This is a simple script to find the names of all the demons, as requested here. It requires zarqon's canadv.ash and zlib.ash to work. This script should be completely working now. 
Make sure you have the latest versions of canadv and zlib, both have changed recently and it won't work unless you have the latest versions!
09.07.09 - correctly states that the pie demon has been found after finding it (thanks Jason)
09.04.09 - changed the pie demon function a bit, lets see if it gives the correct feedback now. also, zaqon made a change to canadv for me, so update your copy and it should work now.
09.03.09 - now tries multiple times to find the pie demon name instead of just once. added some comments for readability. made the feedback a bit more useful.

Make sure you have the latest versions of canadv and zlib, both have changed recently and it won't work unless you have the latest versions!
09.07.09 - correctly states that the pie demon has been found after finding it (thanks Jason)
09.04.09 - changed the pie demon function a bit, lets see if it gives the correct feedback now. also, zaqon made a change to canadv for me, so update your copy and it should work now.
09.03.09 - now tries multiple times to find the pie demon name instead of just once. added some comments for readability. made the feedback a bit more useful.
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