24 mp)
Saucy Salve (4 mp)
Impetuous Sauciness (0 mp)
Diminished Gag Reflex (0 mp)
Irrepressible Spunk (0 mp)
The Way of Sauce (0 mp)
Scarysauce (10 mp)
Salsaball (1 mp)
Deep Saucery (0 mp)
Curse of Vichyssoise (2 mp)
Simmer (1 adv)
Icy Glare (10 mp)
Soul Saucery (0 mp)
Inner Sauce (0 mp)
Curse of Marinara (4 mp)
Itchy Curse Finger (0 mp)
Curse of the Thousand Islands (6 mp)
Saucecicle (12 mp)
Antibiotic Saucesphere (15 mp)
Curse of Weaksauce (8 mp)
Wry Smile (10 mp)
Sauce Monocle (20 mp)
Blood Sugar Sauce Magic (0 mp)
Saucemaven (0 mp)
Disco Aerobics (1 mp)
Disco Eye-Poke (2 mp)
Nimble Fingers (0 mp)
Disco Dance of Doom (3 mp)
Mad Looting Skillz (0 mp)
Disco Nap (8 mp)
Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo (4 mp)
Disco Fever (10 mp)
Overdeveloped Sense of Self Preservation (0 mp)
Adventurer of Leisure (0 mp)
Disco Face Stab (8 mp)
Advanced Cocktailcrafting (10 mp)
Ambidextrous Funkslinging (0 mp)
Heart of Polyester (0 mp)
Smooth Movement (10 mp)
Superhuman Cocktailcrafting (0 mp)
Tango of Terror (8 mp)
Suckerpunch (1 mp)
Salacious Cocktailcrafting (0 mp)
Deft Hands (0 mp)
Disco State of Mind (0 mp)
Frantic Gyrations (0 mp)
That's Not a Knife (0 mp)
Tricky Knifework (0 mp)
Flashy Dancer (0 mp)
Disco Smirk (10 mp)
Disco Greed (0 mp)
Knife in the Dark (10 mp)
Disco Bravado (0 mp)
Disco Shank (13 mp)
Disco Dance 3: Back in the Habit (10 mp)
Disco Inferno (15 mp)
Sensitive Fingers (0 mp)
Disco Leer (10 mp)
Moxie of the Mariachi (1 mp)
Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude (40 mp)
The Moxious Madrigal (2 mp)
Cletus's Canticle of Celerity (4 mp)
The Polka of Plenty (7 mp)
The Magical Mojomuscular Melody (3 mp)
The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith (5 mp)
Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption (13 mp)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (11 mp)
The Psalm of Pointiness (15 mp)
Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction (9 mp)
Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority (30 mp)
The Ode to Booze (50 mp)
The Sonata of Sneakiness (20 mp)
Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation (20 mp)
Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance (30 mp)
Dirge of Dreadfulness (9 mp)
The Ballad of Richie Thingfinder (50 mp)
Benetton's Medley of Diversity (50 mp)
Elron's Explosive Etude (50 mp)
Chorale of Companionship (50 mp)
Prelude of Precision (50 mp)
Sing (0 mp)
Donho's Bubbly Ballad (75 mp)
Dissonant Riff (2 mp)
Cadenza (0 mp)
Crab Claw Technique (0 mp)
Accordion Bash (5 mp)
Accordion Appreciation (0 mp)
Concerto de los Muertos (8 mp)
Five Finger Discount (0 mp)
Suspicious Gaze (10 mp)
Bawdy Refrain (11 mp)
Thief Among the Honorable (0 mp)
Sticky Fingers (0 mp)
Cone of Zydeco (15 mp)
Master Accordion Master Thief (0 mp)
Knowing Smile (10 mp)
Mariachi Memory (0 mp)
Mild Curse (1 mp)
Transcendent Olfaction (0 mp)
Aug. 1st: Mountain Climbing Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 2nd: Find an Eleven-Leaf Clover Day (0 mp)
Aug. 3rd: Watermelon Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 4th: Water Balloon Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 5th: Oyster Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 6th: Fresh Breath Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 7th: Lighthouse Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 8th: Cat Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 9th: Hand Holding Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 10th: World Lion Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 11th: Presidential Joke Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 12th: Elephant Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 13th: Left/Off Hander's Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 14th: Financial Awareness Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 15th: Relaxation Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 16th: Roller Coaster Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 17th: Thriftshop Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 18th: Serendipity Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 19th: Honey Bee Awareness Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 20th: Mosquito Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 21st: Spumoni Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 22nd: Tooth Fairy Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 23rd: Ride the Wind Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 24th: Waffle Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 25th: Banana Split Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 26th: Toilet Paper Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 27th: Just Because Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 28th: Race Your Mouse Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 29th: More Herbs, Less Salt Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 30th: Beach Day! (0 mp)
Aug. 31st: Cabernet Sauvignon Day! (0 mp)
Rest upside down (0 mp)
Swoop like a Bat (0 mp)
Summon Cauldron of Bats (1 mp)
McHugeLarge Stab (0 mp)
McHugeLarge Avalanche (0 mp)


If I were to guess, I'd wonder if it wasn't failing because for the weapon slot, it only had stolen accordion and none and the accordion is two-handed. It finds a better combo with none and august scepter, but since you can't equip an off-hand without a weapon, both fail.

That's where I'd start looking, anyway. But it's odd, because I do have weapons, like the boot knife and candy cane sword cane, so it could do an on-and-off hand combo. It just didn't consider the 1 handed weapons once it decided on an off-hand instead of a 2 handed weapon.

