
Anything you could share that tells us why you believe that instead of, for example, a setting that got clobbered when you lost your settings and had to rebuild?

In the meantime, if you uninstall and reinstall this script, it should work. If the problem really has the same root cause then some other script will break. That will help script authors figure out where the conflict is and how to resolve it.
I wouldn't know what settings to look for that might do this. Currently, apart from some custom daily deeds buttons I had worked up prior to losing settings, I think I've got everything back to how it was before they were lost. What may be a coincidence is that Bastille stopped working for me at the same times as Cargo Shorts UI (which I have uninstalled). I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and Bastille still doesn't work for me. And I don't use the other script that was causing the issue with Cargo Shorts.
Since it works for veracity but doesn't work for you, maybe you could tell us why you say that it doesn't work? What do you do? What do you expect to happen? What did happen? Are there any messages in the gCLI or session log that might indicate a problem?
Why I said it didn't work for me: Because it seems to not be doing anything, anymore on my end. GUI doesn't not show up, like it used to.
What I did when it was working: Use Bastille Battalion and use the GUI to automate the choices and pick rewards.
What I was doing outside of Ronin when it's not working: Having to manually click though Bastille Battalion as if the script was inactive, so uninstalled it after a couple of days.
Error messages and other attempts before I uninstalled it: Attempting to use functionality from Graphical CLI window in mafia reported an error on line 0 of Bastille.ash. No debug log auto-generated. I hadn't thought far enough ahead to manually start one, or to copy/paste the error. And I was into a new ascension by the time anyone responded to what I'd posted.
What I plan to do: Currently, I'm on a standard run, so I can't do further testing until I'm out of ronin. After I'm back out of Ronin, I'll try reinstalling the script again and see if it works.
"error on line 0 of Bastille.ash." sounds like the file was corrupted so the uninstall and reinstall is the first suggestion.
Ok. Reinstalled and now Bastille spits out an error on line 1. "relay/choice.ash could not be found (bastille.ash, line 1)"
I had to manually create a debug log to capture this.


Try upgrading to r20743 and newer.

Manually install or delete and reinstall Ezandora's Choice Override.

relay/choice.ash is installed by Choice Override and the message could be cause by something as simple as the file not being there.
Mafia's having a fit for the ages over Bastille.ash today, for some reason...uh, halp plz?

Reserved word 'modifier' cannot be a variable name (bastille.ash, line 2337, char 52 to char 60)
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2341, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Reserved word 'modifier' cannot be a variable name (bastille.ash, line 2451, char 52 to char 60)Type given but not used to declare anything (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 2 to char 12)
Expected }, found = (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 11 to char 12)
Missing return value (bastille.ash, line 2451, char 16 to char 61)
Empty or unknown node (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 11 to char 12)
Type given but not used to declare anything (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 13 to char 22)
Expected numeric value, found to_lower_case (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 22 to char 35)
Expected ;, found to_lower_case (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 22 to char 35)
Function 'to_lower_case( )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (bastille.ash, line 2453, char 22 to char 35)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2458, char 52 to char 60)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2462, char 41 to char 49)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2466, char 37 to char 45)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2467, char 49 to char 57)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2474, char 45 to char 53)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2483, char 13 to char 21)
Cannot return when outside of a function (bastille.ash, line 2493, char 9 to char 15)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2493, char 48 to char 56)
Unknown variable 'modifier' (bastille.ash, line 2497, char 55 to char 63)
Cannot return when outside of a function (bastille.ash, line 2501, char 9 to char 15)
Empty or unknown node (bastille.ash, line 2503, char 1 to char 2)
WARNING: Unreachable code (bastille.ash, line 2508, char 2)
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2586, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2586, char 49 to char 62) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2586, char 93 to char 106) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 49 to char 62) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 93 to char 106) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 139 to char 152) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 187 to char 200) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 232 to char 245) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2595, char 273 to char 286) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2599, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2609, char 6 to char 19) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2614, char 11 to char 24) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2629, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2659, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2661, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2675, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2953, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2963, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 2974, char 6 to char 19) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
Reserved word 'modifier' cannot be a variable name (bastille.ash, line 3452, char 11 to char 19)
Function "my_path_id" is deprecated (bastille.ash, line 3531, char 9 to char 22) Changing 'my_path_id()' to 'my_path().id' will remove this warning
> bastille muscle

Function    'to_buffer(string)' overrides a library function. (bastille.ash, line    1756, char 8 to char 29)
Function    'choiceOverrideDiscoverChoiceIDFromPageText( buffer )' undefined. This    script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting    scripts. (bastille.ash, line 5408, char 38 to char 80)

I'm using the latest build :(