this has showed me just how many scripts include zlib. New life, OCD inventory manager, ezandora's guide, ezandora's bastille battallion...I got a "Bad monster value: "the clownlord beelzebozo" (zlib.ash, line 708)" today, I assume because Veracity fixed the names in mafia's data files. I can fix it for myself easily enough, but I assume it is something that it'd be good to put in order in the script proper too![]()
This just reminded me...Well... it's because I changed monster names to be case sensitive in ASH. Just like items, effects, etc.
However, unlike those latter ones, there's no code, yet, to be case-tolerant and give "friendly warnings" rather than errors.
I'll do that, eventually.
Expression syntax errors for 'modifier_eval()':
Can't understand maxmp*0.5 (zlib.ash, line 194)
at eval (zlib.ash:194)
at to_event (BatBrain.ash:290)
at add_skill (BatBrain.ash:1426)
at build_skillz (BatBrain.ash:1462)
at build_options (BatBrain.ash:1501)
at act (BatBrain.ash:2223)
at main (wham.ash:1415)
I'll stick this here. Batfactors, which I do not care to understand how to edit and upload, possibly has bad data. zLib complains and thus WHAM aborts. One of the Latte skills has "maxmp*0.5" which zlib does not understand. I don't know whether this is a batfactors error or there is a zlib upgrade that needs to be released.
fvars["maxhp"] = my_maxhp();
skill 7302 Offer Latte to Opponent 0 0 once, custom attract, !! usable 1/refill
skill 7302 Offer Latte to Opponent 0 -maxhp*0.5 once, custom, mp maxmp*0.5, !! usable 1/refill
If a script can cause mafia to throw a null pointer exception, that a mafia bug.
For some reason this statement really bothers me.
I didn't think about that. I don't program very often in Java.Is it because if mafia can make java throw a null pointer exception it’s clearly a java bug?
Uh?ZLib has been updated from r40 to r40 since you last ran it.