Recent content by jasonharper

  1. jasonharper

    Matching single lines in multiline text blocks

    You can turn on the multiline flag by putting (?m) at the start of the regex.
  2. jasonharper

    Question on Count();

    count() of a multidimensional map requires you to explicitly specify some number of keys, starting from the left, and gives you the count of distinct values of the first (leftmost) key that you didn't specify. If you want to count values of that int key, for given values of the other two keys...
  3. jasonharper

    On detecting (and aborting) infinite loops in scripts

    If you were crafting something in bulk, that didn't have any way to create more than one at a time, you might reasonably submit the exact same URL many times in a row, with the adventure count not changing. Perhaps the adventure count, along with the hash code of the session tally, would detect...
  4. jasonharper

    Feature ability to predefine records enabling record recursion

    Merely allowing forward declaration of record types would NOT solve this problem. ASH has no concept of null values; every field of a record is filled in with an object of appropriate type at the moment a record is created. A recursively-defined record would therefore require infinite memory...
  5. jasonharper

    continuationState and relay scripts

    The continuationState could be made a ThreadLocal instead of a global variable. I'm not sure if the GUI is running in the same thread as normal script execution, so it might be difficult to get the GUI to turn red/gray at appropriate times.
  6. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    Because people were screaming bloody murder about the Maximizer making useless changes in equipment, for slots where you had no truly useful items.
  7. jasonharper

    Debug Logs on OSX

    Also, if you're running a new enough version of OSX (10.5, I think), there will be a little document icon on KoLmafia's main window titlebar if a debug log has been generated. You should be able to drag that icon to your text editor to view the log, without having to dig around in folders.
  8. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    Due to outfit bonuses and other synergies, it can't really tell how much any one slot contributed to the overall score.
  9. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    If it didn't work that way, and you didn't have a useful item for every slot, there would be cases where the maximizer removes an item you had equipped, and replaces it with something completely useless (rather than leaving the slot empty). I recall some people getting really bent out of shape...
  10. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Let maximizer stop when it is not finding a better score

    If you want to maximize faster, then stop using +equip - except in the case of using it with +outfit, in which case there's no other way to express that interaction. Instead, equip those items manually, then exclude their slots in the maximization. This should perhaps be automatic, but there...
  11. jasonharper

    Feature - Implemented Maximizer Goals

    That's almost certainly going to fail (unless you have 2000 HP naturally), because there will be no reason to include any HP-increasing items in the shortlists.
  12. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug ash "contains" operator does not work for $strings

    Put a backslash in front of the comma to escape it. You can also use \] to get a closing bracket in the string, or \\ for an actual backslash.
  13. jasonharper

    Bug - Not A Bug Modifier Maximizer significantly slower than in the past

    If maximization is taking too long, and you think it's found a good enough combination already, you can hit ESC and have it finish up (with a warning about possible non-optimality).
  14. jasonharper

    KoLMafia Data Location Nonexistant

    The Library folder is hidden by default. Easiest way to reveal it is probably to pull down the Go menu in the Finder with the option key held down - Library will appear as one of the items.
  15. jasonharper

    Form of...HTML!

    Go for it.