That could be a red herring.
This has happened to me again I believe 3 times in the last few days (autoscend, Normal Zoot). Sometimes closing and reopening mafia resolves it. Today I pulled Nuge's crossbow to see if that would resolve it (after seeing your post, MCroft) to no avail. Here's some debug info.

> debug output
[fake arrow-through-the-head (1,708), astronaut helmet (1,710), Apriling band helmet (1,769)]
[Apriling band helmet]
[hobo code binder (1,644), stuffed astral badger (1,644), McHugeLarge left pole (1,646), Roman Candelabra (1,689), august scepter (1,719), oversized monocle on a stick (1,769)]
[oversized monocle on a stick, McHugeLarge left pole]
[McHugeLarge duffel bag (1,585), bat wings (1,769)]
[bat wings, McHugeLarge duffel bag]
[old sweatpants (1,700), tearaway pants (1,769)]
[tearaway pants]
[datastick (1,648), astral belt (1,651), McHugeLarge right ski (1,658), McHugeLarge left ski (1,669), Everfull Dart Holster (1,676), cursed monkey's paw (1,686), yamtility belt (1,710), Cincho de Mayo (1,769), spring shoes (1,899)]
[spring shoes, Cincho de Mayo, yamtility belt, McHugeLarge left ski, McHugeLarge right ski]
[Knob Goblin tongs (1,644), Knob Goblin tongs (1,644), McHugeLarge right pole (1,644), McHugeLarge right pole (1,644), candy cane sword cane (1,677), candy cane sword cane (1,677)]
[candy cane sword cane, McHugeLarge right pole]
[toy Cupid bow (1,769)]
[toy Cupid bow]

> inv
1 (4)
2002 Mr. Store Catalog
astral belt
astral pilsner (6)
astronaut    helmet
august scepter
beery blood (5)
big rock
Black and White    Apron Meal Kit
bowl of cottage cheese
candy cane sword cane
Clan    VIP Lounge key
closed-circuit pay phone
crunchy brush
cursed    microwave
cursed monkey's paw
cursed pony keg
Everfull    Dart Holster
fake arrow-through-the-head
goat cheese
groveling    gravel
gunpowder burrito (5)
inflammable leaf
Knob Goblin tongs
Mayam    Calendar
McHugeLarge duffel bag
McHugeLarge left pole
McHugeLarge    left ski
McHugeLarge right pole
McHugeLarge right ski
old    sweatpants
Roman Candelabra
S.I.T. Course Completion Certificate
Sept-Ember    Censer
server room key
stuffed astral badger
stuffed yam stinkbomb
TakerSpace    letter of Marque
talking spade
The Nuge's favorite crossbow
whet    stone
yam (3)

> equip

Hat: Apriling band helmet
Weapon:    (none)
Off-hand: oversized monocle on a stick
Shirt: (none)
Pants:    tearaway pants
Back: bat wings

Acc. 1: Cincho de Mayo
Acc. 2:    spring shoes
Acc. 3: yamtility belt

Pet: Jill-of-All-Trades (1    lbs)
Item: toy Cupid bow

(Edit: Didn't realize Nuge's crossbow has a 30 moxie requirement, which I don't meet. Will try to pull an item I can use.)
(Edit edit: Pulled a sawed-off blunderbuss, which is immediately equippable. Pulling this unblocked the script. This supports MCroft's suggestion!)
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If I were to guess, I'd wonder if it wasn't failing because for the weapon slot, it only had stolen accordion and none and the accordion is two-handed. It finds a better combo with none and august scepter, but since you can't equip an off-hand without a weapon, both fail.

That's where I'd start looking, anyway. But it's odd, because I do have weapons, like the boot knife and candy cane sword cane, so it could do an on-and-off hand combo. It just didn't consider the 1 handed weapons once it decided on an off-hand instead of a 2 handed weapon.

That could be a red herring.

Available weapon choices are none and 2 handed. Numerically a one handed weapon plus something offhand is a better choice. Maximizer picks that and then fails because cannot equip offhand without a mainhand. Correct?
In that case the "bug" might better be described as the maximizer recommends an impossible combination - none, plus offhand. Correct?

That might be easily testable. I'll add that to mist although the list is long enough that I keep forgetting what is on the bottom of it.
If it tests and succeeds, great, good test for a viable condition and one less thing to futz with. If it tests and fails, also great.

Thanks for keeping at this.
Also, it looks like we try to take care of that very case

(Evaluator.java, line 143+)
// Equipment slots, that aren't the primary slot of any item type,
// that are repurposed here (rather than making the array bigger).
// Watches have to be handled specially because only one can be
// used - otherwise, they'd fill up the list, leaving no room for
// any non-watches to put in the other two acc slots.
// 1-handed weapons have to be ranked separately due to the following
// possibility: all of your best weapons are 2-hand, but you've got
// a really good off-hand, better than any weapon.  There would
// otherwise be no suitable weapons to go with that off-hand.
static final Slot OFFHAND_MELEE = Slot.ACCESSORY2;
static final Slot OFFHAND_RANGED = Slot.ACCESSORY3;
static final Slot WEAPON_1H = Slot.STICKER3;
Edit: I don't see in that block where we take care of offhand but not a weapon, but that doesn't mean we don't.
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